Avengers A female Hawkeye?

Patriot said:
If she's gonna be like Hawkeye does that mean all the guys are gonna be gettin some? :wink:
Not unless Chuck Austen takes over the book (Valhalla forbid!)

All his women characters are either martyr-like saints, or total skanks. No in between.

Back on topic -- personally, I like the idea of a flatscan/baseline human with no discernible super-powers joining the group, actually, because it faithfully mirrors the familiar groups dynamics of the 'old'/classic Avengers, but opens up the possibility of a different story-telling, on account of her very different personality and upbringing from the original Hawkeye. Consider me cautiously optimistic about what she can bring to the group.
compound said:
...personally, I like the idea of a flatscan/baseline human with no discernible super-powers joining the group, actually, because it faithfully mirrors the familiar groups dynamics of the 'old'/classic Avengers.
For my money's worth, they need members who try to kill them first for petty reasons like money or advancing a career in acting or something like that. That's the TRUE old-school way of applying for Avengers membership!
Yes, the character is wearing purple and carrying a bow -- but she's also carrying a lot of other weapons as well, the bow and quiver being the most obvious. I think she will be established as some sort of far-better-than-average weapons user (older, traditional weapons, at any rate, I don't see a firearm of any kind). I don't think she's meant to be a "Hawkeye knock-off" at all. I'd consider myself a big fan of the character of Hawkeye* (at least when he's written well, which, god knows, hasn't been the case for a year or so) and I don't see anything inherently wrong with this.

So far what I like the best about Young Avengers is that they are definitely NOT trying to be teen sidekicks to the big players, ala most of DC's teen heroes. Well, what I liked best OTHER than the good writing and snappy dialogue.

*and, for what it's worth, I'd rather he stay dead for a bit than come back in the current NA storyline, as the current NA writer, having been pounded in criticism for the spectacularly lame death he gave the character, is not likely to write him in a particularly sympathetic manner.
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Rhyo said:
So far what I like the best about Young Avengers is that they are definitely NOT trying to be teen sidekicks to the big players, ala most of DC's teen heroes. Well, what I liked best OTHER than the good writing and snappy dialogue.
Hear hear! Actually, when I first read the arc's title, I worried that it would be just a deliberate riff on the Titans/Young Justice concept, but you're right -- it's proven to be its own animal. I'm not totally sold on it yet, but thus far, it's been a lot more entertaining than I figured it would be.
Guys, Honestly the girl is mimicing Hawkeye and there's no way around it. I've said over and over I don't like mini versions of heroes but this is obviously the way YA is going so let it be. If this is how it's gonna be I can't wait to see the younger versions of other heroes.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Guys, Honestly the girl is mimicing Hawkeye and there's no way around it. I've said over and over I don't like mini versions of heroes but this is obviously the way YA is going so let it be. If this is how it's gonna be I can't wait to see the younger versions of other heroes.

There, there, dear. It'll be okay. We're in more-or-less agreement here -- it's just that I am holding out hope that this won't be a DC version and they'll be semi-independent, and maybe even at odds with the adults.
Rhyo said:
There, there, dear. It'll be okay. We're in more-or-less agreement here -- it's just that I am holding out hope that this won't be a DC version and they'll be semi-independent, and maybe even at odds with the adults.

I know but they've obviously gone that route. And there's nothng we can do about it. It'll be cool seeing different versions pop up once in while... just like getting new ultimizations.
I personally like the idea. Sure, it's going along with Marvel's new trend to switch the genders of those characters that just aren't working out (Or are dead in this case) but I actually think this one looks like a keeper. I know that I'm saying this as a novice comic book fan as compared to those who are opposed to the idea being a veteran, but I say give this character a chance.
Amen Goodwill! So far people have only seen her as a civilian interacting witht the team, so we don't know how she'll stack up as a superhero! I agree with you 10000%, we should give her a shot, and I read at another site that has an interview with Hienberg that issues #7 and #8 will show her struggle with being a superhero. So lets just see how the first acr plays out before we pass judgement on her, as well as the rest of the team. Oh and "Hi! Everybody!"

And in response to this article, Newsarma has inteviewed the writer of the series, Allen Heinburg, about what people have guessed, and to set things straight.

"Newsarama: Allan, first of all - the cover strongly suggests a couple of things. The fatality promised in the solicitation for issue #5, and the reasonanle (?) assumption of Kate Bishop becoming a new Hawkeye, or perhaps "Hawkette"? Would these be fair assumptions or have you got something else up your sleeve?

Allan Heinberg: These would, indeed, be fair assumptions based on the solicitations. But there's definitely more to the story.

NRAMA: Sharp-eyed readers also noticed a sword (Swordsman?), a baton (Mockingbird?) and what looks like Black Widow's belt, all characters that had ties to Hawkeye. Can you comment on the connection or lack thereof and what it means? Are fans on the right track?

