All Star Wonder Woman


Don't expect me to take you with me when I go to s
Sep 15, 2004

Creator Adam Hughes confirmed for Newsarama Sunday afternoon at Comic-Con what has been rumored for some time and strongly hinted at by Dan DiDio Saturday – Hughes will be writing and drawing an All-Star Wonder Woman title for DC.

Hughes – the one-time cover artist for Wonder Woman – told Newsarama it is very early in the process and he hasn't even begun discussing scheduling with DC yet, saying the new title would likely launch sometime in 2007.

Look for more about Hughes All Star Wonder Woman in the future here at Newsarama…

It's official - All Star Wonder Woman will be written and drawn by Adam Hughes!
hm.... Can anyone fill me in on what this guy has drawn and written? I know nothing of him.
Victor Von Doom said:

hm... thanks... His art seems pretty solid, but has he actually written anything?

It seems weird. We have Morrison and Miller who are two of THE most prolific writers in comics doing the writing for the first two All-Star lines, and then a guy who does wicked-*** cover art writing the third? huh...
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He's written two Gen13 minis and some Dark Horse stuff.
ProjectX2 said:
He's written two Gen13 minis and some Dark Horse stuff.

I recognize that. I just find it a little odd that DC doesn't use a bigger name writer for one of their All-Star projects.

I don't know enough about him to say he'll **** it up. I just found the choice curious.

Adam Hughes is one of the best Girly Artists around. I can't get excited over a character that can barely support her own title getting an All-Star comic. I'd be more excited by say All Star Green Lantern written by Warren Ellis, or maybe All Star The Flash by Mark Waid.... I dunno. I doubt I'll pick it up.
Zombipanda said:
"And if you do, please don't replace me with a young Mexican boy pretending to be Spider-Man!"
Yes, very few people realize how prophetic the lines were that they removed from that cover. The story goes that Keith Giffen saw Blue Beetle's future spelled out in his bowl of Alphabits....Among other shocking omens.

"They're going to do a movie remake of Bewitched? And the Dukes of Hazzard? Now, that's just ridiculous."
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moonmaster said:
Yes, very few people realize how prophetic the lines were that they removed from that cover. The story goes that Keith Giffen saw Blue Beetle's future spelled out in his bowl of Alphabits....Among other shocking omens.

"They're going to do a movie remake of Bewitched? And the Dukes of Hazzard? Now, that's just ridiculous."

You're mostly right. He actually saw the future spelled out in his Frankenberry.

Once the Airwolf movie comes out in 2008, the prophecy will be fulfilled completely.
Zombipanda said:
You're mostly right. He actually saw the future spelled out in his Frankenberry.

Once the Airwolf movie comes out in 2008, the prophecy will be fulfilled completely.
I thought "Bossom Buddies: The Movie" was the final sign of the Apocalypse?
moonmaster said:
I thought "Bossom Buddies: The Movie" was the final sign of the Apocalypse?

I forgot Tom Hanks signed on for that. It was part of his three picture deal, to be folowed by Joe Versus the Volcano 2 and and a currently untitled Turner and Hooch sequel in 2009 and 2012 respectively.
thee great one said:
This sounds good to me.
It sounds good to me too. There could not have been a better choice for Wonder Woman's artist. I don't know that he can write, but I also don't know that he can't write. And Wonder Woman is what I want. So I'm ready to like this.