ProjectX2 said:
You're really getting attached to MWof aren't you? You're like MwoF to MWoF's LSJL.
You won't understand that, but older members will.
Just so the new members are "in the loop", LSJL = LongShotJimLee. LSJL was a spastic and out-spoken member of the boards way back in the early days (last year basically) who's posts were legendary, much like Bass, Moonmaster, and ManWithoutFear's posts tend to be. He had a wicked sense of humor and was a lot of fun to carry on a thread with. He actually disappeared for awhile and then popped back up under a new psuedonym/handle: HelloMegItsJohn, and it took us all a few days to catch on (LSJL/HMIJ has a rapier wit about him, I tell you). Apparently he and MWoF get along well, though I can't really remember, as I was pretty sure MWoF didn't like anybody.
(This will be Ch. 7 in my upcoming book UltimateCentralites: The Autobiographies, hitting book shelves Spring, 2006, be sure to reserve a copy at your local bookstore).
Hawkeye101 said:
What do you mean attached? If by the fact that I like him better than most of the people here and consider him the closest thing to a friend on-line, then yest I'm attached. If by you mean a homosexual relationship, um.... 1 i'm not even gay, and two, I have no idea what he looks like or anything other than he likes the Ultimate time-line and likes Daredevil.
Wow, you were pretty quick to assume he meant that in a homosexual manner. *coughcoughDenialcoughcough*
Anyway, despite Proj's many jokes on just such a topic, I don't think that was what he meant at all. And hopefully my above dissertation on MWoF's and LSJL/HMIJ's relationship makes that clear.
I do have one question though. If you did knew what he looked like and found him attractive does that mean there's a chance?
But yeah, I guess i like thinking of him as a brother, a brother of Daredevil fandom!
ProjectX2 said:
Awww, crap, and I was hoping it would hold out till I got my chance to play the USM on Friday. Figures...
Hawkeye101 said:
What? Why? Cuz I've found a friend? (You too DIrishB !)
Yeah, Proj is a jealous bastard. Can't blame him though, he's never known love or friendship. His parents raised him in a sheep pen (which might also explain his sexual tendencies to those poor animals).
(By the way, Proj is also covered in my book, Chapter 11...besides the chapter covering Moonmaster its certainly the most horrifying.)