AH: I can't comment on Kate's superhero identity as yet because it's actually something SHE'S going to be struggling with in issues #7 and 8.

NRAMA: Speaking of Kate's apparent costume, again, speculating on your intent, any thoughts on the passion 'Old School' Avengers fans have regarding Clint Barton's death in Avengers Disassembled?

AH: As an old-school Avengers fan myself, I completely understand and share the fans' passion for the character. And, since the Young Avengers are fanboys (and fangirls) themselves, it's a passion they'll share, as well.

NRAMA: How do you think these fans will react to another character possibly taking up the mantle while the wounds are still raw? Think fandom will accept it? Have a strong adverse reaction?

AH: If the fans are anything like me, they'll probably be extremely resistant to the idea of ANYONE assuming the mantle of such a beloved hero.

NRAMA: Does the possible latter reaction concern you at all?

AH: Absolutely. And it'll be a concern for Kate, as well.

NRAMA: Before moving on to a couple of general questions, another element to the series that fans have discussing on the Internet is the perceived nature of the relationship between Hulkling and Asgardian.

Any thoughts on that? Are fans even reading your intentions correctly?

AH: I've been very surprised - and frankly heartened - by readers' speculation about the nature of their relationship. Most of the mail we've received has been incredibly positive, with readers hoping the two will turn out to be boyfriends.

As for my intention, I simply wanted to introduce the characters and their inter-relationships as organically as I'm able to within the context of the Kang story. So all I can say is, keep reading...

NRAMA: Okay, from your end and overall, how's reaction been to the series so far ? What you expected? Surprising?

AH: I've been overwhelmed and humbled by the positive response the book seems to be getting. I'm grateful to readers for keeping an open mind about the book and for giving a new writer a chance.

And I credit most of the book's success to my extraordinary collaborators, Jim Cheung, John Dell, Justin Ponsor, and Cory Petit.

NRAMA: Are you pleased with the reception so far?

AH: So far, the response has been beyond my wildest expectations. After months of hype and speculation, readers actually seem to be accepting the book on its own terms and, by and large, enjoying it. You can't ask for more than that.

NRAMA: So we can't let you go without asking for any more hints as to what's coming up with the remaining issue of "Sidekicks" (the first 6-issue story arc) and into the future?

AH: Big action, big romance, big changes.

Oh, and someone dies."
...okay. Um, Hulking and Ausgaudian might be gay? I can't say I was getting that vibe off them. Here's hoping he doesn't go in that direction.

And how long is the OC guy going to be on this book?
Yeah, could someone please explain this relationship between Asgardian and the Hulkling? It is sort of a tired topic to be discussing, but it doesn't seem to be getting old to those people who feel every relationship between the same gender is a sexual one. I don't read this title, but I really doubt that he would be that direct with those characters, especially in the first arc.

Also, this writer does seem to have a lot of good answers to these difficult questions... I particularly liked the one where he mentioned that even Kate herself would have a difficult time taking up Hawkeye's ropes. That'll stick it to those fans who don't like the idea! Excellent. ;)
Baxter said:
...okay. Um, Hulking and Ausgaudian might be gay? I can't say I was getting that vibe off them. Here's hoping he doesn't go in that direction.

Agreed, is there a gay character in every Marvel Next title? I mean they're overdoing it a bit much. And I didn't get that sense that they were gay AT ALL when reading this.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Agreed, is there a gay character in every Marvel Next title? I mean they're overdoing it a bit much. And I didn't get that sense that they were gay AT ALL when reading this.
To be perfectly honest it sometimes feels like ever 3rd person under the age of 17 thinks thier gay. I mean everyone I've meet has a gay guy in thier little circle of friends. Sometimes they stay that way, other times it's a phase, but they're there. Since Marvel NExt is supposed to be aimed at a younger crowd it would mkae sense for them to be there, but only to an extent.

Besides, if they are then my LCS will stop ordering Young Avengers. I really hate that bastard for things like that.
Baxter said:
To be perfectly honest it sometimes feels like ever 3rd person under the age of 17 thinks thier gay. I mean everyone I've meet has a gay guy in thier little circle of friends. Sometimes they stay that way, other times it's a phase, but they're there. Since Marvel NExt is supposed to be aimed at a younger crowd it would mkae sense for them to be there, but only to an extent.

Well maybe it's where I come from but I don't see it all that much...

Baxter said:
Besides, if they are then my LCS will stop ordering Young Avengers. I really hate that bastard for things like that.
Too bad for that guy.
TheManWithoutFear said:
Well maybe it's where I come from but I don't see it all that much...
Come west my friend. It's a whole new world over here. And it only gets worse the further north from pitsburgh you go.

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