Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)


true, but all the Robin Sparkles moments are priceless.
Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

Hell of a way for the year to begin on the show. But this season has been so much better than the last, which the creators recognized and worked on.

But damn, Segel & Hannigan were wonderful at the end. Really great acting.
Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

But damn, Segel & Hannigan were wonderful at the end. Really great acting.

Segel is the best thing about the show. That scene was wonderfully done.

I have to say though, the series is starting to become less of the character-continuity-injoke-superpower it used to be and is turning into more of a standard sitcom. They're probably doing this to stretch the series out a while longer, I'd say. Watching it is still one of my favourite parts of the week, though.
Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

did the 2nd part of the season start up again? didn't even notice.
Re: How I Met Your Mother (discussion)

Anyone catch the start of the new season?
Punchy's wedding was fun, drunk Marshall is awesome.

oh I forgot...

EDIT: Garrison Cootes was brilliant as well....
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I was told about a rumor that Victoria was returning, but didn't think it'd be so soon! I can't wait until next week.

Also, I really, really, really hope it's Nora & Barney getting married. Hopefully the writers are trying to trick us with "The bride needs to see you, Ted." to make us think it's Robin since most people would probably think, "Why would Nora want to see Ted?". Easy! Barney always says he's Ted's best friend so she'll want to ask him whatever it is she needs to because he's the right one to ask!

Lot of rambling. Still enjoyed the premiere. It was fun. Even if the writers poked fun at how long the show has been going on.
I feel the reverse. The only good thing was Muffin Girl.

I hated the bride needs to see you Ted, cause it's obviously going to be Robin. I really hope I'm wrong, but my track record with this show is pretty good.
I JUST started watching this show two days ago. I'm still in season one - just finished the episode where Ted and Victoria break up right after he almost cheats on her with Robin. I haven't cared about fictional characters like this since 500 Days of Summer.
After that, I always say "Nothing good happens after 2 A.M."

Unless you're in a skype convo with me, TOG, and Proj. Then everything hilarious happens after 2 A.M.
Dear writers of How I Met Your Mother. STOP REHASHING ALL YOUR OLD IDEAS.

Yesterday's episode was brillance, until you messed it up with the whole Kal Penn leaving and Ted telling Robin shes the one, AGAIN.

We know he doesn't end up with her, SO WHY KEEP TRYING TO TELL US SHE DOES.


Stripper Quinn was the best part of the episode last night.
Kal was aways going to leave. It was said he wasn't going to be on long. In fact, he was longer than originally scripted for (which was 4 episodes).

Also, I totally called you being pissed about the ending. But why weren't you on MSN?! :(

Anyways, I was also upset about it. While Ted didn't say she was the one, he just said he loved her. It seems like its the same, but we (and Robin) know it's not.

My guess as to why they had Ted say he loved her is to have a transition to what they said before where Robin will move out because this isn't where she wanted to be in her life when she broke up with Ted 5 years ago. Remember she said she wanted to travel the world and what not. An even Ted said he wanted to be married with kids, with Robin reminding him of that, so she'll say "this can't happen again Ted."

Something like that. :p
I ended up watching the episode last night, which was strange for me because I haven't seen anything since the season six finale.

What happened to Nora?!?! (Don't tell me)

And yeah, when Ted told Robin she was the one, I was like, "Again? Really?"