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Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

It's not really the same. Anakin and Padmé was an old-fashioned tragic romance. Lana Lang was (supposed to be) a sort of a catalyst for Clark to realise that his destiny wasn't on a farm in Kansas and that he had a far greater purpose.

As for Jean and Scott in the X-Men movies...they have sex for a little while until something better comes along.

Ah who cares, it would just be nice for cyclops to actually get some development, because besides the first movie, he was hardly in the film series at all, I really don't care that Wolvie will come along in the future.

I'm guessing No angel. Unless he goes there as young kid and then leaves before X-men 1 happened.


That doesn't make sense, wouldn't he have to the X-Men right away after the begining of the third movie, otherwise, instead of trying to cut of his wings?

Really now just have this film deal with a smaller cast: the Professor, Storm, Jean, Cyke, Beast, maybe Magneto and some villain. That's enought o focus on for the first little while.
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Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

It's not really the same. Anakin and Padmé was an old-fashioned tragic romance. Lana Lang was (supposed to be) a sort of a catalyst for Clark to realise that his destiny wasn't on a farm in Kansas and that he had a far greater purpose.

As for Jean and Scott in the X-Men movies...they have sex for a little while until something better comes along.

Yes but their love was strong, She didn't go with wolverine until she had basically lost it and turned evil as she was NOT Jean when she killed him but Phoenix. Scott with out her was nothing he was a pathetic little kid pretending he was bad and warming the water with his eye lasers "ohhh he's no longer Cyclops he's The Human Kettle"

Showing us them getting together and how much they were in love makes what happened have that much more of an impact. We get to see them happy and in love with out guys with claws or alternate personalities so we can see the love when it was at it's peek. I'm interested in that.
Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

as long as the gossip girl creator doesn't turn it into X-Men 90210

I think it would be cool to have a prequel with Cyclops, Jean, Beast, Storm, Havok, Polaris, and Jason Stryker. Magneto and Charles are still friends working together, but then they realize they can't continue to work together and they go their separate ways and Magneto takes Havok, Polaris, and Jason/Mastermind with him. Polaris realizes that Magneto is not a good guy and tries to leave but Magneto kills her, so Havok defects back to the X-Men. They beat Magneto and Jason is injured badly so his father comes and takes him away. Cyclops tries to console his brother but he's angry and leaves.

Then do an other movie: X-Men: New Class (that's kind of a dumb title, sounds like saved by the bell, but something to that effect) and have Havok come back to the Mansion b/c he heard Cyclops died. Storm, Beast, and Wolverine aren't there (on a mission or something) so he meets Iceman, Colossus, Angel, Rogue, Kitty, Jubilee and have them fight a BKV-esque Sinister or maybe a resurrection cult Hellfire club (if you want to bring Jean and Cyke back) and have it culminate in a huge final movie (X-Men: Last Class?) where everyone is back and fighting Apocalypse.

It's not a fully developed story, but I think that would make for a really cool second trilogy if done right.

EDIT: actually, let's not make Magneto the main villain in the first movie, but more of an antagonist. Maybe they split over the sentinel program. Magneto sees it as war, Xavier wants to work it out diplomatically, so the main conflict is with the Sentinels, but you start to see that Magneto is a jerk. Maybe he doesn't kill Polaris, but he doesn't save her and she dies. I like that idea better
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Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

I'm officially confused. At first I thought it was a prequel, But from the description it is a sequel just based around the younger ones.
Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

I'm officially confused. At first I thought it was a prequel, But from the description it is a sequel just based around the younger ones.
I'm not sure if it's a prequel per se, but just focused on the original X-Men team.

I don't know how a sequel would actually work timeline wise as Angel is the only one who was never there before X3.
Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

as long as the gossip girl creator doesn't turn it into X-Men 90210

I think it would be cool to have a prequel with Cyclops, Jean, Beast, Storm, Havok, Polaris, and Jason Stryker. Magneto and Charles are still friends working together, but then they realize they can't continue to work together and they go their separate ways and Magneto takes Havok, Polaris, and Jason/Mastermind with him. Polaris realizes that Magneto is not a good guy and tries to leave but Magneto kills her, so Havok defects back to the X-Men. They beat Magneto and Jason is injured badly so his father comes and takes him away. Cyclops tries to console his brother but he's angry and leaves.

