Recent content by ScottishRyzo

  1. ScottishRyzo

    Marvel Extended Multiverse(work in progress)

    Updated with all the releases of the original William Hartnell televised era, including both Cushing films and the audio adaptation of the 60's stage play Curse of the Daleks
  2. ScottishRyzo

    Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

    It's not dissimilar to every DC earth thinking they're/or should be Earth One
  3. ScottishRyzo

    Ubisoft Multiverse(work in progress)

    Was planning to eventually when I get back around to it Been focusing on catching up on stuff I'm behind on but every time I find myself with free time something else comes up and by the time I free up again there's more to catch up with For now I'm probably sticking to passively adding doctor...
  4. ScottishRyzo

    Whoniverse - Viewing Order

    Ik this was posted ages ago but the Shalka doctor and master were survivors of the war in heaven, the time war pretty much immediately before the last great time war. The war unhappens making the doctor revert back to 8 because the incarnation ceased to ever exist Also the Jacobi Shalka master...
  5. ScottishRyzo

    UbiVerse (Assassin's Creed/Watch_Dogs) - Timeline (V2.0)

    29th is the real world date for the historical event
  6. ScottishRyzo

    UbiVerse (Assassin's Creed/Watch_Dogs) - Timeline (V2.0)

    Yeah the entire AC series is a set of simulations being run by the Isu largely pre disaster, but there are different factions running the same simulations at different times Juno runs her simulations, then with the Triad she does again until her betrayal. Alessia and Loki run theirs pretty much...
  7. ScottishRyzo

    Assassin's Creed Timeline

    I was really hoping the novel would give me a lot of ideas of a lot of the 'canon' choices but you can tell they weren't working closely with the game team compared to the others
  8. ScottishRyzo

    Star Trek - Expanded Universe Timeline (V2.0)

    Enjoy never getting the theme out of your head until they change it in the later seasons by which point you've developed Stockholm syndrome for it and miss it
  9. ScottishRyzo

    Timeline Hub

    I mean THIS is canon
  10. ScottishRyzo

    Timeline Hub

    Doctor who is actually THE Doctor Who because who canon is a beautiful thing
  11. ScottishRyzo

    Lord of the Rings (Adapted) Timeline

    I did have a look into the other games but there was either some detail explicitly contradicting the movies or straight up alternative versions of scenes from the movie Either way I'm done with this until S3 I guess or someone notices something I missed. Might come back to try and fit months...
  12. ScottishRyzo

    Lord of the Rings (Adapted) Timeline

    Written it off as a distorted memory but I do think Helm is already wearing the ring at the start of Rohirrim and that he could feasibly be brought back after by 'the necromancer', like most of the other Nazgul in the game, and the flashback is just cope on his part
  13. ScottishRyzo

    Lord of the Rings (Adapted) Timeline

    Finally updated this with Rohirrim
  14. ScottishRyzo

    Timeline Hub

    Pretty sure the Wallace and grommit stuff is set in some kind of perpetual 70/80s England
  15. ScottishRyzo

    Lord of the Rings (Adapted) Timeline

    Just want to say I haven't forgotten about this, I have a copy of Rohirrim, I'm just being really lazy and haven't watched it yet