The Birthday Greeting Thread (...and you smell like one) 2

I already wished you Happy Birthday last week. You didn't see your name when I said Happy Birthday? I was sure when I said Happy Birthday everyone, that I had said Happy Birthday to you.
I'm not everyone, I'm... okay I'm trying to think of something cool to add there but nothings coming to my head.
Happy Birthday Random! Not Everyone! Just Random!
You are one classy guy. Stay gold ponyboy
Wuss. :noway:
He may be a wuss, but not a lazy wuss
happy belated birthday to all of ya.
I'll take it
To celebrate your birthday, you should take some time off from your animated shorts.
I thought about animating myself without pants, thus "taking time off from my animated shorts" but I'm too ****ing lazy.
yay, someone remembered my birthday!!
It's a good feeling isn't?
Happy Birthday nigma.
Yeah! Hey... waitaminute.
i got your back, man

...and i just happened to notice it at the bottom of the main forum page.

No one notice it last year.

I never really look at it either...
I would say happy birthday but I'm not sure who Jaggyd is or if she's anywhere near as awesome as Skotti. We shall see...

Trust me, she's not. She's just some freakin' poseur.
Yay, thank you!

Also, I want someone to make me this cake:

I hope a fat Italian plumber bursts out of that cake.

Happy birthday.