Then do an other movie: X-Men: New Class (that's kind of a dumb title, sounds like saved by the bell, but something to that effect) and have Havok come back to the Mansion b/c he heard Cyclops died. Storm, Beast, and Wolverine aren't there (on a mission or something) so he meets Iceman, Colossus, Angel, Rogue, Kitty, Jubilee and have them fight a BKV-esque Sinister or maybe a resurrection cult Hellfire club (if you want to bring Jean and Cyke back) and have it culminate in a huge final movie (X-Men: Last Class?) where everyone is back and fighting Apocalypse.

It's not a fully developed story, but I think that would make for a really cool second trilogy if done right.

EDIT: actually, let's not make Magneto the main villain in the first movie, but more of an antagonist. Maybe they split over the sentinel program. Magneto sees it as war, Xavier wants to work it out diplomatically, so the main conflict is with the Sentinels, but you start to see that Magneto is a jerk. Maybe he doesn't kill Polaris, but he doesn't save her and she dies. I like that idea better

The problem is introducing the Sentinel program in a prequel contradicts the established movies. If the government had access to giant robots why did they never use them in the first 3 films?

I think a better move would to be make Sinister the villain of the first movie, mainly because it be very easy to connect him to Scott's past and kinda having Xavier and Sinister having a tug of war over him could be intesting.

You can also have a James Bond style sequence with an action scene that has no connection to the main plot, where Xavier rescues a young Storm from the Shadow King and defeats him a mental duel.

As for Magneto, make Charles friend in the first movie, who expresses increasing doubts about Charles methods through out the film. That can better build up the spilt that occurs in the next film, resulting in Xavier getting crippled.
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Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

The problem is introducing the Sentinel program in a prequel contradicts the established movies. If the government had access to giant robots why did they never use them in the first 3 films?
Well, the Sentinel did appear in a cameo in the third film. So if it was used, this movie could be used to see "where from?" Because it could easily be written that the Sentinels were too much a hassle or whatever that the government didn't want to bother.

Of course, that's assuming this is a prequel. I don't think it's been said if it is officially or not. Maybe I missed that?
Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

Well, the Sentinel did appear in a cameo in the third film. So if it was used, this movie could be used to see "where from?" Because it could easily be written that the Sentinels were too much a hassle or whatever that the government didn't want to bother.

Of course, that's assuming this is a prequel. I don't think it's been said if it is officially or not. Maybe I missed that?

Of course since it was just in the danger Room, the general public can write it off some random hologram or training robot in the danger room, with no real relation to events in the movie. Plus why is too much of hassle, did the Sentinels go rogue or something? It seems like if you wanted to round dangerous mtants and you have killer robots, you might as well use them, they will have a better chance then random troops. Also why would Stryker who is clearly a radical anti mutant extremist care about "hassle" when he was willing to commit genocide, why wouldn't he use Sentinels if he could.

Another problem is Trask, the man who created the Sentinels, was shown as a government offical in the third film, so if the Sentinels have been created, why would he not suggest using to round and "cure" various mutants?

Also I think you need a central villain for this movie, the Sentnels are more canon fodder then a Big Bad, you would need someone who controls them. I kinda think it would be easier to weave Sinister into the X-Men's origins, what with his connection to Cyclops past, then the Sentinels.

I thought this prequel, if not what is it, a reboot? I think that would be foolish if it is a reboot, that would be unneeded at this point.
Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

If they use Sentinels maybe in the same movie (or a sequel) they'll stop them. I don't know how but they could find a way.
Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

If they use Sentinels maybe in the same movie (or a sequel) they'll stop them. I don't know how but they could find a way.

