The Birthday Greeting Thread (...and you smell like one) 2

no, the Judeo Christian God doesn't like it when you pray to other gods

or when girls jump out of cakes.

anyway, happy belated birthday Iceshadow.
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Happy Birthday Ice.

For your birthday, I would like a sensual massage.
happy B-day to Eroz and Captain Canuck or whatever he calls himself these days and the rest of you maggots that i may have forgotten. im going to to go read some more incriminating documents now from Wiki Leaks
happy B-day to Eroz and Captain Canuck or whatever he calls himself these days and the rest of you maggots that i may have forgotten. im going to to go read some more incriminating documents now from Wiki Leaks
Happy late birthday Canuck!
Happy Birthday to Captain Canuck and that other guy!
Silly Grocer Man, Canadians don't have birthdays.
you're right, i just wanted to see how it felt... i apologize for the deception
Frosty the snowman says Happy Birthday. GET IT!?
b/c you are Ice and frost/snow is similar to ice?
or maybe b/c I'm from Canada and it's snowy here? (it's not really, where i live at least, but i'm never going to convince any of you of that).

or actually b/c those were Frosty the Snowman's first words in the movie. "H-H-Happy Birthday!"