The Flash: Rebirth discussion (Spoilers!)


Don't expect me to take you with me when I go to s
Sep 15, 2004
It's out!

There's a lot going on so I'm not even going to attempt a summary but everyone's involved. Barry, Jay, Wally and best of all, Bart's back with the Teen Titans!

Savitar escaped, the corpse of Black Flash was discovered and there's a mysterious killer who just replicated Barry's origin...

Also, Hal shows up and has a chat with Barry. Bad things are coming.

I'm excited.
Is this the same amount of issues as Green Lantern Rebirth? I think I'll trade wait this like I do with Green Lantern. Hopefully Johns skyrockets this one like he did with Hal.
Is this the same amount of issues as Green Lantern Rebirth? I think I'll trade wait this like I do with Green Lantern. Hopefully Johns skyrockets this one like he did with Hal.

This is only 5 issues but it seems like he's setting up just as many things as he did in Green Lantern: Rebirth... and we all know where that led to (Sinestro Corps War/Blackest Night etc.)
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This is only 5 issues but it seems like he's setting up just as many things as he did in Green Lantern: Rebirth.. and we all know where that led to (Sinestro Corps War/Blackest Night etc.)

True, oh so true.
This is only 5 issues but it seems like he's setting up just as many things as he did in Green Lantern: Rebirth... and we all know where that led to (Sinestro Corps War/Blackest Night etc.)

I'm totally reading this, and I'm glad that I know that even if it starts slow, sticking with it will be worth it. Looking forward to this.

And what is Black Flash?
This was really good, and for some reason I heard literally nothing about this until I was walking through the comic shop and noticed it sitting there. Weird.

I think my favorite part was when Jay is talking about meeting Barry for the first time, and how he "hasn't stopped running since". It kind of makes you think I about why they need so many Flashes. What's a runner without someone to race? This is exactly the kind of brilliant stuff I'd expect out of Johns.
Certainly wanna read up on my flash. I'm gonna try read the barry allen story waid wrote, and the black flash story by morrison/millar.

I read Johns run and while it's got some amazing things, mirrorworld, zoom and wally as a mechanic. It's like his first ever long running series, so has a few repetitive or slow bits. and he can't handle the number of rogues as well as he handles say the JSA now. Even tho there's way more of them.

Looks like so far all he's drawn on from his run was the cult leader. wonder if they'll be anyymore
I bought and read issue one today, i was a bit confused.
Barry came back to life in Final Crisis?
and Bart became young again in Final Crisis? (how?)

the one thing that seemed a little dumb was Hal Jordan being all like, "it's amazing that you came back to life!" when he himself just came back to life recently
and Superman, Donna Troy, and Green Arrow (I think) have all come back to life as well. I know he was trying to encourage Barry, but...i don't know it just didn't work for me
I bought and read issue one today, i was a bit confused.
Barry came back to life in Final Crisis?

Barry appeared in a flash of lightning in Final Crisis, being chased by the Black Racer (the harbinger of death). He outraced Death, and apparently killed It in the process. Maybe that somehow ties in to Blackest Night?

captaincanuck[/QUOTE said:
and Bart became young again in Final Crisis? (how?)

Bart was brought back in Johns' Legion of Superheroes story. I don't know what the deal with that is. But they used some lightning rod that's been passed around in the stories ever since the kid died. Apparently he was trapped in the rod... or something.

captaincanuck said:
the one thing that seemed a little dumb was Hal Jordan being all like, "it's amazing that you came back to life!" when he himself just came back to life recently
and Superman, Donna Troy, and Green Arrow (I think) have all come back to life as well. I know he was trying to encourage Barry, but...i don't know it just didn't work for me

I think he considers it amazing because out of all the guys who kept coming back, Barry was the one who deserved it the most. And, in terms of continuity, he's been dead much longer than any of the other guys who have been resurrected. I'd guess everyone had pretty much given up hope.
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Barry appeared in a flash of lightning in Final Crisis, being chased by the Black Racer (the harbinger of death). He outraced Death, and apparently killed It in the process. Maybe that somehow ties in to Blackest Night?

That's been kinda bugging me, I mean shouldn't he have been chased by the Black Flash? Also, the Black Racer is stupid looking.

Yeah, Barry was officially dead for over 20 years.

Though it's more like 8 in comic years.
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This raises a good question. How does a decade out time compare to the time in DC comics?

I've kinda worked out that every ten years our time is about 3 years Marvel time, but how does it work for DC?
This raises a good question. How does a decade out time compare to the time in DC comics?

I've kinda worked out that every ten years our time is about 3 years Marvel time, but how does it work for DC?

I figure this is as accurate as you really need. I think it's based off histories of the DC unverse and the like.

It says Barry's been dead 7 years....still nothing compared to captain america...
I think he considers it amazing because out of all the guys who kept coming back, Barry was the one who deserved it the most. And, in terms of continuity, he's been dead much longer than any of the other guys who have been resurrected. I'd guess everyone had pretty much given up hope.

yeah, that's true...i guess he was dead since the 80s

seriously though, after Batman comes back, Wonder Woman is gonna feel left out. Even her side kick has died.
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I've kinda worked out that every ten years our time is about 3 years Marvel time

Really? I thought I read (don't ask where; I don't remember) that Captain America has been out of the ice for about 10 years, and Spider-Man and Fantastic Four have been around for about 5 years.

Actually I'm pretty sure the Cap time was mentioned in a recent issue of Captain America.
In terms of publication, Cap was revived eleven years after his last appearance. He was published into the 50's, and was revived in the 60's. Barry's been gone 23.