Marvel's Earth-616 Timeline

The Wiki order puts that in part 2 After Knull stories.
Good point.

So ignore what I said in what you quoted.
Yeah it makes sense. For a full year to pass, it needs to be the same month and day, following the previous year.

3 years within 1 Marvel Year
4th year starts in the 2nd Marvel Year.

Nice work.
SirMuddy's chronology is pretty outdated. I recommend using Roy Thomas' chronology from Conan Saga #72-95, that is the best official source for the magazines, but Roy Thomas did make some errors and have not updated the chronology at all after later releases. More on this below.

The Marvel Database's order is also outdated. I was the one that started reorganizing the Conan section of that era and I can say with full sincerity I F'ed up a lot in that order, please do not use that as a basis. If you want, you can use my Western order from that site, since I did do a bit more research on that one, yet I do think that is not without errors either.

When using the Database order it's important to note it's not maintained by admins, it was an idea of one dedicated user to make his own reading order. I did chime in with the Conan, Western and Golden Age stuff (I did a lot of organizing between the 30s-1945.). While the order is impressive, it's pretty faulty and as I mentioned I did screw up in a few places when re-organizing stuff. I suggest using the Marvel Chronology Project's character chronologies or the MCP reading order chronologies that are maintained by comic chronologists that work on that order for around 20 years now, including some past Handbook writers as well.

For Conan I recommend using the MCP's Conan Analysis thread. Where the Conan chronology is something that can be used as a basis, Col. Fury, the now administrator of the site used a combination of Roy and SirMuddy's chronology and aspired to correct errors in both their respective timelines. Roy Thomas also did a chronology on Kull (Conan saga #97) and Red Sonja (Conan Saga #96) as well.

I also did an analysis on the most recent King Conan volume and how it fits into the chronology and more importantly how it shuffles up some of the King Conan issues in the MCP order, but more on that later. I did read through the entire Hyborian Age using the MCP chronology and I can vouch for it being close to perfection.
SirMuddy's chronology is pretty outdated. I recommend using Roy Thomas' chronology from Conan Saga #72-95, that is the best official source for the magazines, but Roy Thomas did make some errors and have not updated the chronology at all after later releases. More on this below.

The Marvel Database's order is also outdated. I was the one that started reorganizing the Conan section of that era and I can say with full sincerity I F'ed up a lot in that order, please do not use that as a basis. If you want, you can use my Western order from that site, since I did do a bit more research on that one, yet I do think that is not without errors either.

When using the Database order it's important to note it's not maintained by admins, it was an idea of one dedicated user to make his own reading order. I did chime in with the Conan, Western and Golden Age stuff (I did a lot of organizing between the 30s-1945.). While the order is impressive, it's pretty faulty and as I mentioned I did screw up in a few places when re-organizing stuff. I suggest using the Marvel Chronology Project's character chronologies or the MCP reading order chronologies that are maintained by comic chronologists that work on that order for around 20 years now, including some past Handbook writers as well.

For Conan I recommend using the MCP's Conan Analysis thread. Where the Conan chronology is something that can be used as a basis, Col. Fury, the now administrator of the site used a combination of Roy and SirMuddy's chronology and aspired to correct errors in both their respective timelines. Roy Thomas also did a chronology on Kull (Conan saga #97) and Red Sonja (Conan Saga #96) as well.

I also did an analysis on the most recent King Conan volume and how it fits into the chronology and more importantly how it shuffles up some of the King Conan issues in the MCP order, but more on that later. I did read through the entire Hyborian Age using the MCP chronology and I can vouch for it being close to perfection.
Thanks a lot for the order tips. Anyway, I'm already using that order for reference with the modern Age, While Also doing my thing. You seem very Expert in this, so if you found some errors in my order and timeline, don't be afraid on letting me know. Like I sayed this Isn't my timeline, it's the site's timeline.
Thanks a lot for the order tips. Anyway, I'm already using that order for reference with the modern Age, While Also doing my thing. You seem very Expert in this, so if you found some errors in my order and timeline, don't be afraid on letting me know. Like I sayed this Isn't my timeline, it's the site's timeline.
I'm far from an expert haha. In fact I don't even know much about the main post FF#1 portion of Marvel in terms of chronology because I read everything. I'm currently doing a read-through of DC's and Marvel's entire Golden Age, with me being in mid 1942 in DC and in 1945 in Marvel (I'm playing catch-up to Marvel with DC, so I'm focusing more on that now). It'll be a loooong time I reach the Silver age haha.

