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Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

There really hasn't been a confirmation one way or the other. I think both have been mentioned at some point, but nothing 100% guaranteed.

Hmmm, my choices of villains would change depending on that, if its a sequel or even a reboot, I would go with the sentinels, with a prequel I would go with Sinister.

Though I think overall a prequel would make more sense.
Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

Another movie that Singer is interested in.


A couple of days ago, I mentioned director Bryan Singer likes to develop many projects simultaneously until, suddenly, one enters production. Variety reports Singer is looking to remake "Excalibur." Interestingly, Variety also reports,"Singer has been flirting with directing 'X-Men: First Class,' a 20th Century Fox spinoff that got a first script draft by 'O.C.' creator Josh Schwartz." Just to round up, Singer is looking at '"Excalibur," "Battlestar Galactica," "First Class," and "Wolverine 2." I get the impression the "First Class" and "Wolverine" rumors are probably one and the same, with the exact title of the project getting confused.

Release date: 2010
Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

Singer to direct, according to Singer.


At the Avatar premiere, director Bryan Singer told various people he has signed to direct the film. He just hasn't told any of the usual suspects. Collider points to Flickchart's Twitter page, but the post is without quote. IGN points to a video at MySpace where Singer actually announces, "I just yesterday signed a deal to do an "X-Men: First Class" origins picture, which is kind of cool. I'm very excited." I've yet to see the trades confirm this, but since "Avatar" and "X-Men" are both Fox properties, I could easily see the whole thing being planned. Singer announces "X-Men" at the 27 minute mark.
That's cool. I admit I hated Singer's superman returns but his X-men worked really well. Plus him directing will make prequel feel like 1 + 2 and so feel like a real prequel.
FOX confirms Singer's news.


After Bryan Singer's surprising announcement on Wednesday night about his return to the "X-Men" franchise, the Internet has been buzzing. Fox kindly confirmed the news yesterday afternoon, as reported at Heat Vision. The Heat Vision post also mentions that "the studio has tapped Jamie Moss to write the screenplay and work with Singer on the project, which goes back to the drawing board." Josh Schwartz previously had been attached to the project as writer. Variety was able to get a few more story details from Singer. "This is the formative years of Xavier and Magneto, and the formation of the school and where there[sic] relationship took a wrong turn," says the director. "There is a romantic element, and some of the mutants from 'X-Men' will figure into the plot, though I don't want to say which ones. There will be a lot of new mutants and a great villain." I suppose I could make a "X-Men Begins" joke, but I'll refrain. At this point, there is no time table for the film's release and even Singer's presumed next film, "Jack the Giant Killer," isn't a completely sure thing.
they don't want to say which mutants from the previous movies will be in it, but they've already established that Cyclops, Jean, Storm, and Beast were some of Xavier's first students. Maybe they'll throw in a couple of others like Havok or Quicksilver.

I wonder if they'll start where Wolverine left off or go back to Magneto's childhood like in X-Men 1

And I also wonder if they'll deal with Jason Stryker.

I just hope it will be better than Wolverine was.
I'm not happy about this. I thought they would go for someone new... I hope that they stick to the comics more, focus on the meaning behind the X-Men, and they don't develop a plot for Hollywood with little inspiration coming from the comics other than the character's.

they don't want to say which mutants from the previous movies will be in it, but they've already established that Cyclops, Jean, Storm, and Beast were some of Xavier's first students. Maybe they'll throw in a couple of others like Havok or Quicksilver.

I wonder if they'll start where Wolverine left off or go back to Magneto's childhood like in X-Men 1

And I also wonder if they'll deal with Jason Stryker.

I just hope it will be better than Wolverine was.

And Wolverine was fairly good until we found out that his wife was actually alive (she could've been an illusion created by Jason... C'mon) and when Deadpool came back at the end as... Whatever he was.
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And Wolverine was fairly good until we found out that his wife was actually alive (she could've been an illusion created by Jason... C'mon) and when Deadpool came back at the end as... Whatever he was.

Well, Silver Fox faking her own death was in the comics I think, so I guess they took it from that.

I hate what XO:W did with Cyclops.
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So is this what Magneto has become? I mean film wise as it was Wolverine and Magneto announced as spin-offs but now this is there instead but features Magneto in the good role.
And Wolverine was fairly good until we found out that his wife was actually alive (she could've been an illusion created by Jason... C'mon)

Well, Silver Fox faking her own death was in the comics I think, so I guess they took it from that.

Well. Actually.

In the old Wolverine ongoing comic from the 80s he reveals that one of his earliest memories is finding his girlfriend (Silver Fox) dead. She had been raped and brutally murdered by some guy named Creed. Wolverine doesn't remember who he is or why he did it, but that it was on his birthday and they fought and Wolverine lost and barely escaped. Every year since then Creed (aka Sabertooth) has tried to kill him on his birthday. He even killed others who were going after Wolverine and left a note on their corpses saying "no one kills you except me" (which is where that line from the movie comes from).

Years and years and years later when Wolverine is with Team X there is a woman on the team that he recognizes as Silver Fox and she claims to be the same woman and Sabertooth is on the team too. The thing is, they had been messing with Wolverine's mind so he isn't sure if the memories are real or if he's being manipulated. So Silver Fox may not have even ever existed, or maybe Wolverine's memories were altered to make him think this woman was Silver Fox.

The problem with the movie of Wolverine, wasn't that they didn't stick to the comics (okay, they ignored Dead Pool's comics stuff), but that they did a lot of research, found that Wolverine's story was pretty contradictory in parts (which is the point, until recently one of the main points of Wolverine was that he didn't remember the truth about his past) and they took some key elements and pieced them together into a brainless action flick.

Which makes me think that Wolverine would have been an amazing movie to tell in a similar format of Chris Nolan's 'Memento'
So is this what Magneto has become? I mean film wise as it was Wolverine and Magneto announced as spin-offs but now this is there instead but features Magneto in the good role.
Nope. Magneto will still have his own movie, whenever it happens, where it'll focus more on his life than in here or the other scenes in the X-Men movies.
Nope. Magneto will still have his own movie, whenever it happens, where it'll focus more on his life than in here or the other scenes in the X-Men movies.

Ah cool but a little meh. As Magneto the film should have ended with him as villain now instead he turns this one. Still that one will be intresting plus this one sounds interesting too.
Would it be too much to ask for having Pietro and Wanda in this and then relate to an Avenger's sequel? Of course I know this won't happen what with Fox not letting any of the X-characters in another movie.
My only attitude to this whole thing:

How are Fox going to make this movie without Logan, when the last four movies have basically been Wolverine Fanboy Porn? The one, absolutely astonishing thing about all the movies was Jackman.

Bryan Singer tells The Los Angeles Times the fractured relationship between Professor Xavier and Magneto will be a key aspect of the film. "Just doing younger mutants is not enough. The story needs to be more than that. I love the relationship between Magneto and Xavier, these two men who have diametrically opposite points of view but still manage to be friends -- to a point. They are the ultimate frenemies." The film is expected to feature the moment the two men became adversaries and the founding of the School for Gifted Youngsters. The article suggests Singer may also take on an "X-Men 4" and possibly the "Wolverine" sequel; provided the director can find time in his busy schedule.
How are Fox going to make this movie without Logan, when the last four movies have basically been Wolverine Fanboy ****?

I hope I don't see a single Logan-esque thing in the film. Not even a mention of a mutant in Canada who has regenerative powers. No Wolvie nothing.
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