Shi_Vral said:
[Rant]So, one of the major problems with the stories is the discrepancies between UMTU and UIM. If that's such a big deal, why isn't everyone as upset about UFF? Because, the way I see it, 20-some-odd issues that almost completely contradict the UMTU story seems a lot worse then a 5 issue mini that still has a chance to explain why things have been presented in this different way.
Ummm, the UFF appearances/mentions in UMTU don't necessarily contradict anything. Sure, their appearance in the Ultimate Spider-Man Super Special as their older selves and the mentions of Doom are kind of "iffy", but not in relation to the way I set up the timeline. Yes, they're much younger otherwise than the USMSS appearance, but thats negligable. Tony suddenly having a brain-body isn't really.
Lets think about it for a min. Lets say you're Tony. You have a brain throughout your body (I understand you guys feel this is unbelievable, or at least to much of a change from what you're "used" to, but lets go with it for a sec) and you go into Business. Do you really want people to know that your brain spreads throughout your body, or do you want them to think you're just a normal, smart kid who got adopted? I know which I'd choose. People aren't very understanding of things they don't understand (look at the X-Men) and I don't care how great a product is, a lot of people wont buy it if its made by some wierdo with a brain throughout his body. So, I'm guess that everything in the speach Peter makes aside from the "Tony and Reed in College" comment was fabricated for the sake of business.
That makes the most sense and is what I assume will happen (hopefully). But he still has a brain all over his body.
So, maybe the background Peter seemed to be pulling from will be explained, maybe Tony will get adopted in the next 2 issues, and maybe this Brain throughout Body thing isn't any less belivable than a guy who shoots a bow and arrow better than anyone, a god (or someone developing a hammer than can teleport to other dimentions) or anything else in the Ultimate universe. I release the idea is to create more "beliveable" characters, but I have to say that I belive in the new Tony a lot more than the "I'm just really smart with a normal brain" Tony.[/Rant]
So you believe a brain-body is more believable than someone with a genius level IQ? Let me sell you some land...
Caduceus said:
Also, and note my knowledge of this issue is severely lacking because I effectively choose to ignore Team up for the most part, isn't the UFF issue officially out of continuity? The joke issue?
Yes, it was never meant to be a part of continuity, so the only UMTU mentions of the UFF/Doom occur in UMTU #4-5, 14, and the Super Special. There's really no continuity screw-ups if the first two UFF arcs are placed before this time.
Shi_Vral said:
From the way people talk about it on here, its in. It just causes a bunch of headaches. I don't know that there has been an "official" ruling on it, but the first thing I ever heard about it was that they were all out, except maybe the Lizard/Man-Thing issue because it is referenced in USM.
Yes, there has been an official ruling on it: both Bendis and Millar say they're all in continuity, except #9, the comedy FF issue. And whoever told you they were all out didn't know what they were talking about or just gave you their personal preference.
UltimateE said:
UltimateE Brian Bendis himself specifically said that everything is in EXCEPT for #9, which was the joke issue. But there were other referencesin the series; I believe a reference was made in the Super Special for instance. DIrishB could tell you all of them.
Yes, thank you.
14rdb said:
You know, I had the same thoughts, so I did some digging around at other major forums and looked at various review sites, etc. What I found was by and large a positive reaction. Probably the opposite of the 20/80 (like to despise) feeling found here. And the negative comments were mostly directed at Card's personal beliefs rather than the story.
Card doesn't seem to have any clue about the reaction in either direction. One interview called it a 'smash hit' and he said he had no idea because he's not clued into the comic book community at all and was happy to hear people liked it.
As for the 'smash hit' thing, it's pretty much right. The last issue was a pretty big seller. It outsold Ultimate X-Men, Ultimate Spider-Man, Ultimate Fantastic Four, and the Ultimate X-Men and Ultimate Spider-Man Annuals. The only Ultimate title that sold better was the Ultimates Annual and not by much.
And for Marvel's reaction -- well obviously they are going to spin things no matter what they really feel, but they claim they sought out Card because they wanted a radical revamp of Stark's origin and that's what they got. Plus with sales how they are, I'm sure they're quite pleased.
Exactly what I wanted to know, thanks.
Hawkeye101 said:
I would like to point out that Maybe the Marvel Editors wanted something more from UMTU that what BMB wrote. I mean Ultimates contradicts the arcs.
No, no they don't. From now on look into what you're referencing instead of throwing out unfounded ideas.
The Iron Man issue? He went to college accross the Hall from Reed? Ultimates Clearly states he was done with College at eleven, there was no way (being he's thirty and Reed is Twenty-Two) they EVER went to College together and Ultimates Came out before UFF and UIM.
Tony is older than 30 (more like mid to late 30's). You keep assuming their ages with no evidence. But otherwise you're right about the other stuff. Then again, if we assume Tony concocted the whole UMTU #4 origin that Pete gave for privacy reasons, then it makes sense.
redhulk said:
I want you to repeat, "Tony's brain is his entire nervous system." Until you realize just how stupid of an idea that is
Veering off topic but
Um, actually I can go into LOADS of reasons why that isnt actually a stupid as you think..In fact its pretty true. Science has recognised for a long time the spinal coard plays a huge part in learning not justs the brain and there is nothing revoultionary about that. Initially you learn things with too much conscious or brain control, as you improve the spinal cord does more of the work...this would what you would call 'the nervous system' in effect acting as a brain by controlling and co-ordnating actions. And reason you can drive a car while forgetting about the tedious stuff of clutches and thinking too much.
*Although if you are arguing about upper and lower central/motor nervous systems thats getting a lot more complex but same holds.
Reflexes are the body acting in a so called 'independently' from the brain and yet we only look at the brain differently from the spinal cord and nerves for the sake of understanding not for any true reason.
*as this is how we learn things, in 'modular parts' even though the body isn't lego.
This is NOT even getting into the DNA or HOLOGRAPHIC thoery of learning and intelligence. (memorys stored in other tissues not just neuronal)
So it might sound sucky but probably more 'real science' and closer to the real way of learning than, say, people trying to tell me hawkeye is actually the redskull..
*vauge attempt at trying to avoid deletion and getting back on target
That does nothing to explain why his entire body being his brain isn't an asinine idea. So yes, you were right, it was a completely off-topic post.