Victor Von Doom
Fist of teh Internets.
I can see how people might think that. I would say that maybe he "borrowed" a couple ideas from it.
I can see how people might think that. I would say that maybe he "borrowed" a couple ideas from it.
Actually, Mal and Gene Starwind do have some noticeable similarities.I'm honestly unsure as I've not seen either of the shows FIREFLY is supposed to rip off. But I sincerely doubt either show had the Mal character, and he is, pretty much, the entire show.
Superficially, it might be similar, but I doubt it is in any meaningful way.
Yeah... The three Space Western shows have a whole lot in common... Mal actually fits in pretty well between Spike Siegel and Gene Starwind. Personality-wise, as well as the fact that they all serve basically the same role in their respective space-western series.
Also: Cowboy Bebop is better than Firefly. And this is coming from someone who pretty much adores Firefly.
Also: Cowboy Bebop is better than Firefly. And this is coming from someone who pretty much adores Firefly.
I love Firefly. I've seen every episode and the movie at least 3 times now, but I have to agree with the Good Doctor here. Cowboy Bebop was one of the first anime I ever watched and it's still the best I've ever seen. And it stacks up favorably when compared to my favorite shows of all time.WAITAMINUTE.
It is one thing to say that FIREFLY shamelessly ripped off another show, but it is an entirely other matter to say that the other show is better.
To this, there can be only one response:
Ah, Firefly. *sigh*
Meh, we got so little Firefly, anything extra would've been awesome.
According to Tim Minear, Inara's vial was to be revealed in a later episode to be able to kill whoever she has sex with. In the story, Inara uses the vial during a reaver attack, and when the crew find her, all of the reavers are dead.