Marvel Cinematic Universe - Timeline (Part 3)

I'm going to be honest, I need more than only Disney+ and nothing else referring to X-Men '97 as MCU to make it worth my time to edit it in and add it in.
The only other indication we have is DeMayo saying it's part of another tree of which branches could cross branches of the sacred timeline.
The way I see it is the Marvel Studios produced movies and shows that are added to the Disney + timeline are the ones we should focus on with this timeline (not forgetting the Marvel Television shows, just talking specifically about Marvel Studios). To them, What-If and D&W are part of the timeline while X-Men 97 and YFNSM aren't. If they had treated say YFNSM the same as What-If and added it to the timeline, I would agree it should be on there. But, since they did not I'm fine excluding it.
I mean it still has yet to finish its first season no?
That doesn't matter. All the shows get added to the timeline shortly after they drop and if they saw it as part of the timeline it would have been added by now.
revisiting defenders is extremely perplexing, im feeling more of an october placement over may based on the weather and the fact that imo 9 months between this and dd2/lc feels better than 5 months, the only real contradiction i can see is that jj is implied to have not worked since the first season but that cant be true if joy hired her during or slightly before the events of ifs1
revisiting defenders is extremely perplexing, im feeling more of an october placement over may based on the weather and the fact that imo 9 months between this and dd2/lc feels better than 5 months, the only real contradiction i can see is that jj is implied to have not worked since the first season but that cant be true if joy hired her during or slightly before the events of ifs1
Yeah, it's even worse when you add Iron Fist S1 on top if that clearly goes Spring/Summer. According to the wiki (and now Disney +) February had kids playing around in fire hydrants with warmer weather throughout the season and that May had cooler weather with fallen foilage and snow on the ground.
For X-Men '97 while Disney+ does include it in the Multiverse Saga to my knowledge nothing else from Marvel has acknowledged the series as part of the MCU franchise and even then the show itself has nothing to do with the MCU outside of sharing a Multiverse and Marvel Studios so it would make little sense including it without including the other various animated shows and quite frankly even if the majority of users wanted to add X-Men '97 I ain't taking the time to add the other various 90s cartoons to the timeline.
I agree with not adding it, but there's only three shows in that universe. I've also already essentially covered it.
Yeah, it's even worse when you add Iron Fist S1 on top if that clearly goes Spring/Summer. According to the wiki (and now Disney +) February had kids playing around in fire hydrants with warmer weather throughout the season and that May had cooler weather with fallen foilage and snow on the ground.
yea that was really weird lol Chinese new year at the start to being hot enough to play in a fire hydrant
yea that was really weird lol Chinese new year at the start to being hot enough to play in a fire hydrant
I think it's similar to FFH and Ms. Marvel where they included things from these cultures without considering the timeline.
I think it's similar to FFH and Ms. Marvel where they included things from these cultures without considering the timeline.
true that makes sense just a pain from a timeline standpoint lol

so if we assume iron fist is april-early may 2016, defenders in october 2016 places it 9 months post dd2/lc and 6 months post if, and 18 months post jj, it also doesn't contradict with karen being in punisher and it also closes the gap a bit from defenders to dd3
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true that makes sense just a pain from a timeline standpoint lol
I agree. Before Disney + went with the wiki, I just ignored the Chinese New Year's stuff. Since to me it made more sense the show was around Spring/Summer and Defenders Fall.
different universe different climate what can ya say :shrug:
I mean for the most part, weather is pretty close. If there were more than the Chinese New Year thing that confirmed February, I'd be more open. But as is it's the only thing not matching. There's even a July date later on which is what we used to go off of.

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