Unless the Sentinels go rogue and try to enslave the human race, I don't see why the government would stop building them.

Personally though i do think it would be easier put Sinister in an X-Men origin story (because of his connection to Scott's past) and do the Sentinels if they ever have a sequel to the third X-Men film.
Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

Unless the Sentinels go rogue and try to enslave the human race, I don't see why the government would stop building them.

That's why your not writing the movie.

There are lots of way to get around it. E.g who said the government has to know about it. It could be Striker from X-men II's group (forgot the name) or something similar, built them to hunt mutants with out the government approval.

Or Magneto get's involved and they see that he's destroying them with ease (made from metal) so the actual bad mutant is the one they can't stop.

There are many possibilities they could run with
Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

That's why your not writing the movie.

That and I'm not a professional screen who can demand a large pay check.

There are lots of way to get around it. E.g who said the government has to know about it. It could be Striker from X-men II's group (forgot the name) or something similar, built them to hunt mutants with out the government approval.

Then why did did Stryker not use them X-2? Also why didn't Trask (the guy who created the Sentinels in the comics) not mention them in the third movie?

Or Magneto get's involved and they see that he's destroying them with ease (made from metal) so the actual bad mutant is the one they can't stop.

There are many possibilities they could run with

Just don't use them against Magneto then! There are other mutants to capture who dont have those types of powers and Magneto can't be everywhere.

Also I would like to know its easier to weave the sentinels into an origin movie then Sinister who actually does have in comic connection to the origins of cyclops.

I'm not in love with Sinister, mind you, I just think the first villain shouldn't be Magneto again and should be someone who wouldn't contradict what we have already seen from the first 3 films and should be someone who is easy to weave into a gathering of the X-Men type story.

I also think the sentinels aren't the type of villains who should be introduced right away, they should have some build up. The purpose of the first film was to show the build of the coming war between humans and mutants, it would kinda undermind that theme in the first film if show the sentinel program, before these tensions had a chance to build.
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Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

Of course since it was just in the danger Room, the general public can write it off some random hologram or training robot in the danger room, with no real relation to events in the movie. Plus why is too much of hassle, did the Sentinels go rogue or something? It seems like if you wanted to round dangerous mtants and you have killer robots, you might as well use them, they will have a better chance then random troops. Also why would Stryker who is clearly a radical anti mutant extremist care about "hassle" when he was willing to commit genocide, why wouldn't he use Sentinels if he could.

Another problem is Trask, the man who created the Sentinels, was shown as a government offical in the third film, so if the Sentinels have been created, why would he not suggest using to round and "cure" various mutants?

Also I think you need a central villain for this movie, the Sentnels are more canon fodder then a Big Bad, you would need someone who controls them. I kinda think it would be easier to weave Sinister into the X-Men's origins, what with his connection to Cyclops past, then the Sentinels.

I thought this prequel, if not what is it, a reboot? I think that would be foolish if it is a reboot, that would be unneeded at this point.
Now that I remember, it was explained in X3: The Video Game where the Sentinels came from. So movie continuity wise, they were out in the public. I forgot what the explanation was, though. :p
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Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

Now that I remember, it was explained in X3: The Video Game where the Sentinels came from. So movie continuity wise, they were out in the public. I forgot what the explanation was, though. :p

Would be ok with me if they made the game non-cannon with the next movie.
Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

Now that I remember, it was explained in X3: The Video Game where the Sentinels came from. So movie continuity wise, they were out in the public. I forgot what the explanation was, though. :p

But does explanation work in a prequel, is what I'm saying.

I'm not opposed to the Sentinels per say I just think its hard to work them into a prequel at this point.
Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

Now wait, is this movie supposed to be a prequel, a sequel or a reboot?
Re: X-Men: First Class Movie?

Now wait, is this movie supposed to be a prequel, a sequel or a reboot?

I have no idea, I'm confused on that too. I think Fox doesn't know which one to make so are hinting at / saying, all of three to cover their tracks.
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