Batman (1966)/Wonder Woman (1975) - Timeline (outdated)

When you compare Two Face from Batman 66: The Lost Episode and Two Face from Batman vs Two Face they have two completely different backgrounds
They technically hint that Two-Face could return in the movie. So, normal Harvey Dent overcomes his evil side, then gets scarred, then becomes Two-Face again. It's not the cleanest but it's acceptable. That comic is also the most disposable since it's technically based on unused material if I recall correctly, but it still fits in a weird way.
Why would Two Face want to be evil again?
So for the Little informations I know, the comics have notes referencing episodes from the series. The Two face comic you are referencing Is called the Lost episode and the First animated movies the Returns of the caped crusader. All of this evidences tell US that all this media are intended to be set in the same Universe as the TV series. Even the problem with the Lost episode can be explained Like mr. Pro Bot sayed, but if you won't take that Remember that continuity errors are a thing. The post-crisis comic universe new-earth had both retcons and continuity errors. So this can be One of this cases.
They technically hint that Two-Face could return in the movie. So, normal Harvey Dent overcomes his evil side, then gets scarred, then becomes Two-Face again. It's not the cleanest but it's acceptable. That comic is also the most disposable since it's technically based on unused material if I recall correctly, but it still fits in a weird way.
That's what Pro Bot said though
I'm saying that, at worst, it's disposable because it's based on an unused script, but that it still fits canon. It's literally a comic called "The Lost Episode". It's still canon but you can see why it could be ignored.
Why does there have to be a megaverse, can't they just be separate realities with similarities to each other?