I think Walt is going to kill Gus in the finale.

I'm probably wrong but that would allow for an interesting fourth season - Walt struggling to run this massive empire and his eventual downfall.
I'm expecting the same thing, but I hope that they find away around killing him off. I find him interesting as hell, as he is the most mysterious character on the show. I definitely think Walt's going to go after him, though.
Holy ****.

I need to take a week off just to organize my thoughts.
Vince Gilligan really wasn't kidding when he said he didn't know where he was going with this show. I can wait, though, if the quality of the show remains the same, perhaps it'll even get better.

On the whole, I thought that season 3 was better than season 2. More action, more WTF moments, and I think the best characterization of each of our anti-heroes. The Cousins were great (while they lasted) and an unexpected villain arose in Gus, who I thought would be Walt's ally at the outset of his development. The character I least expected to be the most interesting in season 4, Jesse, is the one I am looking forward to getting back to now but I'll have to wait more than a year it seems...
I think it'll be worth the wait. With how Gilligan was speaking about season 3, it's better that they get their heads on straight to write up to par with season 3.
Or... they want extra time because 4 is going to be the final season.
Vince said he thought the show could last five seasons and now, after season three, a season six isn't out of the question. While I think you might be right, I hope you're wrong.
Though they can put Mad Men and Breaking Bad on the same night...
Has anyone seen the ABC Breaking Bad clips with laugh tracks? They're pretty funny.

There's also this:
