I think the dialogue in #2 is absolutely abominable. I dropped Bendis because he stutters, and I'm tempted to drop Miller because of this ****ing repetition. Seriously, #2 would've been half the size if he'd said everything once.
That said, Batman acts absolutely WEIRD in this issue - and then I stopped being a fanboy and went, "This is All-Star Batman and not Bass Batman." This Batman is no less legit for his differences than Tim Burton Batman, Adam West Batman, Dini/ Timm Batman, Christopher Nolan Batman, Azzarello/ Risso Batman, Denny O'Neil Batman, Dark Knight Batman, Infinite Crisis Batman, Grant Morrison Batman... etc. Different take. When you accept that, you begin to accept the series more and I actually started to 'get into it' and began to like the plot and characters.
But the dialogue and the narration are absolutely awful. I'm sorry, but they're atrocious. I could barely read the bloody thing.