This returns on Monday, right? I'm completely caught up, but I have to say the show isn't at all as good as it once was. Meet your mother already! (or their mother, I guess)
it starts at the 40sec mark. best magic trick ever!

Marvin...wait for it...Erikson.

And I want a Zelda ATM

I'm not sure how I feel about the ending. I'd be okay if I thought they were actually going to get married,
but Bob Saget said "which brings us to a wedding day that went horribly wrong
" as the intro to the second part.

I'm also kind of annoyed at
Ted running off with Victoria
. I've wanted them to end up together since season one, but this makes no sense.
This show should have ended after season six. Last season sucked, and while this one has been better it's still nowhere as good as it was in the beginning. I literally only laughed twice in this episode, which is especially disappointing for a Robin Sparkles Episode.

And there's still one more season after this? wow.
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I only just recently started watching this show. I'm not impressed. I'm only about halfway through Season 1, and have found a few instances funny, but nothing laugh out loud caliber like, say, Arrested Development or to a lesser degree Modern Family.

And the fact you guys are saying it only gets worse by Season 6 doesn't have me motivated to keep watching (though I will, damn it, because I can't stop once I start something).
I loved the first few seasons. Absolutely loved them.

Never could get into arrested development. It's not unfunny, but I don't get why people love it so much.
I only just recently started watching this show. I'm not impressed. I'm only about halfway through Season 1, and have found a few instances funny, but nothing laugh out loud caliber like, say, Arrested Development or to a lesser degree Modern Family.

And the fact you guys are saying it only gets worse by Season 6 doesn't have me motivated to keep watching (though I will, damn it, because I can't stop once I start something).

I got the first season on DVD from the library because I heard that it was funny. I forced myself through about 7 episodes and couldn't do it any more. It just isn't funny and it tries so hard to be that it makes it even less funny. I couldn't stand the main character, whatever his name is.

I can't believe a thread about this show has 830+ posts.
Captain Canuck said:
I loved the first few seasons. Absolutely loved them.

Never could get into arrested development. It's not unfunny, but I don't get why people love it so much.


You're dead to me. I think I'd have an easier time forgiving you mercilessly beating a puppy to death than that statement (which says a lot more about me than you, admittedly).

But seriously? AD is hilarious, intelligent, and just plain awesome all around. Night and day better than HIMYM.

E said:
I got the first season on DVD from the library because I heard that it was funny. I forced myself through about 7 episodes and couldn't do it any more. It just isn't funny and it tries so hard to be that it makes it even less funny. I couldn't stand the main character, whatever his name is.

I can't believe a thread about this show has 830+ posts.

My sentiments exactly.

Like I said I'll probably stick it out and get through at least the rest of Season 1, maybe it'll get better.

You're dead to me. I think I'd have an easier time forgiving you mercilessly beating a puppy to death than that statement (which says a lot more about me than you, admittedly).

But seriously? AD is hilarious, intelligent, and just plain awesome all around. Night and day better than HIMYM.

It's intelligent? The show is about a dysfunctional family all acting like morons. That is funny, but it's not what I would call intelligent.

Not that How I Met Your Mother is intelligent humour either. A lot of people watch the show for Barney (Neil Patrick Harris). His jokes are about as unintelligent as you can get. I didn't get into the show for a long time b/c of him. I basically watch the show b/c of Marshall (Jason Segel). His humour is pretty much my favourite kind of humour. When I found out he was writing and starring in "The Muppets" I was so excited. And he didn't disappoint.
It's intelligent? The show is about a dysfunctional family all acting like morons. That is funny, but it's not what I would call intelligent.

The writing is nothing short of genius. The intelligence or behavior of the characters has nothing to do with how brilliantly the show is written and put together.
I thought everyone liked Arrested Development. My mind is blown.
Captain Canuck said:
It's intelligent? The show is about a dysfunctional family all acting like morons. That is funny, but it's not what I would call intelligent.

E said:
The writing is nothing short of genius. The intelligence or behavior of the characters has nothing to do with how brilliantly the show is written and put together.

Exactly. I loved the not so subtle pokes at Fox Network about how they over promoted shows like Family Guy with excessive pop up ads on the company's website (which may have helped accelerate Fox executives cancel AD). The foreshadowing of Buster losing his hand through most of Season 2? Brilliant. Barry Zuckerkorn jumping over the shark? Amazingly meta. 90% of the scenes with Tobias? Hilarious.

There's a reason the show reignited the career of Jason Bateman and started Michael Cera's.

I can't urge you enough to watch the show from the beginning. It is pure genius.

How I Met Your Mother... not at all. The most inventive thing about it is the narrative structure of it being an entire show of flashbacks as a dad relates to his kids in the future how he met his wife.

And NPH is way funnier in the Harold & Kumar movies (honestly about the only funny thing about those movies).

Captain Canuck said:
I don't dislike it. If it's on tv I'll watch it. I'm just not going to go out of my way to watch all theisodes or anything.

But you really should. Is it because you're Canadian? ;)