Batman/Detective Comics Series Discussion *Spoilers*

Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*


Issue 664 made my day. We're already having aspects of Morrison's first story weave into the story, and I'm getting the feeling this is going to turn out like Morrison's New X-Men. I'm going to read his run from first issue to last and realize how tightly everything ties together, that seeds planted throughout, that were overlooked the first time, are all going to connect in weird and wacky ways. And I have NO clue where this run is going. If you've been turned off by Morrison's Batman, pick up this issue. It's got all the Morrisonian weirdness, but at the same time, it's told like Batman issues we've come to expect over the years - classically gritty and urban.

So, summary. Gibraiter. Bruce is casually having a conversation with Jezebel (the artist he met at the London Modern Art Gallery), while an army of Man-Bat bodies is getting carted off behind him. They meet up off in the mountains, where Bruce parachutes in. There's banter, along with a really *****in' homage to the ski scene in View To A Kill. Bruce ends up taking down a paparazzi helicopter thinking it's bad guys (although it's pretty obvious Batman would never make that mistake). Cool stuff. Bruce is setting up his public persona as a daredevil, but doping up the careless angle (sort of like Clark's nerdiness) to prevent the Batman/Bruce connection from ever being made. They have a heart to heart, talk about his dead parents. He says "I got over it." He clearly hasn't.

Batman is eavesdropping a meeting between a local pimp and cops. The cops want to hire girls, presumably for one of their own. The girls refuse to. Apparently, the guy the cops are hiring for is killing and mutilating girls. The cop's response is basically, "You've got to keep his appetite sated, because if he gets loose, we're all ****ed." Batman drops in, kicks ***, interrogates the pimp, and has some cool dialogue with the hookers.

"Hey, Batman! You want, I'll do you a freebie."
"I'm busy right now keeping the streets safe, Roxy. What's up?" :D

Then he helps an underage hooker find a job, and finds out from the girls that there is a guy out there mutilating girls, he is a cop, and he's called Monster.

Batman finds the Monster's lair, which is covered in the bodies of hookeres. He finds one still alive, along with needles. Maybe for heroin, maybe for Venom (they don't specify).

Then Monster pops in. He's got the physique of Bane with a weird fetishized Batman costume that looks like it was pieced together from kiddie Hallowen costumes. Bane pummels Batman. Meanwhile, Batman's starting to put pieces together - about the cop who shot Joker, about a black casebook. "Everyone's in danger. Stay conscious." BLAM! He gets cracked out of consciousness.

It was a good issue, a very good issue. I think it's pretty clear that Monster is the cop who capped Joker, who's now gone off the reservation and is pumping himself with Venom. The other cops are afraid to do anything about him, instead just keeping him sated by feeding him hookers. Somehow Monster's tied to a mysterious black casebook, and somehow, (as per the solicits) it all brings us back to Joe Chill - the murderer of Bruce's parents. The crooked cops are involved in something deep, something that ties into Bruce's past and something in this past either led to Monster shooting the Joker, or the shooting made the cops on the precinct too damn afraid to do anything about him.

*sigh* But we have to wait 'til May to know what happens.
Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*

I really liked it. The art does nothing for me though. I can't wait for JHW3 to get on.
Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*

I really liked it. The art does nothing for me though. I can't wait for JHW3 to get on.

Really? I'm loving the art. Jez has that perfect upper-crust artist look to her, and there were some really nicely framed panels. Him sitting at the table, desperately bowed over with the snow and the mountains taking up the panel and the close-up of his eyes when he says "I got over it." were awesome. And Kubert gives a very ethereal quality to Batman. He has an unearthly, ghostly look, sort of floating across the landscape. It seems to really fall in line with the Bats from Batman Begins.
Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*

Really? I'm loving the art. Jez has that perfect upper-crust artist look to her, and there were some really nicely framed panels. Him sitting at the table, desperately bowed over with the snow and the mountains taking up the panel and the close-up of his eyes when he says "I got over it." were awesome. And Kubert gives a very ethereal quality to Batman. He has an unearthly, ghostly look, sort of floating across the landscape. It seems to really fall in line with the Bats from Batman Begins.

