Batman (1966)/Wonder Woman (1975) - Timeline (outdated)

Why does there have to be a megaverse, can't they just be separate realities with similarities to each other?
Aldo, we already discussed that, of all the realities are in the same multiverse, why the Crisis events doesn't affect all the earths, Even the stories. The monitor and the anti-monitor are multiversal singularity and both go through different events in the 1985 Crisis of infinite earths comic event and the 2019 Crisis of infinite earths TV event. Before you says that the multiverse Is infinite and can't affect all the earths, we wouldn't have the reboot multiverses both from the comics and TV. We can Even go with the name if all the earths are in the same multiverse we have 3 Earth-prime, 1 from the comics, 1 from the live action stuff and 1 from animation. Literally there Isn't One single thing that works by putting all the earths into One multiverse.
I can understand why ther a separate multiverse for the comics but what does Crisis rebooting earths have to do with its effect on the rest of the Multiverse?
When has DC ever officially acknowledged the megaverses existence?
The comic multiverse was Born during the 60s, then they did crossovers with Marvel so the megaverse with Marvel was created during the 70s and more prominent during the 80s since Earth-1 Barry ended up to Marvel's Earth-616 After the Crisis. The animated multiverse was started really with the DCAU into the 90s and we can Say that Is a different multiverse since Darkside doesn't work Like his comic counterpart. The live action multiverse was started in the 2010s during the arrowverse run and had different earth numbers, Darkside is again a multiversal singularity and we have different Crisis events. So Like you see the megaverse was revealed Little by Little.
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I can understand why ther a separate multiverse for the comics but what does Crisis rebooting earths have to do with its effect on the rest of the Multiverse?
Coz we coudn't go to the next phase of the multiverse. If the Crisis doesn't affect all the multiverse we can't have a post-crisis multiverse etc...
I'm going to use a Marvel analogy here not all earths were affected by the Battleworld event though
The comic multiverse was Born in 1935, then they did crossovers with Marvel so the megaverse with Marvel was created during the 70s and more prominent during the 80s since Earth-1 Barry ended up to Marvel's Earth-616 After the Crisis. The animated multiverse was started really with the DCAU into the 90s and we can Say that Is a different multiverse since Darkside doesn't work Like his comic counterpart. The live action multiverse was started in the 2010s during the arrowverse run and had different earth numbers, Darkside is again a multiversal singularity and we have different Crisis events. So Like you see the megaverse was revealed Little by Little.
Changing the subject, I was actually thinking about this yeaterday. Barry Allen from Earth-1 ended up in Marvel Earth-616, but that was a one sided crossover by Marvel part, that was contradicted by subsecuent explanations about what happened to Barry Allen like he turning into the lightning that hit him, etc. But the alternate explanations were Post-Crisis, and a version of the Crisis happened in Post-Crisis but with one Earth, so, if we make a distinction between the Post and Pre Crisis Barrys, then could it be that in fact Burried Alien IS Pre-Crisis Barry Allen, ironically by "dying" in the Crisis he is one of the few survivors of the Pre-Crisis Multiverse. I have got something wrong or does it make sense?
I'm going to use a Marvel analogy here not all earths were affected by the Battleworld event though
You Mean Secret Wars 1984? Well coz they Returned things to Normal, It wasn't a reboot. The only reboot Marvel had was with the Onslought stuff. And anyway, Marvel and DC multiverses doesn't work the same way.
Changing the subject, I was actually thinking about this yeaterday. Barry Allen from Earth-1 ended up in Marvel Earth-616, but that was a one sided crossover by Marvel part, that was contradicted by subsecuent explanations about what happened to Barry Allen like he turning into the lightning that hit him, etc. But the alternate explanations were Post-Crisis, and a version of the Crisis happened in Post-Crisis but with one Earth, so, if we make a distinction between the Post and Pre Crisis Barrys, then could it be that in fact Burried Alien IS Pre-Crisis Barry Allen, ironically by "dying" in the Crisis he is one of the few survivors of the Pre-Crisis Multiverse. I have got something wrong or does it make sense?