I did read through the entire Hyborian and Western order of Marvel though. If I see some errors or if I have any input in those fields I'll let you all know, but I'm too busy sadly to actively contribute here. I wish you all the best with this one.
Wait, so coild you help with the Golden
I'm far from an expert haha. In fact I don't even know much about the main post FF#1 portion of Marvel in terms of chronology because I read everything. I'm currently doing a read-through of DC's and Marvel's entire Golden Age, with me being in mid 1942 in DC and in 1945 in Marvel (I'm playing catch-up to Marvel with DC, so I'm focusing more on that now). It'll be a loooong time I reach the Silver age haha.

I did read through the entire Hyborian and Western order of Marvel though. If I see some errors or if I have any input in those fields I'll let you all know, but I'm too busy sadly to actively contribute here. I wish you all the best with this one.
Age Part of the Timeline?
Also a question. The 40s Funny Animal comics published by Timely connects to the main Marvel Universe with Ziggy Pig and Silly Seal. Through various connections, the licensed Terrytoon comics also published by Timely in the 40s connect to Zp and SS as well. Terrytoons were originally cartoons, like MGM's Tom and Jerry or Looney Tunes and various publishers have gotten the Terrytoon comic license after Marvel/Timely Comics. Would this mean that Terrytoons are part of Marvel's universe or is that a case of an elaborate universe shifting/merging and would not be eligible for inclusion? I mean here the animated shorts and other publisher comics. Would they be considered alternate universes or is there a line to draw even if it would be considered the same universe technically?
Also a question. The 40s Funny Animal comics published by Timely connects to the main Marvel Universe with Ziggy Pig and Silly Seal. Through various connections, the licensed Terrytoon comics also published by Timely in the 40s connect to Zp and SS as well. Terrytoons were originally cartoons, like MGM's Tom and Jerry or Looney Tunes and various publishers have gotten the Terrytoon comic license after Marvel/Timely Comics. Would this mean that Terrytoons are part of Marvel's universe or is that a case of an elaborate universe shifting/merging and would not be eligible for inclusion? I mean here the animated shorts and other publisher comics. Would they be considered alternate universes or is there a line to draw even if it would be considered the same universe technically?
I don't know, What I know is that Eric Cartman and Homer Simpson were revealed to be skrulls in the Secret Invasion event (I'm not joking) so maybe they could exist.
Also a question. The 40s Funny Animal comics published by Timely connects to the main Marvel Universe with Ziggy Pig and Silly Seal. Through various connections, the licensed Terrytoon comics also published by Timely in the 40s connect to Zp and SS as well. Terrytoons were originally cartoons, like MGM's Tom and Jerry or Looney Tunes and various publishers have gotten the Terrytoon comic license after Marvel/Timely Comics. Would this mean that Terrytoons are part of Marvel's universe or is that a case of an elaborate universe shifting/merging and would not be eligible for inclusion? I mean here the animated shorts and other publisher comics. Would they be considered alternate universes or is there a line to draw even if it would be considered the same universe technically?
Le me elaborate a bit.

Terrytoons (most famous for Mighty Mouse) was an animation studio in the 40s-50s, like Disney, Warner Bros or Metro Goldwyn Mayer. Like those studios, Terrytoons got into the Funny Animal genre craze and started promoting their theatrical shorts by licensing their characters to comic publishers.
While most publishers chose Western Publishing/Dell Comics. Terrytoons licensed the rights to publish comics with their characters to Timely Comics. Timely did a fair share of Terrytoon titles, like Terry-Toons (1942) and Mighty Mouse Comics (1946). These comics can be connected (don't exactly know the flowchart) to Timely Comics' own Funny Animal titles. Timely had a lot of Funny Animal characters, but the main two are Ziggy Pig and Silly Seal (as they are the one that connect to the main marvel universe later in the modern era). Therefore it can be concluded that the Terrytoon characters share the same reality as the Timely/Marvel Funny Animal characters (whom to my knowledge live in the main 616 Earth).
Here arises the first question: If the Terrytoons comics by Timely are the same universe as the original Timely Funny Animal characters, are the theatrical shorts made by Terrytoons for the big screen also part of this universe?

