Alien Shared Universe - Headcanon Timeline (V2.0)

i think it's menagable, as after "After the Fall" [Angel Season 6] everyone becomes full aware of Demons, so probably the bust in technology comes from the governaments wanting to desperatly help themselfs? (weak explanation ik but it kinda works)
so guys about RoboCop, we're gonna go with the 2029-2030 dates, as in Outland humanity is in space, while RoboCop is futuristic, but still grounded.

we can't use the 1990s dates as the tecnology conflicts with media set in the 1990s, and we can't go with the 2028 date as it's the date of the remake, and we can't go with the novels dates as Outland did happen in that case.

So thanks again to @Pro Bot for having provided me with that video in the old thread!
So with this:

RoboCop 2 is set in 2031

RoboCop 3 is set in 2033

Prime Directives in 2040

Rogue City in 2032.

So Ik that this will still put some media after Outland, so after people starts to colonize planets, but i feel more comfortable as having RoboCop being created first as to me seems a more primitive invention than space travel. And ofc starting space travel doesn't mean that he can't still be operative.
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Well, planets were colonized in Blade Runner (set in 2019) as well. I think I placed Outland in approximation between when Blade Runner is set, the creation of Hypersleep Chambers, and the invention of FTL travel. FTL travel isn't widely used during Outland.
The age of Dick Jones in Terminator/Robocop: Kill Human also supports a future setting, since he's young in the 1990s (by the way, that's a branched timeline where Robocop gets John Connor killed in 1995 during T2). Ronny Cox (who plays Dick Jones) was 49 in 1987, so:

1995 + 34 = 2029
49 - 34 = 15

He's probably in his 20s in 1995 and 50s in 2029.
So with this:

RoboCop 2 is set in 2031

RoboCop 3 is set in 2033

Prime Directives in 2040

Rogue City in 2032.

So Ik that this will still put some media after Outland, so after people starts to colonize planets, but i feel more comfortable as having RoboCop being created first as to me seems a more primitive invention than space travel. And ofc starting space travel doesn't mean that he can't still be operative.
Also all the comics being set just about everywhere, from pre-RC2 to post-RC3. One of them, Citizen's Arrest, should be 2059-2060, which is quite interesting.
interesting, I'll still stay with the 2030s frame, for now, if it becomes complicated i'll go with the 2040s setting of the novels.
It's probably fine as it is. As I said, the second Terminator/RoboCop crossover comic allows us to work out which timeline works best based on Dick Jones' age, and 2029 seems appropriate.

Ok guys and girls, now it's time to decide! Cos we've reached 1988, the year where the wilder expanded universe started, so we have to talk again about RoboCop, but its weakest side... The 2 Animated Series.

These 2 series are the weakest side thanks to big contraddiction.

RoboCop The Animated Series have Boddicker still alive even if he clearly died at the end of the 1st movie.

RoboCop Alpha Commando is set in 2030 reactivating RoboCop who was offline for 5 years (2025).

Now if we wanted to really place it where would they be set?

if we say that Boddicker miracusly survived, then we could place the series in between the 1st and 2nd movie and during whole 2030.

for Alpha Commando since doesn't have Lewis and also we have a comics which stated that RoboCop was active for at least 30 years (2060) combined with the fact that we decided to use the 2029-2030 dates for the 1st movie, meaning that all future dates have to revolve around that, so to avoid conflicts we could say that RoboCop goes offline in 2060 and gets reactivated in 2065, placing Alpha Commando there.

As you can see both animated series are veryyyyyyyyyyy weak in terms of continuity, so it's time to vote, and it will start now at my 8 pm and end at tomorrow's 8 pm.

So react with a LAUGHING FACE if you WANT the animates content to be added.

React with an ANGRY FACE if you DON'T WANT the animated content to be added.

P.S. Thanks for all the support guys!
See, then you have to ask about the live-action series too. Then it gets really weird. Hm...
I plan to add the series, the wiki takes both live-action series as canon, so ig it could work.

As for RoboCop The Series I planned a post- RoboCop 3 setting.

@Pro Bot