That's another theory going around. As much as I love that character and was sad to see him "die," I hope that's not the case. That would only cheapen the sentiment and I'd like to have faith that Joss wouldn't do that. We'll see....

His death is his defining moment. Why would you want to take that away?

Cause Nick Fury has never manipulated anyone before?
You sound like all of those people who didn't believe Two-Face was dead in The Dark Knight.
Leave him dead. Don't make these movies all comic book-y.
There's still more Agent Coulson in the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon (voiced by Clark himself) and he's been introduced into the Marvel Universe proper too.
There's still more Agent Coulson in the Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon (voiced by Clark himself) and he's been introduced into the Marvel Universe proper too.

Along with a hilariously contrived Sam Jackson Fury.

Eww pass. She's good being the quirky hipster friend, but not the Lady of Mischief.

Tilda Swinton, hands down. Hell, she should have been Male Loki as well, she does androgyny soooo well.

I mean seriously, look at this, she IS Loki


My dreamcast for Terry Gilliam's Thor was going to have a Loki playing both genders. The closest I could come up with was Helena Bonham Carter. But Tilda is too perfect. Consider your idea stolen.
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What the cast will get paid for Avengers that includes bonuses.

"According to multiple knowledgeable sources, Iron Man/Tony Stark is set for a highflying payday of about $50 million once box-office bonuses and backend compensation are factored in. (Two sources claim the number could go higher than $50 million once the ultimate box-office haul of Avengers is known, but another cautions that it could be years before the final number is known.)


As Marvel launched other hero pics that would lead up to Avengers, the studio struck hard bargains. Two sources say Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Jeremy Renner and Mark Ruffalo all signed on for small upfront fees and ultimately will make about $2 million to $3 million on Avengers with bonuses. Samuel L. Jackson and Scarlett Johansson, who signed deals to pop up in several Marvel movies, are said to be making about twice that for Avengers with bonuses."
I finally saw this last night. It was very good. I agree that Ruffalo stole the show as Banner. My only minor complaints with it were I wish Hulk spoke more and why did they make Hulk walk like a gorilla? Other than that I can't find much to complain about with this flick. Oh and it's a bit tragic the aliens were such throwaways. All in all it was the best of the Marvel movies by far. Thanos at the end rocked! Although I am hoping that the Thanos tease was not for the next Avengers movie but for the Guardians of the Galaxy movie instead. But I doubt it.
Why are we all posting in this thread again? What happened to the spoilers thread?
More plx.

It turns out Nick Fury had a black son that no one knew about. He was in the military and after Marvel's last big event he went on a grand adventure where he joined SHIELD, lost an eye, and shaved his head. And he's called Nick Fury know because even though Nick Fury Sr. disavowed all knowledge of his presence, he apparently didn't get rid of the birth certificate, and his mom named him after Nick, so as a grown man, he's taking his daddy's name.
It turns out Nick Fury had a black son that no one knew about. He was in the military and after Marvel's last big event he went on a grand adventure where he joined SHIELD, lost an eye, and shaved his head. And he's called Nick Fury know because even though Nick Fury Sr. disavowed all knowledge of his presence, he apparently didn't get rid of the birth certificate, and his mom named him after Nick, so as a grown man, he's taking his daddy's name.

You're joking right?
It turns out Nick Fury had a black son that no one knew about. He was in the military and after Marvel's last big event he went on a grand adventure where he joined SHIELD, lost an eye, and shaved his head. And he's called Nick Fury know because even though Nick Fury Sr. disavowed all knowledge of his presence, he apparently didn't get rid of the birth certificate, and his mom named him after Nick, so as a grown man, he's taking his daddy's name.

Who wrote this?