So I'm watching all the Avengers lead up movies to get ready for the Avengers next weekend. I watched Iron Man and Iron Man 2 back to back last night.

I mentioned this before, but now I'm convinced of it: the new element that Tony rediscovers to power his chest-arc-reactor is the same element the tesseract/cosmic cube is made of. Howard Stark mentions it's been his life's work and in the journal Tony is looking through, there's a drawing of a tesseract/hyper-cube (4th dimentional cube). I wonder if that's going to be important, or if it's just an easter egg.
Captain Canuck said:
So I'm watching all the Avengers lead up movies to get ready for the Avengers next weekend. I watched Iron Man and Iron Man 2 back to back last night.

I'm on The Incredible Hulk tonight, I just noticed for the first time that there's an Easter egg of Rick Jones during the opening credits.
What is all this? I didn't feel like sitting through 8 minutes of him talking...can anyone summarize that video?

He blows the villain of A2 wich is exactly who everyones expecting (not Ultron) and he blows the end of the second act that causes everyone to start working as a team

somebody dies


uhm I think I can get away with spoiler tags now without the sidebar thingy
Agent Coulson dies at Loki's hand, and this sets up Thanos for A2
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He blows the villain of A2 wich is exactly who everyones expecting (not Ultron) and he blows the end of the second act that causes everyone to start working as a team

somebody dies


uhm I think I can get away with spoiler tags now without the sidebar thingy
Agent Coulson dies at Loki's hand, and this sets up Thanos for A2

I was pretty surprised they let this info get out before the US release. The whole "villain for the next movie" thing wasn't that big a deal but the death should have been kept under wraps.
i didn't watch the video b/c i didn't want to know. I don't even want to know that someone dies. Because I can pretty much narrow it down between two people just by thinking about it.

i didn't watch the video b/c i didn't want to know. I don't even want to know that someone dies. Because I can pretty much narrow it down between two people just by thinking about it.


Let me just ruin it for you completely then.

Gerry Conway's Mindworm dies.
Sorry. I tried avoiding any specifics that were contained in the video when I posted it.

oh, i'm not mad at you. Stuff always gets spoilered.
Let me just ruin it for you completely then.

Gerry Conway's Mindworm dies.
This review was brilliant. Thank you for that laugh. This movie was epic EPICNESS. I'm going to the theatre tomorrow to see it my 8th time. Gotta help them get to a billion!

Eight? I mean I'm a comic nerd, and a movie nerd, but eight seems excessive.
Well, they already reached a billion. I would've seen it more, but stupid Army keeping me late at work and making me wake up early. I was gonna see it at least 10 times before I admitted I needed an Avengervention. The only person I know who's seen it more is Pat Loika, who's seen it 12 times so far.
Friday said:
Eight? I mean I'm a comic nerd, and a movie nerd, but eight seems excessive.

I never watch movies. Only comic movies. It's completely unintentional, I just never have interest in other movies. People are constantly surprised by what I haven't seen.