Am I the only person who actually likes Ultimate Iron Man?

Re: Ultimate Iron Man?

I haven't read this comic, or most of the post on this topic, but from I gathered from the plot it's an interesting premise, but is a horrible idea for the utlimate universe. Becuase the UU should be based on realism, Tony should just be an extremely smart guy that's all. If they did this as Orson Scott Card's Iron Man it would have done much better becuase it would be just to see his take on the character' origin, like Stan Lee's Superman type of thing.
Re: Ultimate Iron Man?

I've read only a few pages of this thread, but does the series really mess up continuity? As long as Tony Stark one day gets held captive in a South American country, develops a brain tumor, and joins the Ultimates, then things seems fairly square.

Also, I read that the Ultimate editors said that Peter Parker's report on Stark was mostly falsified information that the government released, if that what everyone was alluding to as being in contradiction.
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Re: Ultimate Iron Man?

Welcome, Steve.

Steve GMan said:
I've read only a few pages of this thread, but does the series really mess up continuity? As long as Tony Stark one day gets held captive in a South American country, develops a brain tumor, and joins the Ultimates, then things seems fairly square.

DIrishB could give you better details, but part of it is that if he has a healing factor...why would he have a brain tumor? There are other things too, I just don't remember off the top of my head. They are addressed in several threads here (this is far from the only thread on this book on this site).

Steve GMan said:
Also, I read that the Ultimate editors said that Peter Parker's report on Stark was mostly falsified information that the government released, if that what everyone was alluding to as being in contradiction.

That could be, but do you have a link?
Re: Ultimate Iron Man?

UltimateE said:
Welcome, Steve.

DIrishB could give you better details, but part of it is that if he has a healing factor...why would he have a brain tumor? There are other things too, I just don't remember off the top of my head. They are addressed in several threads here (this is far from the only thread on this book on this site).

That could be, but do you have a link?

With the Iron Man story (issues #4-5), Peter explains the history of Tony Stark - a history which has since been proven false by the Ultimate Iron Man mini-series. However, this has since been explained by editors at Marvel as being a flase story put out by Stark Industries to conceal Iron Man's true background.

There's actually a lot of interesting stuff on continuity at the bottom of the page there, I suggest you read it if you like Ultimate comics.

As for the brain tumor thing, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. The mini-series isn't done yet and there's a second on the way. Plus, Loeb will be dealing with it in his run, so who knows.

And thanks for the welcome, good to be here.
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Re: Ultimate Iron Man?

Steve GMan said:

With the Iron Man story (issues #4-5), Peter explains the history of Tony Stark - a history which has since been proven false by the Ultimate Iron Man mini-series. However, this has since been explained by editors at Marvel as being a flase story put out by Stark Industries to conceal Iron Man's true background.

There's actually a lot of interesting stuff on continuity at the bottom of the page there, I suggest you read it if you like Ultimate comics.

Awesome - thanks. I'll definitely check that out.

As for the falsified background - Actually I'm GLAD they addressed this and with a simple but effective problem is that it wasn't in the comic, it was from the editors. If it deals with the storyline, put it in the comic. Maybe they will later in the story, but if that was the case the editors shouldn't have said anything and let the story play out.

Steve GMan said:
As for the brain tumor thing, I guess we'll just have to wait and see. The mini-series isn't done yet and there's a second on the way. Plus, Loeb will be dealing with it in his run, so who knows.

Too true - I was letting myjudgement on the series so far (which is "bad" no matter what the outcome is, it's still being done poorly) get in the way of that it it caused me to pull a Goodwill (when you judge a book without having read the whole thing, but hey at least I've read what's out of it so far). :D

Steve GMan said:
And thanks for the welcome, good to be here.

Good to have you. You've already contributed more than some of the people here. :p
Re: Ultimate Iron Man?

UltimateE said:
Good to have you. You've already contributed more than some of the people here. :p

I take that a personal insult!!! I'll have your head for that E!!!! Nobody insults Doom and lives!!!! :lol:
TheManWithoutFear said:
So wait which ones the fake history? Because Teamup is from Peter's perspective. UIM on the other hand... :twisted:

The report that Peter gives has fake information, Stark's company made it up. But the actual team-up happened.

I like the Iron Man series so far. The foot falling off though was f'ing weird.
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Re: Ultimate Iron Man?

Victor Von Doom said:
I take that a personal insult!!! I'll have your head for that E!!!! Nobody insults Doom and lives!!!! :lol:
Ignore him. He's just a Doombot, and not the real deal.
i got a few comments, if stark was born with regenerative powers wouldnt that make him a mutant? and thus screw up alot of crap that was established in ultimates and ultimate war? (like when prof. x sent out that wave to stop all non mutants in there tracks but wasp was unaffected cause she was ultimates only mutant?)

aside from that, i can buy the cancer thing if were explained a different way, cause cancer is an excellerated rate of the growth of cells (or so i beleive im no doctor, and im sure theres more to it then that) but maybe starks body isnt regenerative as much as hes just constantly growing new cells and that leads to regenerative powers...

what i cant buy is if his bodys a huge brain hes not smart enough to cure his cancer
That's the whole problem with UIM. Like Enterprise, it just doesn't make sense when it's applied to pre-existing canon. If however, it was a stand-alone story set in different continuity, it may not be so bad or draw such ire.

Except Enterprise, which, like Voyager, would've been cancelled before it aired if it wasn't Star Trek. Big pile o' ****.
big danny d said:
i got a few comments, if stark was born with regenerative powers wouldnt that make him a mutant? and thus screw up alot of crap that was established in ultimates and ultimate war? (like when prof. x sent out that wave to stop all non mutants in there tracks but wasp was unaffected cause she was ultimates only mutant?)

This is what I was talking about - good post. I don't remember...was Tony at that scene to where he should have been affected?
big danny d said:
i got a few comments, if stark was born with regenerative powers wouldnt that make him a mutant?
It does not make him a TRUE mutant. More of a "Illegal" mutant. His 'powers' are caused by the blood of the monkey that was in his mother that went into him.
icemastertron said:
It does not make him a TRUE mutant. More of a "Illegal" mutant. His 'powers' are caused by the blood of the monkey that was in his mother that went into him.

Stop. Now re-read that statement. How does that idea sound when you say it aloud?

Thank you, Card.......
I know how it sounds. Trust me, my brain tried to hurt me for thinking it up. Then my second brain kicked that brain's ***. Yes, my brain has an ***.
You know, Tony Stark in the Ultimates exhibits not particular superowers.

So I wouldn't be surprised if the last issue of the serie returns the character to the statu quo somehow.

Otherwise, we should start spreading some of the Card hate to the editors.


Let me join the rank of the heretics and say that UIM isn't that bad on its own merits. It ain't great but it doesn't make me want to wretch or anything. I do sincerely hope that these wacky powers will be resolved in the last issue, though.

Pym is out from issue 6, so if Thor and Fury from this conversation (assuming it is the traitor talking).

Stark or Natascha becomes more likely every day. Natascha isn't American so she doesn't fit ver well with the patriotic speech.

So, Stark? This wouldn't fit well with the eye color theory though because this is still blue eyed Tony in issue 3.
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E.Vi.L. said:
So I wouldn't be surprised if the last issue of the serie returns the character to the statu quo somehow.

Thus rendering both series pointless, which, combined with being almost unreadable, makes it pretty bad. :D

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