Firefly series discussion (Spoilers!)

That's because comics have sucked for precisely 4.56 years.

Scientific fact.

There isn't any real evidence for it, but it is scientific fact.


Serenity - Better Days was sold out at my local comic shop!!!!!

I've been looking forward to this comic for years (I remember first hearing about it in early 2006). I've been counting down the days to its release since it was solicited! I even left work several hours early today just to go by the comic shop and read it! It was the only comic I was picking up this week!

I get to the comic shop and what do I find? My LCS owner had only ordered 4 copies of the first issue, and all had sold by 3pm in the afternoon! Curses! I didn't bother telling him to pull it for me since I assumed he'd ordered plenty. Damn it! Damn it all to hell!

Oh well, he ordered more (he was quite surprised they'd sold so quickly...he was complaining he still had back issues of the last Serenity mini series so hadn't ordered many of Better Days). I guess I'll just wait until next week.

Granted, since I'll be buying it next week I won't feel bad about downloading it tomorrow (or even today if those who scan the issues are feeling motivated). Should anyone find a torrent link, be so kind as to PM me, would you? I'll be your best online friend!



Serenity - Better Days was sold out at my local comic shop!!!!!


I didn't bother telling him to pull it for me since I assumed he'd ordered plenty. Damn it! Damn it all to hell!

So I read Better Days #1 (thanks Proj!), and I liked it. Just like the show, starts right in the middle of the action, and keeps on going. The dialogue is the usual sharp, intelligent, snarky Whedon, and it was nice seeing life breathed into these characters again, even if it is on paper. Looking forward to the next issue!

Timeline wise, it takes place after the last episode of Firefly ("Objects in Space") and before Those Left Behind.
I liked the Hero of Canton reference. :)