All-Star Superman Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

Really? I think #3 is my favourite.

Also, it's amusing that the swear filter has censored your post title. :D
marvelman said:
I like Quitely, but I really cannot stand Dillon. :shrugs:

Same here sorta. Quitely's art was awesome on certain arcs on New X-Men, and most of the time his covers are great. Dillon... I just think his stuff is too bland.
marvelman said:
I like Quitely, but I really cannot stand Dillon. :shrugs:

"Can't stand" is a little strong, but I basically agree.
dillon was great on preacher and punisher, he works well with ennis' writing style. i didnt like his work on xmen, his work on all star superman growns on me with every issue, supermans costume looks great, and the coloring realy stands out. i like ASSM more with each issue.
Rorschach said:
dillon was great on preacher and punisher, he works well with ennis' writing style. i didnt like his work on xmen, his work on all star superman growns on me with every issue, supermans costume looks great, and the coloring realy stands out. i like ASSM more with each issue.
I suppose you mean Quitely?
Dude, you try anything on me, and I'll like... beat you up with a fork whilst having dinner. Fo'real. I'm the king of kings, dontchaknow.
Bass said:
I like Dillon a lot.
When I first started reading Preacher I absolutely hated his art, but by the start of the second trade, it had really grown on me. He's still a bit hit or miss, though.
Ultimate Houde said:
Matt Dillon was great in Crash
ProjectX2 said:
Rorschach is crazy, remember?
Crazy like a fox!
Gadzookie said:
has all star superman #4 come out ? i cant seem to find it anywhere :-(
I believe thats been delayed. You can always check THE Shipping Update List in the Gen. Forum to see what issues have been delayed.
#4 out today.


100/100. Seriously awesome.

First we get Jimmy Olsen, who is a columnist for the Daily Planet who writes a very popular piece called "For A Day" in which he becomes someone for a day - at the opening of the story it's "I Was America's Sweeetheart For A Day" and he's standing there in a bra and wig while his girlfriend who is berating him for being the "Worst Dressed Man in Metropolis" for the second year in a row. Funny. :D

His next piece is "I Was P.R.O.J.E.C.T. Directory For A Day" - he gets a tour of the place, including a mysterious vault labeled "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL DOOMSDAY" - "Doomsday is a legacy of P.R.O.J.E.C.T.'s origins in the US Army's Cadmus Division." :D

Jimmy is walking around on his tour and accidently almost falls into a "world of supergravity - "a newly discovered basement level hidden beneath the known structure of the universe." He calls Superman for help using a signal watch - Clark Kent is in a meeting at the Daily Planet and rushes off.

He saves Jimmy, but he is shown something that P.R.O.J.E.C.T. found recently - black Kryptonite. It turns out black Kryptonite turns Superman into "everything [Superman] is not" - that is - Bizarro Superman!

So Superman is evil and goes back to Earth to do who-knows what, so Jimmy , as acting head of P.R.O.J.E.C.T., calls upon Doomsday, which is a sort of serum that he uses on himself, turning him into a grey monster with bones sticking out all over him - Doomsday! He beats Superman into submission, the black Kryptonite wears off, and all is well. And Jimmy has "I Love Lucy" carved into the moon for his girlfriend.

This was the greatest Superman issue ever created.
E said:
#4 out today.


100/100. Seriously awesome.

First we get Jimmy Olsen, who is a columnist for the Daily Planet who writes a very popular piece called "For A Day" in which he becomes someone for a day - at the opening of the story it's "I Was America's Sweeetheart For A Day" and he's standing there in a bra and wig while his girlfriend who is berating him for being the "Worst Dressed Man in Metropolis" for the second year in a row. Funny. :D

His next piece is "I Was P.R.O.J.E.C.T. Directory For A Day" - he gets a tour of the place, including a mysterious vault labeled "DO NOT OPEN UNTIL DOOMSDAY" - "Doomsday is a legacy of P.R.O.J.E.C.T.'s origins in the US Army's Cadmus Division." :D

Jimmy is walking around on his tour and accidently almost falls into a "world of supergravity - "a newly discovered basement level hidden beneath the known structure of the universe." He calls Superman for help using a signal watch - Clark Kent is in a meeting at the Daily Planet and rushes off.

He saves Jimmy, but he is shown something that P.R.O.J.E.C.T. found recently - black Kryptonite. It turns out black Kryptonite turns Superman into "everything [Superman] is not" - that is - Bizarro Superman!

So Superman is evil and goes back to Earth to do who-knows what, so Jimmy , as acting head of P.R.O.J.E.C.T., calls upon Doomsday, which is a sort of serum that he uses on himself, turning him into a grey monster with bones sticking out all over him - Doomsday! He beats Superman into submission, the black Kryptonite wears off, and all is well. And Jimmy has "I Love Lucy" carved into the moon for his girlfriend.

This was the greatest Superman issue ever created.

Holy piss you are right!!!! This is the best issue I've read. Jimmy Olsen as Doomsday? Normally I'd scoff at mentioning the 2 words together in a sentence.....but worked so well.

I love this book.
Victor Von Doom said:
Holy piss you are right!!!! This is the best issue I've read. Jimmy Olsen as Doomsday? Normally I'd scoff at mentioning the 2 words together in a sentence.....but worked so well.

I love this book.

That wasn't the first "out there" concept that I've seen in this book...things that might look ridiculous to mention if you haven't read the story, but are brilliantly done.

This is the perfect tribute to the corny silver age Superman stories.
E said:
That wasn't the first "out there" concept that I've seen in this book...things that might look ridiculous to mention if you haven't read the story, but are brilliantly done.

This is the perfect tribute to the corny silver age Superman stories.

Totally. The Lois Lane getting super powers from Superman's "sweat" was so out there......but so brilliantly done.
im not a huge superman fan but this is one of my favorite series ever !

doomsday jimmy !!!!!!!!!! lol it was one of my favorite stories ever

also do you see next months issue ? clark kent in jail with lex luthor oooo man its going to be good !

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