Metroid General

In all fairness, I'm not sure we want another Sakamoto Metroid.

In fact, I'm positive that I don't.
In all fairness, I'm not sure we want another Sakamoto Metroid. In fact, I'm positive that I don't.

I have no problem with another in the vein of Super Metroid (on the 3DS or something), but I agree Other M was a disappointment. But Super Metroid is literally one of the top 3 greatest video games ever made, and I say and mean that without a shred of exaggeration.

But Sakamoto has made it clear he's moving on, which is fine. Put the reins in the hands of a talented studio (*cough*cough*Retro*cough*cough*) and let them do their thing.

But either way, put out a new Metroid game, Nintendo. The Wii U's biggest problem after limited support from other game developers is the fact they have dropped the ball with many of their own franchises. Besides just Mario, the Wii U should've had a new Zelda and Metroid game within a year of its release, and perhaps a new StarFox, etc. I'm baffled by their approach.
I can't afford it. I still might buy it. The pose is a little derpy for a figure that can't move at all (at least you can choose the pose for Hot Toys stuff), but the Light Suit is my favourite armour of hers and the 3-payment option makes it a bit more palatable. Hmm...
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The link won't work for me - is that the Figma?

I have it too, and yeah, it's great! I kinda wish it came with a little Metroid, but it's nice otherwise and looks very cool on the shelf.

Nah, it's just concept work from at least 5-7 years ago. It was probably done as part of a submission package for the studio to make a Metroid game for the Wii, which ultinTely went to another studio and resulted in Metroid - Other M.

I know they're working on a new one, possibly Retro Studios doing a new one for the Wii U, and a separate studio doing a separate 2-D side scroller game for 3DS. That's been the rumor, anyway.
No hype for the new game? :( I thought it looked awesome and can't wait to see how it ties in
No hype for the new game? :( I thought it looked awesome and can't wait to see how it ties in

I was disappointed. While I'm glad we're getting something Metroid-related, this is about as far from Metroid as you can get and still call it Metroid.

The Metroid series has always been about a lone warrior exploring alien worlds and combating alien threats... this game is a co-op shooter that seems to have very simplistic mission goals that seem like they'll become boring fast.

I'm not one of those idiots that is signing a petition to influence Nintendo to drop the game and not release it, that's stupid. I just think they should've released this as a supplementary game to a major Metroid console game release on the Wii U (like was done with Metroid Prime on GameCube and Metroid Fusion for Gameboy Advance).

Far less would have complained about this game had that been the case. But, we're getting a Metroid game that's a Metroid game in name only, and the first one in 5 years... all the while Nintendo has been aware of the desire for a new Metroid, and the game pad for the Wii U is perfect to apply to the Metroid franchise... and yet, it's been confirmed, there's no Metroid game for the Wii U being developed.

All we're getting anytime soon is Federation Force. And I'm the furthest thing from a graphics whore (I love Splatoon), but the blocky graphics in Federation Force are horribly distracting, and not in a good way. Seriously, I own Metroid Prime - Hunters for the original DS, and the graphics in that seem superior to what's been shown for this game.

And I can forgive blocky graphics if the gameplay is good, but I wasn't impressed at all by what was shown in the trailer or the hands on Nintendo Treehouse play through of one of the levels. Just seems boring and repetitive (corral 4 snow monster things in cages? Lame).

It just seems that when it comes to Metroid, Nintendo are largely out of touch with their audience. Much like the N64, the Wii U seems like it'll be a Metroid-less console. :(

Of course, I'm a huge Metroid fan so I'll buy it (and a damn 3DS) to check it out.
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I was disappointed. While I'm glad we're getting something Metroid-related, this is about as far from Metroid as you can get and still call it Metroid.

I disagree. This looked like a Four Swords version of Metroid. It's what I was hoping Hunters was going to be.

The Metroid series has always been about a lone warrior exploring alien worlds and combating alien threats... this game is a co-op shooter that seems to have very simplistic mission goals that seem like they'll become boring fast.

You saw this video right? It's literally four player Metroid Prime. Who's to say the single player doesn't leave you by yourself?


All we're getting anytime soon is Federation Force. And I'm the furthest thing from a graphics whore (I love Splatoon), but the blocky graphics in Federation Force are horribly distracting, and not in a good way. Seriously, I own Metroid Prime - Hunters for the original DS, and the graphics in that seem superior to what's been shown for this game.

Looks good to me considering it's not a completed game.

I'll buy a damn 3DS)

And you don't even own the best console on the market.
I disagree. This looked like a Four Swords version of Metroid. It's what I was hoping Hunters was going to be.

You saw this video right? It's literally four player Metroid Prime. Who's to say the single player doesn't leave you by yourself?


Looks good to me considering it's not a completed game.

And you don't even own the best console on the market.

Yes I saw the video, hence my description of said video. ;)

And you're right, it is a Four Swords inspired Metroid game... which literally is a horrible choice for the Metroid franchise. It's also uninspired, with them literally just saying, "Hey, let's do Four Swords with Metroid. Derp."

Come on, that's just lazy, and missing the point of the core tone and approach of what Metroid is.

Again, part of Metroid is the solitude aspect, the lone warrior approach. It's heavily inspired by Alien, especially the one woman versus aliens plot aspect.

This is a different game entirely than what the Metroid series is, but with Metroid slapped on it.

Hunters has the same problem, but at least had Samus in it as the main character.

As for not being completed yet, let's be honest, those graphics aren't going to improve any. They've already nailed down the character models and at least one level design (as seen in the trailer).

Also, I may be wrong, but I don't think there is a single player aspect to this game.

There's the multiplayer Federation Force and then the morph ball game, I'm 99% sure there are no single player missions. I literally would be ok with it if it had a single player aspect. Still disappointed, but ok with it.

And as I said before, if they were releasing this in addition to a console version of Metroid, I wouldn't mind. But this is a really poor substitute for a proper Metroid game (and keep in mind I'd be totally down for a 2D or 3D Metroid, as long as it's an actual Metroid game).
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