Yes, and cancer's nicer than ebola. So what?
Anyhoo, this is another stupid issue. I used to enjoy JMS' Spidey, but then the New Avengers got involved, and its absolutely insufferable right now. It's not even remotely enjoyable to me.
New Costume? All the preview covers are distinctly the same as the old one. New Powers? I could care less.
Also, Morlun comes back from the dead with no explanation, and everyone seems unfazed by it. I'm not surprised as 'coming back from the dead' happens all the time. I mean, it just happened now. Peter's back and everyone goes, 'Yep. *sigh* At least the previous 'mourning' issues are now gratuitous.'
Oh yeah - and Spider-Man was terminally ill, wasn't he? What happened to that? Oh right, it got retconned three issues after it started. I can only hope the same thing happens to "The Other". :sick:
I love JMS - but his Spider-Man is just so bad at the moment.