Alien vs. Predator - Timeline

thanks for laying it out like this; maybe the future yutani tech derived from the predator gun in 2004 leads to massive leaps in building construction? lol
According to the Blade Runner rpg, the moon and Mars started getting colonised in the 1990s. Nexus 1 Replicants were first created in 2000 according to the comics. So, a lot of the technology was in use pre-2004.

That doesn't mean that big strides in technological advancement didn't happen because of the acquisition of Yautja technology though. I'm thinking FTL travel and such. Dreddpool's Neonopolis example was very good here, since Predator: Concrete Jungle is set in 2030 and features a Blade Runner-esque city constucted due to leftover Yautja technology. It also acts as a prequel to the the MU/TH/UR AI that was built into the Nostromo and features a mysterious CEO of Weyland Industries (Weyland Corp?) who acquires Borgia Industries. Possibly Peter Weyland actually.

Of course, that was over the course of 100 years (1930-2030) rather than 22 years (1997-2019). I guess it fits that the crime-ridden city of Predator 2 became the polluted Coruscant-like city of Blade Runner.
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Hm. Alien sound effects, purposefully using the exact same logo from Prometheus for Weyland rather than the more popular Weyland-Yutani logo (probably intentional), having huge currupt corporations controlling everything... heck, the poster was literally ripped from Prometheus.

We'll call it a film heavily inspired by Alien with a few easter egg references I guess.

Alien: Black, White and Red #1 references exploration of the depths of the ocean, but I doubt it's actually an intentional reference to Underwater or anything. At least Underwater is owned by Fox, unlike Blade Runner.
Hm. Alien sound effects, purposefully using the exact same logo from Prometheus for Weyland rather than the more popular Weyland-Yutani logo (probably intentional), having huge currupt corporations controlling everything... heck, the poster was literally ripped from Prometheus.

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We'll call it a film heavily inspired by Alien with a few easter egg references I guess.

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Alien: Black, White and Red #1 references exploration of the depths of the ocean, but I doubt it's actually an intentional reference to Underwater or anything. At least Underwater is owned by Fox, unlike Blade Runner.
So I guess it isn't getting added?
So I guess it isn't getting added?
I very much doubt we are going to get any official confirmation and there's not as much evidence supporting it as Blade Runner. Maybe it has a Director's Commentary though. Could have some information. Probably not though.

It sucks because it feels like an unrelated spin-off like Outland. Of course, Outland doesn't actually have any intentional easter eggs, only similar set design, music and clothing.

Hm... not too sure. Maybe. Seems like a stretch though.
This, however... is not.
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PONTUS Enterprises (from Underwater) is located in Los Angeles. I think that's kinda funny because the movie accidentally suggests that it's the Blade Runner Los Angeles because of the Alien connections.
Apparently Spike (from Buffy) might have had a cameo in Firefly had the show continued past one season. Perhaps Weyland-Yutani of the Firefly Universe could have been the same one that was represented by the law firm Wolfram & Hart, lol.

According to the Firefly wiki, Earth lost all of its population in 2110. Obviously this contradicts Alien since people were still living on Earth for at least another century.
Apparently Spike (from Buffy) might have had a cameo in Firefly had the show continued past one season. Perhaps Weyland-Yutani of the Firefly Universe could have been the same one that was represented by the law firm Wolfram & Hart, lol.

According to the Firefly wiki, Earth lost all of its population in 2110. Obviously this contradicts Alien since people were still living on Earth for at least another century.
I'm so glad It didn't happen. I don't want to see a Spike After Buffy. He would be depressed af.
Alens: Bug Hunt has a story depicting Burke's death, which contradicts Aliens: What If...?. Obviously I haven't included Bug Hunt but I would still count it overall.

Aliens: What If...? is clearly intended to fit with the events of Aliens and Alien³ as depicted in the films despite the title. It references the Fury 161 Xenomorph from Alien³. I suppose this is a similar situation to Prey and Predator 1718. Maybe it's a dream Burke had while knocked out or something. I think they did state within the Bug Hunt book that some stories might not be canon, but there was never any clarification on that.
Vincent Cassel's Character in Underwater works for Tian Industries, not directly for Weyland Corp, even though he has the logo. Might be related to Weyland Corp tho, so could still fit. Also, it's a fun movie, worth checking out
Them working for the Tian Corporation has nothing to do with whether it fits or not. I've never claimed that they were directly working for the Weyland Corporation, only that they used the Weyland Corp logo and had text underneath said logo that stated "Weyland Corp" but very faded (thus it should exist in-universe), which fits the timeline because that existed from 2012-2099 and this movie is set in 2050, and the station makes the exact same noises from the Nostromo in Alien around 18 minutes in. There could be a connection between Weyland and Tian hence why they provided the belt, but I never said that they are working directly for Weyland Corp.
Could it still fit?
But at the same time, it's up to you guys really. I've included it because watching the movie and noting the connections it seems somewhat intentional, but at the same time it's not an "official" Alien/Predator film. I actually looked through all of the bonus features and the commentary. There wasn't any references to the Alien connections, so again, we'll likely never know for sure. Just going off of the easter eggs, it seems like it fits in. It is a fact that Weyland Corp exists in that world. Still makes me a bit uncomfortable including it. The inclusion of the Nostromo audio helps it.

So uhh, been trying to find a copy of AVP: Sand Trap to read, but I'm having no luck with finding one.
Apparently it was supposed to be collected in trade paperback form through Dark Horse before the Disney and subsequent Marvel takeover. Hopefully Marvel release a big AVP book with it in.
But at the same time, it's up to you guys really. I've included it because watching the movie and noting the connections it seems somewhat intentional, but at the same time it's not an "official" Alien/Predator film. I actually looked through all of the bonus features and the commentary. There wasn't any references to the Alien connections, so again, we'll likely never know for sure. Just going off of the easter eggs, it seems like it fits in. It is a fact that Weyland Corp exists in that world. Still makes me a bit uncomfortable including it. The inclusion of the Nostromo audio helps it.

Apparently it was supposed to be collected in trade paperback form through Dark Horse before the Disney and subsequent Marvel takeover. Hopefully Marvel release a big AVP book with it in.
With that Level of connectivity, shouldn't Outland also be added? The only Thing missing is the Weyland Corp or Weyland-Youtani Logo (not sure when this is set