Now for the next question:
As I have mentioned previously, Terrytoons gave Timely Comics the license to make comics with their characters, but licenses often expire and if the partners don't really feel like so, the license will travel elsewhere. In this case, the Terrytoons comic license wandered to St. John Publications until 1956, then it went to Pines until 1959, then to Dell/Western until 1980.
While sometimes it's the case that different publishers tend to create different timelines, it's not so much the case every time. Like for example the comic license for Warner and MGM (later Hanna-Barbera) and most importantly Disney, traveled to different comic publishers, but stayed the same universe regardless. One of the convincing factors that it might be the case is that the Mighty Mouse comic started by Timely Comics never renumbered when traveling publishers and ultimately the 1946 volume of Mighty Mouse technically went on until 1980.

Thus comes the next question: Would these comics be part of the same universe, despite not being published by Marvel themselves?

One solution, the reading order I'm using found is to just strictly use Timely's Terrytoon comics and do not add anything else, lest it complicate things and I would say this is the easiest to just uphold, but I'm curious as though what the people here would rather do. Set boundaries or let it be more free to include the other entries extendedly. (And I would like to warn anyone this is not only the case with Terrytoons, but rather a lot of other media concerning Marvel's aquirance of other licenses, but all cases are more or less a bit more or less delicate than this, like for example I would not say to add every DC media just because DC comics have connections with Marvel, but instances like Terrytoons fall a bit more under ambiguity, due to it not technically being part of a larger official multiverse to my knowledge).
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Le me elaborate a bit.

Terrytoons (most famous for Mighty Mouse) was an animation studio in the 40s-50s, like Disney, Warner Bros or Metro Goldwyn Mayer. Like those studios, Terrytoons got into the Funny Animal genre craze and started promoting their theatrical shorts by licensing their characters to comic publishers.
While most publishers chose Western Publishing/Dell Comics. Terrytoons licensed the rights to publish comics with their characters to Timely Comics. Timely did a fair share of Terrytoon titles, like Terry-Toons (1942) and Mighty Mouse Comics (1946). These comics can be connected (don't exactly know the flowchart) to Timely Comics' own Funny Animal titles. Timely had a lot of Funny Animal characters, but the main two are Ziggy Pig and Silly Seal (as they are the one that connect to the main marvel universe later in the modern era). Therefore it can be concluded that the Terrytoon characters share the same reality as the Timely/Marvel Funny Animal characters (whom to my knowledge live in the main 616 Earth).
Here arises the first question: If the Terrytoons comics by Timely are the same universe as the original Timely Funny Animal characters, are the theatrical shorts made by Terrytoons for the big screen also part of this universe?

Now for the next question:
As I have mentioned previously, Terrytoons gave Timely Comics the license to make comics with their characters, but licensed often expire and if the partners don't really feel like so, the license will travel elsewhere. In this case, the Terrytoons comic licencse wandered to St. John Publications until 1956, then it went to Pines until 1959, then to Dell/Western until 1980.
While sometimes it's the case that different publishers tend to create different timelines, it's not so much the case everytime. Like for example the comic license for Warner and MGM (later Hanna-Barbera) and most importantly Disney, travelled to different comic publishers, but stayed the same universe regardless. One of the convincing factors that it might be the case is that the Mighty Mouse comic started by Timely Comics never renumbered when travelling publishers and ultimately the 1946 volume of Mighty Mouse technically went on until 1980.

Thus comes the next question: Would these comics be part of the same universe, despite not being published by Marvel themselves?

One solution, the reading order I'm using found is to just strictly use Timely's Terrytoon comics and do not add anything else, lest it complicate things and I would say this is the easiest to just uphold, but I'm curious as though what the people here would rather do. Set boundaries or let it be more free to include the other entries extendedly. (And I would like to warn anyone this is not only the case with Terrytoons, but rather a lot of other media concerning Marvel's aquirance of other licenses, but all cases are more or less a bit more or less delicate than this, like for example I would not say to add every DC media just because DC comics have connections with Marvel, but instances like Terrytoons fall a bit more under ambiguity, due to it not technically being part of a larger official multiverse to my knowledge).
Even if this means that the secret invasion started during the 30s, maybe we could consider them to be skrulls?
I don't know, but if canonically Cartman and Simpson are skrulls.... somehow, then I Guess other cartoon characters can be.
Ah, well I'm not aware that it would be the case, I don't recall skrull invasions in the 40s and Ziggy Pig and Silly Seal are canonically talking animals in the main universe haha. It would be hilarious though! Either way, the connections would still be there.
Ah, well I'm not aware that it would be the case, I don't recall skrull invasions in the 40s and Ziggy Pig and Silly Seal are canonically talking animals in the main universe haha. It would be hilarious though! Either way, the connections would still be there.
well we will talke this into consideration, until further proof. Thanks for bringig this up.