All Star Wonder Woman

Nurhachi said:

When are we gonna get All Star Green Lantern?

No, DC is still an embarrasment, dont get me wrong. But as i stated a while back, the concept of Green Lantern was stolen from Marvel before they could do it. Therefore its the only "DC" character (if you can call him that) that i will read. ANd maybe Batman, he was a MArvel character at first too.

Wonder Woman is just a cheap imitation of Power Princess
Nurhachi said:
No, DC is still an embarrasment, dont get me wrong. But as i stated a while back, the concept of Green Lantern was stolen from Marvel before they could do it. Therefore its the only "DC" character (if you can call him that) that i will read. ANd maybe Batman, he was a MArvel character at first too.

Wonder Woman is just a cheap imitation of Power Princess

I see right through you. You're into DC and you just won't admit it. I can tell you're geeking out about All Star Wonder Woman. :wink:
Nurhachi said:
No, DC is still an embarrasment, dont get me wrong. But as i stated a while back, the concept of Green Lantern was stolen from Marvel before they could do it. Therefore its the only "DC" character (if you can call him that) that i will read. ANd maybe Batman, he was a MArvel character at first too.

Wonder Woman is just a cheap imitation of Power Princess


I hate you.
Baxter said: I can't get excited over a character that can barely support her own title getting an All-Star comic. I'd be more excited by say All Star Green Lantern written by Warren Ellis, or maybe All Star The Flash by Mark Waid.... I dunno. I doubt I'll pick it up.




I'm looking forward to this. I've liked all the All-Star Superman issues quite a bit, and All Star Batman & Robin is at least an interesting read with nice artwork...

I have no doubt I'll enjoy the art on this title, the only other question is the story. Hopefully he can make Wonder Woman interesting.
Baxter said: I can't get excited over a character that can barely support her own title getting an All-Star comic. I'd be more excited by say All Star Green Lantern written by Warren Ellis, or maybe All Star The Flash by Mark Waid.... I dunno. I doubt I'll pick it up.

Hmmmm....never noticed this post before.

Although I'm excited for Adam Hughes awesomeness---I have to agree to an extent. It seems as if they're giving her an All-Star run not because of the possible stories...but just because of name alone.

I mean DC can barely get the core title going. The recent relaunch was awesome and seemed to be off on a strong foundation. But then delays have cooled the interest in the title. It's been like 2 months since the first issue was released. And it's already delayed AND switching creative teams.
Delayed and switching creative teams? I thought it was a bi-monthly book?

And I'm pretty sure Heinberg was always supposed to be doing 5 issues. Jodi Picoult is coming on for an arc, and Terry Dodson is still staying on...
ProjectX2 said:
Delayed and switching creative teams? I thought it was a bi-monthly book?

And I'm pretty sure Heinberg was always supposed to be doing 5 issues. Jodi Picoult is coming on for an arc, and Terry Dodson is still staying on...

I could've sworn it was a monthly ongoing? :?

It's still bollocks that Heinberg is only doing 5 issues and that they're changing artists.
They're not changing artists. Terry Dodson is still doing the book... :?
I'm surprised I haven't posted in this thread.

While it won't be out until this time next year at the earliest (that's assuming Adam has been on schedule with his "11-pages a month", I honestly don't know if he is, isn't, or exceeding that schedule), this series should be great.

What I particularly want to explain is this - Adam Hughes, renown for his talent to display the booty, is often criticised for objectifying women. Wonder Woman walks around in a metal bra and panties. However, Adam's approach to Wonder Woman is beautiful, and I finally found this post by Adam on Newsarama and am quoting it here for reference (I'm amazed I didn't post this already actually), so you can see what I'm talking about.

Adam Hughes said:
Get Comfy... it's a long one.

Well, now it's out; I'm gonna be writing and drawing ALL-STAR WONDER WOMAN. I'd like to thank everyone for their kind words of support. And I'd like to encourage the skeptics to maintain that well-heeled air of indifference, but give us a peek when the book comes out. The great thing about WONDER WOMAN is that she was around long before any of us, and she'll probably be "Still lurking about!" (to quote Daffy Duck) when we've moved on to ur final rewards. My take on Princess Diana won't be definitive, won't be the best, won't be the worst. Just a slightly different take on things. It'll be fun!

I plan on maintaining a consistent web presence during the production of our little epic. I've bit my tongue the last few years(!) when rumors about ALL-STAR WONDER WOMAN have surfaced; now that it's official, I plan on letting EVERYONE know how we're doing. Stay tuned!

