Animated Crossover-verse


Well-Known Member
Sep 10, 2023
a timeline of media from the franchises such as Adventure Time, Groening's Futurama, MacFarlane's Family Guy and spin offs and other media we can somehow contrive into this timeline.

if anyone can think of a catchier title i'll more than oblige it

This timeline, while predominately based on dates provided in the likes of post-apocalyptic adventure time and futurama or the vague medieval setting of Disenchantment, operates under the assumption that the vaguely modern settings of the simpsons, family guy, american dad, etc, all operate under a sliding timeline, and thus this timeline will simply provide the IRL release dates for these episodes

Franchises added so far include:
Adventure Time
Samurai Jack

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-Beginning of Time:
(CN) Adventure Time: 6x26, "Gold Stars": 09:39-09:53

-2 Billion BCE:
Samurai Jack: 3x11, "The Birth of Evil(1)": 01:25 - 04:37

-65 Million BCE:
Samurai Jack: 3x11, "The Birth of Evil(1)": 04:37 - 07:24
(Pixar) The Good Dinosaur 0:00:47 - 0:01:37
(CN) Samurai Jack: 3x11, "The Birth of Evil(1)": 07:25 - 09:03
Adventure Time: 6x24, "Evergreen": 00:31 - 10:39
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I've been working my way through Samurai Jack. I'd love to compare notes.
what i've added so far is more or less the end of there being any kind of fixed dates since the show doesnt really provide any dates so i just set "the past" in 1603, being the vague period the aesthetic seems to have been based off while also allowing for the other cultures in the show to generally still be medieval enough like the Scots, while setting "the future" more or less according to release dates.

However the watch through i did making the Jack stuff in this timeline as only my first ever so i might notice more fixed details i missed before

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