Batman Begins (Movie spoilers)

Dr.Strangefate said:
The thing thats bad about comparing other types to him is that he precedes ALL of them...

He's a Batman kinda guy... he doesn't do relationships, he fakes relationships to make people think Bruce Wayne is a typical playboy... Its all a front.

Catwoman and Talia were close, also Wonder Woman... but those were because they approached the Real bruce, not the one people see in the paper.

He FAKES relationships? He wants that sort of image? Why? Doesn't that do something to his character? I find that sort of odd...
Goodwill : Bruce fakes relationships that make him come off as an irresponsible and indulgent playboy, and yes, he does want that image. It makes him less likely too suspicion of being Batman, the fact that they come off as so totally different. His cover stories nonwithstanding though, Bruce is capable of making and keeping relationships.

Johnny Bravo : No. No Angelina. I didn't, er, THEY didn't get rid of Katie Holmes to go a step lower and get Jolie. Lets stay out of the cesspool.
Batman Begins pulled in another 26.7 million (approx.) at the U.S. Box office this weekend, making it number 1 in the country for the second week in a row. Although many were disappointed with how it perfomed over last weekend (46 million was well under the predictions), the percentage drop from 46 to 26 million is far less than the 1st weekend to 2nd weekend drops of many other superhero movies (including Spidey 2, I think!). :D
Entropy said:
Johnny Bravo : No. No Angelina. I didn't, er, THEY didn't get rid of Katie Holmes to go a step lower and get Jolie. Lets stay out of the cesspool.

Eh THEY did get rid of Katie Holmes and......I'm trying to understand what you said but......the hell?Cesspool?
Entropy said:
Goodwill : Bruce fakes relationships that make him come off as an irresponsible and indulgent playboy, and yes, he does want that image. It makes him less likely too suspicion of being Batman, the fact that they come off as so totally different. His cover stories nonwithstanding though, Bruce is capable of making and keeping relationships.
Bingo. C'mon folks, you see some of the stuff that people like Paris Hilton get up to. I think that in this day and age, you're not a real celebrity until you've had your first big scandal.
I... I was not satisified.

The film was okay. It wasn't bad. But it wasn't really any good. It was a bit better than the Spider-Man films, and they weren't that top notch either.

The Batmobile was cool, and Ra's was cool, so was Scarecrow, especially the discovery of who Ra's really is too, I liked Gordon and Alfred and Fox too. It was not a bad film at all.

But it felt... I dunno. Kinda pointless. There's wasn't much too it.

I'd just like a superhero film that really moved me.

It was okay, and an enjoyable couple of hours - just nothing really special at all. Felt very... samey.

In my opinion, the best thing about it was a) no CGI and b) the actors (except Katie Holmes - why the **** wasn't Talia the love interest?).

The main things that pissed me off was the whole, Batman training with the league, refusing to kill anyone, then burns down the building, killing Ra's, and probably some soldiers, and the guy he was supposed to kill too. Then, in a car chase, he's probably horrifically hurt dozens of police men and crippled the GCPD. If that wasn't bad enough, he's trying to save an impoverished Gotham by causing millions of dollars in property damage.

But the really big thing that pissed me off was how Carmine got arrested. He was in a car, at a drop. This guy is a mob boss that owns HALF OF GOTHAM and he goes to a drop with a group of footsoldiers and a crooked cop?! That's a load of ****ing bull****. The leaders of organised crime do not get their hands dirty, that's why you can't put them away. They have captains, and enforcers to do all the dirty work for them. I mean, I found it kind of embarrassing.

But apart from those two points (and Katie Holmes) I have to say the film was fine. I enjoyed it, it was a good time, but apart from Oldman, Neeson, Freeman, and Caine, I found it to be unremarkable.
Bass said:
I... I was not satisified.

Yeah, but you're picky. You seem to hate every comic book movie.

The main things that pissed me off was the whole, Batman training with the league, refusing to kill anyone, then burns down the building, killing Ra's, and probably some soldiers, and the guy he was supposed to kill too. Then, in a car chase, he's probably horrifically hurt dozens of police men and crippled the GCPD. If that wasn't bad enough, he's trying to save an impoverished Gotham by causing millions of dollars in property damage.

Agreed. During that temple scene, thats all I could think about.
Bass said:
The main things that pissed me off was the whole, Batman training with the league, refusing to kill anyone, then burns down the building, killing Ra's, and probably some soldiers, and the guy he was supposed to kill too. Then, in a car chase, he's probably horrifically hurt dozens of police men and crippled the GCPD. If that wasn't bad enough, he's trying to save an impoverished Gotham by causing millions of dollars in property damage.

