Alien vs. Predator - Timeline

"How long until climate change renders this planet inhabitable. Two generations? One?" (The Predator)

"I believe in life. In fact, I have run more life from our Earth than ever before. But it is dying. You... are dying." (2036: Nexus Dawn)

"What does an apartment look like on 'Alien'? That basic stuff of the palette of 'Alien,' the design of that ship, that dripping is so specific. I think that the sweaty aesthetic of 'Alien' plays very well into climate change and the hot, wet future that we're all moving toward. Technology in the first two movies was rooted in the retro futurism of the '70s and '80s. Is that our aesthetic? Those challenges really excite me because I would much rather deal with computers that look like that than holograms and feel like I'm in an Apple store." (Noah Hadley regarding Alien: Earth)

Consistency, hey? A generation is about 20-30 years, so 2018 + 30 = 2048 + 30 = 2078. The Predator predicted the future.
When in the timeline did it happen you think?
More on that, if the war that killed off the majority of animal populations happened before The Predator, then that's a crazy amount of either replicant dogs or natural-born ones featured in said film.

Also, Judge Dredd versus Predator mentions a different WW3 to the Third Terran War.
More on that, if the war that killed off the majority of animal populations happened before The Predator, then that's a crazy amount of either replicant dogs or natural-born ones featured in said film.

Also, Judge Dredd versus Predator mentions a different WW3 to the Third Terran War.
That different WW3 is probably the Atomic Wars of 2070 initiated by President Robert L. Booth:

Not to mention the fact that in 2000AD lore, Britain was invaded by the Volgans (the former Soviet Union) in 1999.
Personally, I felt that anything relating to Judge Dredd or any other 2000AD property should be considered not set in the main AvP universe, since there's just too much contradictions for them to work. And considering that Alien: Earth is gonna be a prequel to the movies... well, you can probably understand my thoughts on wanting to separate the 2000AD crossovers to a new timeline for Judge Dredd and other comic strips.

Same would ideally suffice for any of the Top Cow Productions comics (Witchblade and The Darkness specifically).
Speaking of, began looking into the novels for placement notes. Gonna start with the Alien novels and go from there.

Set in 2159 between Alien and Aliens

Set in 2496, years after Alien Resurrection

Set before and concurrent to Aliens, showing the fall of Hadley's Hope in more detail compared to how the movies mentions
Personally, I felt that anything relating to Judge Dredd or any other 2000AD property should be considered not set in the main AvP universe, since there's just too much contradictions for them to work. And considering that Alien: Earth is gonna be a prequel to the movies... well, you can probably understand my thoughts on wanting to separate the 2000AD crossovers to a new timeline for Judge Dredd and other comic strips.

Same would ideally suffice for any of the Top Cow Productions comics (Witchblade and The Darkness specifically).
Technically the only thing that would count would be the brief reference to the "Great Atom War" that left New York devastated. Actually, the world is very fucked up in the Blade Runner series as it stands anyway. You wouldn't be counting the entire Judge Dredd continuity beyond the crossover material because that is obviously a very different world. It would be much different to suggest Judge Dredd is the same universe as AVP than to suggest that the crossover materials inhabit the world of Judge Dredd and AVP as separate entities.
Said crossover references both Dutch Schaefer and the Predator attack in New York, presumably the events of the 1989 Predator comic. At least, that's my interpretation.

Lol, what? Documentary movies? Reminds me of the Doctor Who tie-in videos that have the actual Doctor Who show existing in-universe.
Speaking of, began looking into the novels for placement notes. Gonna start with the Alien novels and go from there.

Set in 2159 between Alien and Aliens

Set in 2496, years after Alien Resurrection

Set before and concurrent to Aliens, showing the fall of Hadley's Hope in more detail compared to how the movies mentions
Megatron has some novel material in the expanded Terminator/RoboCop timeline.
Megatron has some novel material in the expanded Terminator/RoboCop timeline.
i have also other games listed there that aren't here.

Tecnically only the 2004 game for now. As the others are adaptations.
I really liked Romulus (I only had minor issues), I only saw Alien 1 and 2 and played Isolation a few times, but I loved how it was a love letter to basically those that know these material. Also it seems (to me) that it had ties to Prometheus as well, though I did not see that movie yet.
So in Alien: Romulus, was that 117 days after the beginning of the movie, 170 days or 175 days? I honestly can't remember.
Great movie by the way!
Pre-November 2019. That's all we have to go off of.

Added Outland and the Weyland Industries Corporate Timeline.
Is it possible that the war happened in the 70s or early 80s considering how the UN and mega corps became the last major governing bodies on the planet in the 1980s
Aliens vs. Avengers seems like it should be set in the 2060s, 2070s based on ages. It should be an alternate timeline because of the state of Earth. The Xenomorph takeover should start after the development of Androids. Oh, and my favourite part, I'm pretty sure Peter Weyland is in it, YES!!!
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