I got it, and enjoyed the hell out of it, because one thing has been made clear...
This Batman is insane. He is not supposed to be likable, he is supposed to be a force of nature unleashed on a primal level... He has in many ways lost touch with the human side of life, and his duality is destroying him... as Bruce Wayne and Batman are two totally separate forces.
By making Dick Grayson hate Bruce, it offers an interesting dynamic to the "Dynamic Duo", and Alfred seems to be the only character with an ounce of sense... My favorite point in this series so far has been Dick waking up in the cave under silk sheets with a hot meal sitting in front of him.
Superman doesn't know who Batman is, but Batman has figured out that Superman is Clark Kent. They are in the midst of a petty rivalry that foreshadows the big battle between the two of them in DKR. It offers insight to how Miller is writing these characters... They are both Schoolyard bullies, convinced of their own brands of justice, but their refusal to compromise is a direct result of their Immaturity. By contrasting Bruce's war on injustice to Superman's dedication to fighting for Justice the American Way, you see that there needs to be a middle ground, and I think that's where Robin's role in the series is going to come out.
I am still holding out for this series.
I think that Miller is going to use Alfred and Dick's relationship to help tame the Wild Side of Batman, to give him the ability to turn into a caring person and still have the same dedication to the War.
But this IS the Dark Knight Returns Batman... He has a sadistic side that emerges in fights and in his treatment of those around him.
If this is the DKR Batman... When will we see the DKR Joker? Perhaps the single most terrifying portrayal of the character in a comic book. He kills because he wants Batman's attention, because he is obsessed with Batman. He is Chaos because Batman is order... I'd like to see him get involved in a huge way, and for Batman to be forced to decide not to kill him (once again foreshadowing DKR).
Its just important to remember that this is the Millerverse. This is Ultimate Batman, essentially... Maybe Batman Year One happened in both this universe AND in the regular DCU, but this is the story that is going to lead to the end of Superheroes. Batman needs to become the man who will say, "Superheroes have always been criminals, we NEED to be criminals" in the Congress Hearings against masked men.
The series is, at its weakest, entertaining, and at its best, a deeply thought reimagination of the entire DCU landscape in the eyes of Frank Miller...
Either way, I won't be dropping the book.