X-Men: Apocalypse movie (2016)

Anyone have any thoughts on the alleged Magneto/Mystique romance? It's been bugging me for two reasons.

Should we guess what those reasons are?

1) Because you can't make a good celebrity mashup name with them. Except Mysterio, and that's already taken.

2) Magneto and Prof X were best buds and Mystique was basically Xavier's sister. And even if you have irreconcilable differences, you don't date your bff's sister. It will make your chess game get togethers in your plastic cell awkward for years to come.
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What makes you say that?

Because he was in X-Men: The Last Stand as a young man and apparently this movie takes place in the 80s. I know DoFP effectively wiped X3 off the timeline, but it couldn't have changed the timeline so much that someone was born 30 years earlier. I mean, I guess they might just do it because, who cares? But assuming they are trying to keep some kind of continuity between the movies, then it SHOULD be someone else.
Because he was in X-Men: The Last Stand as a young man and apparently this movie takes place in the 80s. I know DoFP effectively wiped X3 off the timeline, but it couldn't have changed the timeline so much that someone was born 30 years earlier. I mean, I guess they might just do it because, who cares? But assuming they are trying to keep some kind of continuity between the movies, then it SHOULD be someone else.

I doubt it's going to be anyone besides Warren. Singer will have a way to explain why.

The X-Men film series has had a terrible continuity for awhile now. There are dozens of instances of continuity screw ups in the series, usually regarding little things, others not so little (like Prof X and Magneto meeting when they were in their late teens as explained by Professor X in the first X-Men... but First Class shows them meeting when they're both in their late 20's). And then stuff like two White Queens (one in Origins - Wolverine, one in First Class), the details about Cerebro, etc, make it glaringly apparent there wasn't much thought put into building a bigger X-Men film universe when these problems began... and continued.

Days of Future Past tried to fix those things by resorting to timeline reset, resurrecting dead characters, etc. And that's fine. But it doesn't explain the Angel thing, and now this:

Psylocke already appeared in Last Stand... and now she's the same age in the early 80's as she is in the mid 2000's? Is immortality one of her mutant powers?
Psylocke already appeared in Last Stand... and now she's the same age in the early 80's as she is in the mid 2000's? Is immortality one of her mutant powers?

She wasn't ever named in the movie, she was a very minor character. I didn't even realize it was her for years.
Yes. Via body swapping


She wasn't ever named in the movie, she was a very minor character. I didn't even realize it was her for years.

White Queen in Origins - Wolverine wasn't the same character as White Queen from First Class, and the Origins version was a minor character.

Can't we just admit Fox doesn't bother much with continuity (though I do give credit to Singer for trying to fix those issues with DoFP)?

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