As for my take on Wonder Woman, have no fear that ASWW be just a 6-issue character piece, a 132-page WAITING FOR GODOT in star-spangled panties. I've got some action set-pieces planned for this book that'll break my drawing hand. The action will be so big, James Cameron will read this book and spoon his eyes out with his own thumbs! Bryan Hitch's wrists will spontaneously open at the sight of comic vistas so vista-y, it'll make ULTIMATES look like PEANUTS. PEANUTS, I tell you!!

Well, not really. But I'm aiming high, isn't that nice? ALL-STAR WONDER WOMAN will (hopefully) have all the action, drama, and character one can manage in a half-year's worth of funnybooks.

One thing I'd like to address is the comment about Diana's dichotomy: being an ambassador of peace but always ending up a kicker of asses. See, I don't see there as being a conflict there, just a need for a subtle 'alteration of perception'. Don't think of Diana as Gandhi; she's more like Mister Miyagi. She's all about (to me, anyways) finding a peaceful resolution to conflict, always and without exception. She deplores violence. It's when the antagonist INSISTS on taking things to an awful conclusion that Diana sighs, that gentle smile evacuates her lips, and she proceeds to school EVERYONE (the antagonist, the innocent bystanders, the comics reader) in what war is truly about. And it makes her soul-sick to do so.

I think the apparent dichotomy comes from a slight misunderstandting of the Amazons. That being, most folks treat the DC Comics Amazons of Paradise Island as the same ones in Greek mythology. "Technically, Wonder Woman should have only one breast!!!" is something I've heard about 100 times at cons. The DC Amazons and the mythological ones aren't the same. There are dozens of different mythologies about amazons in various regions from various historical periods. Here in the 21st century, we've tended to blend them all together. The general perception is that amazons are man-hating warriors; ministers of death, praying for war (no, no; thank YOU, Xena). All this comes form the original REASON for amazon myths: they're bogeyman stories. Sorry; bogeyPERSON stories. "If you get caught by amazons, you'll be dead meat, son". Amazon myths were all written down by men, keep that in mind; ancient cats that had little time for being nice to women in print.

The Amazons of Paradise Island are something different, they're something else. Ages ago (in the DCU, at any rate), Hercules & his wacky gang of car-crazies get all riled up after the Olympics or some sort of sporting event and proceed to sail up & down the interstate, enslaving good-looking young ladies and doing awful stuff to them. After these gals free themselves, the gods take pity and set them up with a sweet little time-share on a sort of immortal Club Med. Any woman who wants to forsake the things of man can live there in peace and harmony, forever, right? So, when do these ladies become WARRIOR WOMEN, thirsting with a blood-lust that can never be slaked? Well, NEVER, actually.

On Paradise Island, they have no war, no crime, no strife. They have devoted themselves to centuries of art, music, poetry, sports, and basic overall achievement. Very feminine, very 'nester'. Why would they even THINK about making spears and shields? Why, it's obvious to me: civil defense! So that no man can ever enslave any of them again, they MASTER the arts of war. Not to invade other countries or occupy other lands, just to make sure IT never happens again. Paradise Island is one big rape-prevention class, disguised as a toga party. No war, no conflict, no strife, but man alive (that's irony; I read about it WRITING COMICS FOR DUMMIES)! Don't even think about making them dust off the swords & helmets; you will pay rivers of blood, you poor dumb bastard.

THAT'S how I see the DC Amazons. And Diana is the ultimate expression of that "Amazon Ideal" of Peace, Love and Strength. Is the 'Strength' part just for carrying laundry baskets and groceries? Hell, no! If you cannot make peace with your enemies, if loving your enemies does not bring about resolution, then your enemies force you to show them your strength. And Wonder Woman is about as strong as they get.

Anyhoo, that's how I sees it. Not better or worse than anyone else's, just different. Feel free to judge next summer!

Gotta go finish a Supergirl cover, two Catwoman covers, and write the first issue of ALL-STAR WONDER WOMAN. I may have to order Chinese food all this week.


And there's a lot more to his Wonder Woman than that little taste.
I'm surprised I haven't posted in this thread.

While it won't be out until this time next year at the earliest (that's assuming Adam has been on schedule with his "11-pages a month", I honestly don't know if he is, isn't, or exceeding that schedule), this series should be great.

What I particularly want to explain is this - Adam Hughes, renown for his talent to display the booty, is often criticised for objectifying women. Wonder Woman walks around in a metal bra and panties. However, Adam's approach to Wonder Woman is beautiful, and I finally found this post by Adam on Newsarama and am quoting it here for reference (I'm amazed I didn't post this already actually), so you can see what I'm talking about.

And there's a lot more to his Wonder Woman than that little taste.

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So....any news on what exactly this title is about? Besides the fact that it stars Wonder Woman?