Ultimate Comics Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Or how Tony Stark has a smarter, less moral, older brother who has never been mentioned before. Seriously, all that hassle Fury went to in order to get Stark Tech, and here was a more 'evil', sober, Stark. The idea a player of that caliber hasn't been mentioned before is ludicrous.

This is kinda my problem with this whole issue - it's one thing to add to and develop the backstory to characters in the series, it's another to just add things that simply don't make sense. What's worse is that the reason for them is so annoyingly shallow. Why is Gregory Stark there? If Millar want's Tony, why not use Tony? If he doesn't want Tony, why have a character whose entire identity is, "Tony's Brother". If he needs a financier for the team, why not have Helmut Zemo? Have this guy help fund the Ultimates and as the arc continues, he tries to sieze it.

But here's another problem - one of the things that made the Ultimates work was that the Ultimates, firstly, were RARE. There was maybe a dozen supeheroes of their caliber on the planet. That's why they let a total drunk with no military training be Iron Man. Why Hank Pym was Giant-Man. When the Reserves got made, it created a supherhuman arms race, and all the Reserves were copies of those same heroes. The arms race then resulted in a huge war.

So it stretches the credibility of the team - a bloated, military industrial complex - if they can keep finding new copies of the same superheroes, the superheroes become less special, less amazing, and the repeatable nature of the team makes it feel like cookie-cutter stories.

YES!!! Thank you!
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Why not just take Jan and put her "back together"? If Swarm could survive being flattened by a pancake then I'm sure Jan could somehow get pieced back together....

It just seems that r. wasp's brain and other organs would be useless cause they seem to be unuseable for a cyborg. Jan only had her intestines, stomach, liver and whatever else eaten. She eems more likely to be red wasp then swarm cause there was more rebuild upon. Plus where does the nme insect queen come from? It's like Millar pulled a Bendis on his own character's names unless this inhibator chip is making (my theory) Jan believing she is Swarm thus making her more ruthless and useful then she was before. And if it really was Swarm, why not use her ability to control insects as well as the Wasp powers? Have the bugs occupy other enemies while red wasp can't deal with them at the moment
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Ok, so maybe "Loeb-ish" is a little harsh. This is better. Just not up to par with Millars previous work on Ultimates. I guess what I meant, and this is hard to explain, this title feels like it is within the framework that Loeb created with Ultimatum and is trying to un-do what was done and get back to some sort of status quo. Which is fine in and of itself. What I didn't like is how Millar is choosing to do that. Clone Hulk (Clulk?) Odd Spiderman guy? New Black Widow and new Wasp. Why do we need new characters representing other well known characters? If the team needs a new strong guy why can't another character be ultimized? Why does it need to be a clone of Hulk? Or if we want a size changer why does it have to be a new wasp? Why do we need a "mystery" Spiderman? That all just seems kind of lazy to me. (I'm not sure lazy is the right word but it'll have to do)

You have me there. Too true.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

It's no ultimates 1 + 2, but I suppose nothing can be. At least it is something I can READ, as opposed to, you know, /Loeb./ I, too, have problems with things like "Tony Stark's Older Brother," "Another Hulk" and "Question-mark-spider-man." It could all be forgiven as a sort of ultimatum-kluge ("Well, I had a much better idea for Dr. Stark, but, well, /Loeb happened/, so...) After the likes of Ultimates 3 and Ultimatum, I can forgive a shaky start if/when it picks up serious steam.
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Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

There's lots of speculation on the identity of the spider.

My favorite theory is that he's actually the old spiderman being possesed by a demon from dr. stranges portal. The guy in the spiderman books right now is actually a clone/spidergirl.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

There's lots of speculation on the identity of the spider.

My favorite theory is that he's actually the old spiderman being possesed by a demon from dr. stranges portal. The guy in the spiderman books right now is actually a clone/spidergirl.

Meh....I like the ex-serial killer idea. Like this guy:
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Could be one of the clones from the clone saga? Anyone think this could be an acceptable answer??
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Is 'Kaine' still alive? Or maybe they removed the tail from the scorpion?

I think the scorpion clone was crazy beyond helping, but the last time we saw him SHIELD did have him in custody. Kaine would make sense actually, but Fury knows about the clones. You'd think he'd react less surprised.

I wouldn't mind if it was one of the clones. I felt they had potential, but were all killed off way to fast... By dr. Magnetopuss:arrgh:
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

The guy in the spiderman books right now is actually a clone/spidergirl.

Gotta wonder which clone it would be, though. Because it couldn't be Jessica. This issue proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is, in fact, a guy in the costume.
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

Why does he have to be a pre-existing character?
Re: Ultimate Avengers (Discussion & Spoilers)

This series can be neatly summed up in a single word.


"Meh" also works.