Ultimate Marvel Timeline / Chronology (v 5.0)

Updated for:

Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates #18.1, Ultimate Comics: Iron Man #3, Ultimate Comics: X-Men #20, Ultimate Comics: All-New Spider-Man #18, and Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates #19.

Bit of a continuity screw up in UCAN Spider-Man #18, where Giant Woman/Cassie Lang attacks Spider-Man as if she's either a member of Hydra or still under Modi's control, though at this point she should be back to normal in regards to the battle. Not a huge deal though...

Timeline is all caught up through 2012. On to 2013. Once again, thanks to Matt for his invaluable help!
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i thought it still worked, she was knocked across multiple states and still groggy/unsure when spider-man found her, so she attacked
i thought it still worked, she was knocked across multiple states and still groggy/unsure when spider-man found her, so she attacked

Yeah, thats really the only way to explain it. Still, its a bit weak considering in Ultimates Modi's gem was no longer working on everyone and she was able to "catch" the falling Helicarrier.

At first I thought it could be explained away as her not being sure which side Spidey was on (since he'd just joined the Ultimates), but then after catching Miles she directly contacts Hydra and informs them of his capture.

Eh, definitely not the worst Ultimate continuity error by far, so I'll let it slide. ;)
So, is Battle for New York now considered non-canon? You mentioned it was an expansion of the early Goblin arcs before, but it's not in the timeline. (Not that I want to go searching for that game, since it looked like it terrible when it came out. Plus I'd need to find and dust off my old GBA.)

Also, now that I'm pretty much complete with the Ultimate, Zombie, and Deadpool trades, I'm about to start with the Squadron comics (sigh, my Ultimate comics OCD is a pain sometimes). Any recommendations on big trade paperbacks that collect a bunch of issues?
So, is Battle for New York now considered non-canon? You mentioned it was an expansion of the early Goblin arcs before, but it's not in the timeline. (Not that I want to go searching for that game, since it looked like it terrible when it came out. Plus I'd need to find and dust off my old GBA.)

Its my opinion Battle for New York isn't meant to be Ultimate canon. While the character models, story and setting are obviously based on the Ultimate comics, the plot doesn't jive completely with the comics. Its been awhile since I played it, honestly, so I can't point to anything specific, but if I recall correctly it doesn't fit due to the Goblin story somehow. Sorry I can't be more precise. But it doesn't fit, that I'm sure of. Its kind of like the USM cartoon (though admittedly closer in tone and plot). If you're motivated at all I'd say give it a try, you'll probably be able to find it new or used for less than $5, and I for one would love a refresher on it (just to verify my admittedly foggy memory of it).

Also, now that I'm pretty much complete with the Ultimate, Zombie, and Deadpool trades, I'm about to start with the Squadron comics (sigh, my Ultimate comics OCD is a pain sometimes). Any recommendations on big trade paperbacks that collect a bunch of issues?

No big trades, they're all 4-6 issues each. There's Supreme Power Vol. 1-3 which collects the entire 18 issue run of the first series (which is awesome...the rest sucks), then a few spin-offs: Doctor Spectrum, Nighthawk, and Hyperion. Then it became Squadron Supreme and ran for 7 issues... I think this was collected into 2 trades, or maybe just one, you'll be able to find out on Amazon (careful, because the original SS from the 70's was also Squadron Supreme, and don't want to see you accidentally pick up the wrong version of the team when buying trades if you're not interested in the original that crossed over with 616 back in the day--and were in Ultimate Power...or a close facsimile anyway), then there was the Hyperion vs. Nighthawk mini, and then ANOTHER Squadron Supreme 12 issue series (Vol. 2) which was collected into 2 or 3 trades. The only reason these hold any weight on the timeline is because of the Ultimate Power mini and the Supreme Power/Squadron Supreme teams crossing over, as well as Nick Fury (Ultimate) temporarily being banished to the Squadron universe for awhile (even though the timelines don't match up... if I recall correctly its said in SS he was there for 5 years, but in the Ult universe only about a year or less had passed...). Sorry I can't be more exact with the info as I'm not at home and can't look through my trades/single issues to get the precise info, and its been at least 2 or 3 years since these issues came out and I last read them. I'd recommend Wikipedia (search for Supreme Power and Squadron Supreme and it'll list all the series--or the timeline here, though its admittedly tougher with the issues broken up by chronological order) and Amazon for the books available and which issues they contain.

Let me know if you have any other questions, good luck!
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So I just bought all the recent Ultimate Comics trades and am ALMOST caught up. I've got nothing to add but it's nice to see that this timeline is still going strong. You guys rock. I'm gonna try to get more involved in this thread again for old times sake. Is it just me or do all the books seem way more intertwined then they used to be?
So I just bought all the recent Ultimate Comics trades and am ALMOST caught up. I've got nothing to add but it's nice to see that this timeline is still going strong. You guys rock. I'm gonna try to get more involved in this thread again for old times sake. Is it just me or do all the books seem way more intertwined then they used to be?

I'm actually several month behind. I don't think I've updated since about Jan or Feb. I recently downloaded the issues I hadn't read yet on my iPhone but haven't sat down and read them to update the timeline. I will do so soon, in the next few weeks. Just been mainly focusing on the MCU timeline, but that's all caught up and won't be changing till Thor 2 comes out, so I'll try to devote more time more often to this one.
Ok, updated for all comics released in the past 2 1/2 months since last update. Timeline is completely up to date for now (though that'll change next week when new issues are released). Let me know if you think anything's out of place, especially the Wolverine mini flashbacks concerning Jimmy's conception occurring before the flashback scene from Ult X-Men #11 where Wolverine saves Fury. Not too positive on the ordering of that truthfully.
It is definitely in Age of Ultron. I don't know if that has anything to do with the upcoming crossover, but its only two pages that aren't very timeline friendly, i.e. they can happen at anytime if they aren't referenced by anything else.
It is definitely in Age of Ultron. I don't know if that has anything to do with the upcoming crossover, but its only two pages that aren't very timeline friendly, i.e. they can happen at anytime if they aren't referenced by anything else.

Interesting. Which issue was that? I'll check it out and add it to the timeline. And the crossover I'm thinking of is Hunger.

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