Alien Shared Universe - Headcanon Timeline (V2.0)

Okay, fair enough. I guess you can just assume the new characters are completely different people, or maybe go by multiple names if an exception is needed.
so According to the wiki, RoboCop 1-3, The Series, Prime Directives, the 2003 video game and Rogue City are one canon.

the 2 animated series are another canon.

All the comics are another canon.

The Remake is another canon.

Interesting interpretation.
I don't think all the comics are supposed to be one separate canon. A lot of them are in the film universe (post-RC3) explicitly, and some are an alternate sequel based on Frank Miller scripts. The Frank Miller sequels aren't intended to be in-continuity with the Marvel or Dark Horse comics.
I don't think all the comics are supposed to be one separate canon. A lot of them are in the film universe (post-RC3) explicitly, and some are an alternate sequel based on Frank Miller scripts. The Frank Miller sequels aren't intended to be in-continuity with the Marvel or Dark Horse comics.
it's separated by Publisher. Weird...

the other 2 are one linear canon.

Ok guys and girls, now it's time to decide! Cos we've reached 1988, the year where the wilder expanded universe started, so we have to talk again about RoboCop, but its weakest side... The 2 Animated Series.

These 2 series are the weakest side thanks to big contraddiction.

RoboCop The Animated Series have Boddicker still alive even if he clearly died at the end of the 1st movie.

RoboCop Alpha Commando is set in 2030 reactivating RoboCop who was offline for 5 years (2025).

Now if we wanted to really place it where would they be set?

if we say that Boddicker miracusly survived, then we could place the series in between the 1st and 2nd movie and during whole 2030.

for Alpha Commando since doesn't have Lewis and also we have a comics which stated that RoboCop was active for at least 30 years (2060) combined with the fact that we decided to use the 2029-2030 dates for the 1st movie, meaning that all future dates have to revolve around that, so to avoid conflicts we could say that RoboCop goes offline in 2060 and gets reactivated in 2065, placing Alpha Commando there.

As you can see both animated series are veryyyyyyyyyyy weak in terms of continuity, so it's time to vote, and it will start now at my 8 pm and end at tomorrow's 8 pm.

So react with a LAUGHING FACE if you WANT the animates content to be added.

React with an ANGRY FACE if you DON'T WANT the animated content to be added.

P.S. Thanks for all the support guys!
The show also suffers from major continuity errors: during the first episodes, RoboCop's son is shown in flashback memories and appears to be around 10; however, he later appears to be exactly of the same age and even wearing the same clothing. The names of RoboCop's wife and son were also changed to Susan and Richie; however, this is explained in episode 10: after Alex Murphy became RoboCop, his family was forced to change their identity to keep RoboCop's enemies from locating them.

Maybe it'd be better to place it 5 years after the last placement before Prime Directives, since Ellen Murphy/Nancy Murphy/Susan Murphy is apparently dead in that show. 2038 or 2039 perhaps? It's messy but what can you do. I suppose RoboCop's son is older than he appears, essentially an adult the same age as he was in Prime Directives but appearing younger.
Will this include just Alien/Predator/Blade Runner/Soldier/Terminator/RoboCop/Buffy/Angel/Firefly/Serenity/Underwater/Outland or sth else as well?
Is RoboCop 2014 in this Universe or not?

Why do I think that Alien and the Sladherverse somehow connects?
Like, do they?

Red Dwarf...? Okay, I'm running out of suggestions
God, that'd be messy. Also, Doctor Who, but that shouldn't be included.

What about Death Race? Executive Decision? Event Horizon?
Interesting suggestions. Probably not, but I see your thinking.

Or... I don't dare to say it... Val Verde? (Commando, Die Hard, Supercarrier, Adventure Inc., probably more?)

I like this one, haha.

Will this include just Alien/Predator/Blade Runner/Soldier/Terminator/RoboCop/Buffy/Angel/Firefly/Serenity/Underwater/Outland or sth else as well?
To be honest, seeing as Angel has "Weyland-Yutani", which shouldn't even exist yet, I never took that too seriously since it contradicts the Alien series. Firefly is fine I suppose, quite fun connection considering the state of Earth, maybe Weyland-Yutani in that show is connected to the Angel version, thus... Whedon-Verse. Underwater should just straight up be canon though, they specifically decided to use the less popular Weyland Corp logo from Prometheus on an original prop which actually fits into canon perfectly since it was used 2012-2099, timeline-wize. Also a shared sound effect from the Nostromo.