Batman: Arkham Asylum

......Did this whack job just call Kevin Conroy a ''Christian Bale imitator''?


Yeah, while everyone knows that I'm not the biggest diniverse Batman fan, I recognize that Kevin Conroy is one fine actor, and is the best Batman voice... ever.

As to the Dini poke from the reviewer, even I think that was a step too far.

BTW, my giggling at the article is more in the kind of laughing you do when you see someone stick their head in a hornet's nest and start screaming "STING ME!!".
So, we are weeks away and there still hasnt been confirmation that all these other villains are in the game... What's up with that?

I wouldn't be surprised if the revealed villain list is the final cut for bosses, with cameos from other characters.
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So, I really like the wide variety of option you have to take down any group of thugs in any given situation. I think it will help prevent the game from becoming tiresome. I do wish the demo would have given a hint of the upgrade system and access to a challenge map, though.

Anyway, I found two Riddler trophies. Did anyone else have better luck?
Found this comment interesting:

Batman Arkham Asylum Demo Impressions" Comments
Kpow says:
Fri Aug 07 12:13:41 PDT 2009
Re: Batman Arkham Asylum Demo Impressions
Let me just start off by saying you're a f*cking moron. First off, you got the Xbox demo on a damned PC. The voice actors are the originals from all the animated shows, Kevin Conroy and Mark Hamill. The guy in the TRAILER is not trying to be Christian Bale, he's a damned announcer that does every trailer for any movie or game ever made. You can't hear the audio tapes? Get better speakers, they're completely audible. Batman has a 5:00 shadow? Well, it IS night, isn't it? Or was he supposed to shave in the Batmobile on the way to Arkham for you? Can't jump? Well, when has Batman EVER jumped in a movie, tv show, or comic? He falls from above onto people. There is no instance where you even have to jump, and if you do, it does it for you very well. Please retire from ever making the world suffer with your idiodic reviews ever again.
I found the graphics on the characters to leave a little to be desired. But it's a minor complaint. Batman looks the worse. Joker and Harley looked great.
"When does Batman EVER jump...?"

Um...lots of times in pretty much every incarnation of Batman, ever? :?

I have to admit, not being able to jump is going to be a bit weird.
"When does Batman EVER jump...?"

Um...lots of times in pretty much every incarnation of Batman, ever? :?

I have to admit, not being able to jump is going to be a bit weird.

You can jump in combat. Aside from that, I don't see why a hop button is all that necessary.
I didn't even notice not being able to jump in the demo. He jumps automatically in fight sequences and you get to jump/swoop down on people so you don't really miss a "jump" button.

I thought the fighting control is great.

I am looking forward to this.
I didn't even notice not being able to jump in the demo. He jumps automatically in fight sequences and you get to jump/swoop down on people so you don't really miss a "jump" button.

I thought the fighting control is great.

I am looking forward to this.

You can also use the run button to trigger acrobatic jumps in combat. It also serves as a context button for climbing surfaces. Presumably, it could be similarly used to jump over pits or whatever if the situation warrants.
Now... my request.... a GOOD Superman game.

There's so many problems that prevent that from happening. Games are about challenge, there has to be possibility that you lose at any moment, but how can you lose if your character has god like powers. Also unlike Hulk, Superman can't go on random GTA rampages.
Now... my request.... a GOOD Superman game.

Now that's just crazy talk.

Wonder Woman game would rock though.Making it all about greek gods and such.

There's so many problems that prevent that from happening. Games are about challenge, there has to be possibility that you lose at any moment, but how can you lose if your character has god like powers. Also unlike Hulk, Superman can't go on random GTA rampages.


What type of game would Supe fit in anyway.

Hulk works in a sandbox game with destroyable objects and Batman seems to work in a stealth game.

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