Ultimate Marvel Timeline / Chronology (v 5.0)

Well, started to do a little catch up for the timeline here, and started reading some of the comics I need to update for.

However, there seems to be a problem with the site/server.

Everytime I try to edit the first couple posts (with the timeline sections in them), nothing shows up in the box where the HTML text usually appears for editing. Its totally blank. Luckily I cancel it so the existing posts aren't erased, but its got me a bit worried, so I made sure to do an up to date back up copy of the coded version so if worse comes to worse I can just copy and paste it back should it get erased.

That said, I've found that by "replying" to the original two posts I can get the coded text to show up, edit it, and just remove the [quote ] bars, then copy and paste that in the empty "edit" text box for the same outcome. However, I'm going to hold off a bit just in case its only a temporary issue.

It could be too that I'm approaching the character max for the posts (which I think was 10,000, though maybe its changed on the new server?), though usually when you go over it'll alert you and prevent you from posting until you reduce the number.

Anyway, I'll give it a few days and come back to it. Worse comes to worse I'll just use the approach I described.
Ok, so after 3 months I'm buckling down and updating this, in preparation for the end of Hunger and beginning of Cataclysm.

And to be honest, I'm really hoping this ends the Ultimate verse as the overall quality of the books has dropped severely (USM is still decent, but the rest suck). Its become a chore to read them as opposed to an enjoyable experience.

But, I'm stubborn and like to finish what I start, so I'll see this damn timeline through to the cold, bitter, painful end.

Anyway, I just picked up all the issues I was missing through Comixology and am downloading them now. Will get this updated over the next few days.
I can't disagree more. The Ultimate universe is the most fun I'm having with comics right now. It's so unpredictable and between Wood, Fialkov, and Bendis we're getting awesomeness almost on a weekly basis
I can't disagree more. The Ultimate universe is the most fun I'm having with comics right now. It's so unpredictable and between Wood, Fialkov, and Bendis we're getting awesomeness almost on a weekly basis

How? USM is good, yeah, but that's about it.

The Ultimates has become ridiculous.
Sue Storm
as Kang was just...stupid. There's no better word.

Ultimate X-Men has many of the characters acting so insanely out of character its painful: Jean Grey is suddenly a megalomaniacal dictator and war monger?

Overall the Ultimate universe has lost sight of what it was and intended to be: a more realistic, balanced take on the 616 Marvel universe using updated and (somewhat) realistic science to explain most of its elements. Now its like the Marvel universe of the 70's and 80's, with all the over the top storylines and cosmic stuff. If I were reading this stuff 10 years ago in the era of the early Ultimates, Ult. X-Men, and USM issues I wouldn't have believed it was the same universe.

Its unpredictable only because its largely pulling half-assed, nonsensical explanations for a good majority of its stories. Ultimates 2 reveal of Black Widow as the traitor was a thousand times better handled and had more weight in terms of unpredictability than anything done in the Ultimate universe in years, with the exception of USM, which is still a good book and really the only good book the Ultimate universe has.

Its gone so far off the rails in the worst ways possible.

The last two Ultimate X-Men arcs were ok and had promise, until Jean Grey nonsensically became determined to "unite" mutantkind through war. Perfectly logical, Jean! Jesus. The reasoning and motivation behind that was moronic.

Seriously, overall that's why I've essentially replaced the Ultimate universe with the new Valiant universe comics. They do a similar job as the early Ultimate verse did of presenting logical, sensible yet amazing approaches to how their characters come about using existing science (though amplified for purpose of the story), the stories are all set in a "real world" setting, and are just better and more interesting overall. Its essentially what the Ultimate universe used to be, but with an identity all its own.

You're absolutely entitled to your opinion, but I'm honestly having a tough time seeing how you're coming to it.

Also, Hunger has been pretty stupid so far as well. I'm hoping Cataclysm will improve on the low quality level coming out of the Ultimate verse lately (other than USM).
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Updated for the past month's issues.

This Cataclysm event is going to be a huge pain in the butt in terms of timelining, mainly because Marvel editorial has never been to precise with aligning their crossover events logically (and its not as a sacrifice in telling a better story, its just carelessness and a lack of editorial oversight between the different authors).

