Captain Canuck
The poster formerly known as captaincanuck65
Really? I thought I read (don't ask where; I don't remember) that Captain America has been out of the ice for about 10 years, and Spider-Man and Fantastic Four have been around for about 5 years.
Actually I'm pretty sure the Cap time was mentioned in a recent issue of Captain America.
are you saying that Fantastic Four # 1 and Amazing Fantasy #15 happend 5 "Marvel years" after Avengers #4?
even though both AF#15 and FF#1 came out before Avengers #1?
that makes no sense
also, in the Follow up to Kraven's First Hunt in one of the ASM extras, Spidey finds a newspaper clipping of the first time he fought the Sinister Six and he says that it was from more than ten years ago.
Not that in-stroy time references are trustworthy, but think about it. He was 15 when the spider bit him, so 2-3 more years of high school, then college (4 years if you don't count dropping out), then grad school (maybe two more years) and he's been done with that since the 80s, so we're looking at around 15 years that Spidey's been around, which would make him 30ish.
And Reed and Sue got married and had two kids in five years? Franklin is definitely at least 8.
wait, what was this thread about?
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