I don't know... the Kuberts have never really done anything for me.
Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*

The other Kubert's work on Action Comics is atrocious to me, but I'm really digging this.

Heh, I'm the other way around. I think the art on Action Comics is a lot better than this. I really liked the Bizarro fight panels.

It's funny we don't know which one's doing which.
Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*

Heh, I'm the other way around. I think the art on Action Comics is a lot better than this. I really liked the Bizarro fight panels.

It's funny we don't know which one's doing which.

They're Kuberts. That's all that matters. Jason and Adam, right? I don't have a clue which is which.
Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*

They're Kuberts. That's all that matters. Jason and Adam, right? I don't have a clue which is which.

Adam and Andy. I can never keep them straight. They have their moments. I like them overall but can definitely see why someone might not.

Andy is doing the art on Batman currently - he did 1602 and Origin as well. I think his work here is better than Origin and Ultimate Iron Man.

This issue was good but I need to go back and read Morrison's previous issues. I like that this sort of ties in with the first few issues and if this stretches out into something like New X-Men...well, that's alright with me.

But the breaks in the run are hurting it. I hope we've seen the last of them.
Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*

Yeah, I don't think this is the right thread for this discussion...
Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*

Yeah, I don't think this is the right thread for this discussion...


Seriously guys - stay on topic. That was ridiculous.
Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*

#665 was alright. I love Morrison's work---but I'm just not really digging it here.

Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*

Yeah, Morrison's Batman has been a massive pile of crap so far. I like Casebook X though.
Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*

Really. I'm really digging it.

It's not bad per se.....but I think it's not measuring up to the Morrison hype. I mean there were some pretty awesome things so far on his run like Damian.....the ninja manbat fight in the art gallery (but that was really all Kubert).....having Batman show some actual fear from almost having his back broke again.....and a couple other things. But for the most part---it's all been meh.
Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*

I dunno, VVD. I just got the new issue today, and I like it a lot. Sure, Morrison's written better, but it's better than just "meh". I like it even more than Dini's detective comics.
Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*

I'm pretty meh on this. I think it'll read better in trade. Years from now. When its all done and they put out a collection of specific issues that inspired it all too.

I think its a bit too pseudo-noir for me. I mean Noir is one way to play Batman, but Morrison's running with the grittier side instead of the Black Comedy Noir often plays out as.

And the Action Kubert is doing better work right now. When it comes out. I did like the Batman Kubert better, mainly for his 1602 work which I don't see him topping anytime soon.
Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*


Seriously guys - stay on topic. That was ridiculous.

I love coming back, having missed a whole discussion, because the mind creates something so much worse than what was probably there... Hee.

Also? I love this book, and I don't care what you think. So there.
Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*

I love coming back, having missed a whole discussion, because the mind creates something so much worse than what was probably there... Hee.

You didn't miss anything really. It was just Mole and some random other person going on about the WB's entertaining-yet horribly mediocre "The Batman" cartoon.

So there...I bursted the fantasy bubble. Welcome back to reality suckah!
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Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*

Dude. What the hell is wrong with you people? This is the best Batman run I've seen in a LONG time, and easily one of the best books out right now. Morrison's got a clear definition of where this story is going, and he's clearly setting some seeds to explore Bruce's psyche. He managed to hit a lot of beats this issue without anything feeling tacked on. I felt like the Kubert art was some of the best yet. And it's cool to see Batman tangling with the vaguely supernatural. Personally, I love it.
Re: Batman Series Discussion *Spoilers*

Dude. What the hell is wrong with you people? This is the best Batman run I've seen in a LONG time, and easily one of the best books out right now. Morrison's got a clear definition of where this story is going, and he's clearly setting some seeds to explore Bruce's psyche. He managed to hit a lot of beats this issue without anything feeling tacked on. I felt like the Kubert art was some of the best yet. And it's cool to see Batman tangling with the vaguely supernatural. Personally, I love it.

I don't think is THAT good, but with the last issue, they connected all Morrison's run in a single story. It's starting to get really good now. The last Batman... is it Damian?