Valiant does it better. ;)
Also, I'm a tad confused. They're releasing Ultimate Spider-Man #200 in April, obviously using the original numbering and adding the Miles run, as well as extra issues like the #1/2 and #16.1, etc, but that still doesn't equal 200. From my count:

Ultimate Spider-Man #1-133
Ultimatum - Ultimate Spider-Man: Requiem #1-2
Ultimate Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #1-15
Ultimate Spider-Man #150-160
Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #1-3
Ultimate Spider-Man #1/2
Ultimate Comics All-New Spider-Man #1-28
Ultimate Comics All-New Spider-Man #16.1
Cataclysm - Ultimate Spider-Man #1-3

By my count that equals 198 issues. Am I forgetting or overlooking something (or miscounting)?
Also, I'm a tad confused. They're releasing Ultimate Spider-Man #200 in April, obviously using the original numbering and adding the Miles run, as well as extra issues like the #1/2 and #16.1, etc, but that still doesn't equal 200. From my count:

Ultimate Spider-Man #1-133
Ultimatum - Ultimate Spider-Man: Requiem #1-2
Ultimate Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #1-15
Ultimate Spider-Man #150-160
Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #1-3
Ultimate Spider-Man #1/2
Ultimate Comics All-New Spider-Man #1-28
Ultimate Comics All-New Spider-Man #16.1
Cataclysm - Ultimate Spider-Man #1-3

By my count that equals 198 issues. Am I forgetting or overlooking something (or miscounting)?

Take out annuals and 1/2 and replace with Spider-Men
Also, I'm a tad confused. They're releasing Ultimate Spider-Man #200 in April, obviously using the original numbering and adding the Miles run, as well as extra issues like the #1/2 and #16.1, etc, but that still doesn't equal 200. From my count:

Ultimate Spider-Man #1-133
Ultimatum - Ultimate Spider-Man: Requiem #1-2
Ultimate Spider-Man (Vol. 2) #1-15
Ultimate Spider-Man #150-160
Ultimate Spider-Man Annual #1-3
Ultimate Spider-Man #1/2
Ultimate Comics All-New Spider-Man #1-28
Ultimate Comics All-New Spider-Man #16.1
Cataclysm - Ultimate Spider-Man #1-3

By my count that equals 198 issues. Am I forgetting or overlooking something (or miscounting)?

I actually get 197... And no way do annuals, 1/2, or 16.1 count, so really, it's 192!

But this isn't the first time they've done this. 150 is actually 151 (133+2+15=150. The next one would be 151)

EDIT: Although, maybe they're counting 7 issues of Ultimate Six

Or maybe 6 issues of Ultimate Fallout and either 1/2 or 16.1

Or 5 issues of Spider-Men and both 1/2 and 16.1 (or the Super-Special)

Haha, or they just are throwing around numbers to boost sales!
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From Tumblr

bombasticrelish asked: So since Ultimate Spider-man #200 is being released in April, but 160 + 28 = 188 and there are 3 issues of the Cataclysm mini series... What are the other 9 issues that count?

Bendis: so that is 191, then…

ultimate spidey special 1

spider-men 5

two ultimatum issues

4 annuals- they count!

i could also count ultimate six because they are listed in trade as usm.

not even including the death of spidey epilogue issues
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From Tumblr bombasticrelish asked: So since Ultimate Spider-man #200 is being released in April, but 160 + 28 = 188 and there are 3 issues of the Cataclysm mini series... What are the other 9 issues that count? Bendis: so that is 191, then… ultimate spidey special 1 spider-men 5 two ultimatum issues 4 annuals- they count! i could also count ultimate six because they are listed in trade as usm. not even including the death of spidey epilogue issues

Ah ok. And 4 Annuals? I thought there were only 3? I forgot about the USM Special issue.

But yeah, with Ultimate Six that definitely puts it over 200 (though even though it was collected in the USM series of TPBs, I don't think it should count towards USM issues since it's clearly a separate mini-series which doesn't even use the USM title, though it does focus on the characters/villains from the ongoing).

Marvel uses strange math.