Yes, it does bring some questions, but what else could Batman do in both situations to make it more "peaceful"? There's some stuff that looks fine in paper but difficult to implement. He was in very volatile situations, and had to do his best to get away, still in line of his principles, he refuses to kill anyone directly and he never does the offensive regarding the cops.

Knowing that only you can stop the crime spree in Gotham because of your knowledge of Ra's Al Ghul's plans, having to avoid arrest and revealing your identity to the public and having to take home Rachel who is in grave need of medical attention is one hell of a situation that you have no time to make out a case study.

The same problems goes with the League of Shadows incident. Ra's will not take no for an answer, and Bruce Wayne knows of their evil plot against Gotham. The explosives were the only way for Bruce to get away so he had to take it.
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It's not so much that he did all these things - it's that he seems not to CARE that he did these things. No remorse, nothing. Just, "I won't do anything bad to anyone... unless I really, really have to." Still, these are little plot holes, and really, just observations.
Bass said:
It's not so much that he did all these things - it's that he seems not to CARE that he did these things. No remorse, nothing. Just, "I won't do anything bad to anyone... unless I really, really have to." Still, these are little plot holes, and really, just observations.

But Batman does the exact same things in comics. He does what he feels needs to be done, and doesn't mind who gets hurt in doing it. I mean, Batman hospitalizes villains, he doesn't go soft on them... And these little acts of destruction cement the fear instilled in the people of Gotham.
It's not him leaving them in hopsital - but leaving them for dead.

Also, the comics don't usually spend a long time talking about how he wants to fix his city and how poor everyone is, then have him destroy most of the police force and its buildings.
Wow, surprised this is on page 3. Does anyone have the script that was evidently all over the Internet at some point? I'm trying to find Ra's speech to Bruce in the prison, about devoting yourself totally to an ideal, can't stop you, yadda yadda yadda...
jtg3885 said:
Wow, surprised this is on page 3. Does anyone have the script that was evidently all over the Internet at some point? I'm trying to find Ra's speech to Bruce in the prison, about devoting yourself totally to an ideal, can't stop you, yadda yadda yadda...

Uh, this is on page 7...
ProjectX2 said:
Uh, this is on page 7...
Page 5 for me.

Oooh those fiddly preferences make everything relative don't they. dunno if we're coming or going.

Ok, Batman Begins. Good movie, not perfect, I hated the editing and the pushing of us into thinking "wow, that batmobile is sooo cool" by a couple of bystanders when it actually wasn't that cool.

I didn't walk out of the cinema thinking it was amazing, I was a little let down, but not horribly so. It was better than the bulk of summer blockbusters.
Well, I really do think the characters were the strongest point in this movie. Bruce, Rachel, Alfred, Lucius, etc. All of them were fleshed out pretty well for the first movie in the franchise. Also, although the plot followed a very strict comic plot, it was quite effective for a spectacular ending. I don't see what you're complaining about... DC or not, I would say this is one of the best super hero movies I've seen.
Goodwill said:
I would say this is one of the best super hero movies I've seen.
So would I. I can't really put my finger on why I didn't think it was amazing. There was no particular flaw in the film that stood out (the editing just wasn't to my taste) that would really get me standing on a soapbox.
I just didn't love it as much as I thought I would. I didn't have a lot of fun while watching it.

Maybe it was just that Katie Holmes, she was terrible, but didn't really have a massive impact on the movie for me.
Christian Bale was good though, I always enjoy watching him, Michael Caine was (as always) a joke, but no-one but me seems to realise that he's a crap actor. Neeson (as always) was good, Oldman was underused.

I dunno, I just don't think there was any emotional impact to any of it. Maybe that was it.
Guijllons said:
Oldman was underused.

I agree. I honestly think the bit where he's in the batmobile? To me, that bit reminded me of similar moments when the 'damsel in distress' is in that situation. You know what I mean? Generally, the bumbling around in the hero's toys is the woman's role. It occurred to me, considering Holmes was a DA and thus in law enforcement, they didn't make Gordon much more importan and drop Holmes and have him do all her stuff (and all the romantic bollocks could be done with Talia played by an actual actress).

Guijllons said:
I dunno, I just don't think there was any emotional impact to any of it. Maybe that was it.

BINGO. I totally agree. There's just no point to the film. It's not a bad film, and it's better than say any of the 'competition' out there (though not by much) but it's just ultimately pointless.
Guijllons said:
Page 5 for me.

I guess it depends on the amount of posts you have set to fit on a page. Mines 15.