Captain Canuck
The poster formerly known as captaincanuck65
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So I got the DVD of this for Christmas and watched it yesterday. It was bland and bloated. The Weapon X scene was cool but the whole part with them getting captured by Stryker was completely unnecessary and the movie would have probably been better without it. It's nice that they gave Moira her memories back, but she was really unnecessary in the movie. Magneto suffers great loss again and goes bad again and kills tons of people, but he defends Xavier at the end, so it's all good. Angel was wasted again. Psylocke was wasted for the first time. And most of all, Apocalypse was anything but intimidating.
It amazes me that Singer/Fox repeated the mistakes that Ratner/Fox made in X3. And then they tried to burn X3 with the ROTJ reference "The third one is always the worst". In the words of Honest Trailers, "Congratulations, you played yourself."