Or maybe he didn't end up on earth-616 yet, he Is a bit older there.
Changing the subject, I was actually thinking about this yeaterday. Barry Allen from Earth-1 ended up in Marvel Earth-616, but that was a one sided crossover by Marvel part, that was contradicted by subsecuent explanations about what happened to Barry Allen like he turning into the lightning that hit him, etc. But the alternate explanations were Post-Crisis, and a version of the Crisis happened in Post-Crisis but with one Earth, so, if we make a distinction between the Post and Pre Crisis Barrys, then could it be that in fact Burried Alien IS Pre-Crisis Barry Allen, ironically by "dying" in the Crisis he is one of the few survivors of the Pre-Crisis Multiverse. I have got something wrong or does it make sense?
Also if I Remember correctly didn't happened a Crisis of infinite earths in post Crisis, It was Just the original charachters Remembering the Crisis on the post Crisis bodies.
What I meant with the Secret Wars event was that not all universes were affected
If you Mean the 1984 event, but this Is the same Even if we talk about the 2015 too, all the earth were combined into Battleword during the event, but at the end they Returned things to Normal. Even in the 2015 event since they stated that the ultimate universe Is out there. So It really wasn't a reboot in the First Place, you can't compare secret Wars to a Crisis event.
I'm not comparing it to a reboot my point is that not all universes were affected by Secret Wars
Also if I Remember correctly didn't happened a Crisis of infinite earths in post Crisis, It was Just the original charachters Remembering the Crisis on the post Crisis bodies.
I thought that the crisis happened but with one Earth. Instead of the Antimatter universe trying to destroy the infinite matter universes, it was with the Antimatter Universe trying to destroy the Matter Universe (New Earth). Flash (Wally West) and Zoom (Hunter Zolomon) did even travel to the Crisis. I don't know were I got the info, I just learned it long ago and always thought it was like that.
I'm not comparing it to a reboot my point is that not all universes were affected by Secret Wars
Secret Wars Isn't a reboot Like a Crisis event, Marvel did only One (soft) reboot and It was with Onslought. The Marvel multiverse changed only during the secret Wars event, not After. The multiverse After and before secret Wars Is the same, the only thing Is that the earth-1610 Heroes now lives on earth-616, so again this wasn't a reboot. And don't take ultimate invasion into this, the maker hasn't created a new universe from zero he Just went to the past of earth-1610 and changed things, and all of this Is affecting One timeline, not the multiverse Like Flashpoint. So comparing Marvel's events with DC's Isn't right coz they don't follow the same rules, Even the single universes doesn't work the Same. Marvel doesn't have years when the stories take Place since 1963, While DC has Always years and a Linear timeline. Like you they work in different ways.
I thought that the crisis happened but with one Earth. Instead of the Antimatter universe trying to destroy the infinite matter universes, it was with the Antimatter Universe trying to destroy the Matter Universe (New Earth). Flash (Wally West) and Zoom (Hunter Zolomon) did even travel to the Crisis. I don't know were I got the info, I just learned it long ago and always thought it was like that.
I don't really Remember right now, I should re-read Crisis on infinite earths for having a confirmation, but I Remember at 100% that Crisis on infinite earths #10-12 happens in the 2000s in new earth.
I'm not seeing Secret Wars is or was a reboot I'm saying that not all universes were affected by Secret Wars in 2015
I'm not seeing Secret Wars is or was a reboot I'm saying that not all universes were affected by Secret Wars in 2015
All the earths were effected, the comics can't show all the earths, if One Isn't shown doesn't Mean that Is ok there, Like nothing Is happening. How can the multiverse be in danger of all the multiverse Isn't affected? A Universal threath it's a threath that can affect all the universe, the same applies with the multiverse.
There were only 62 domains in Battleworld though, that's not the entire multiverse though and since your saying that the entire Marvel Multiverse was affected that would include the MCU to.
There were only 62 domains in Battleworld though, that's not the entire multiverse though and since your saying that the entire Marvel Multiverse was affected that would include the MCU to.
if the events of loki seaseon 1 happened before secret wars, yup the MCU was there too, if not then it wasn't there.