The All About Manga Thread

Same here. Also, do guys get the feeling that some of Bakuman is just the author and artist patting each other on the back?

I think it's an autobiography type thing showing how Death Note came into existence.

So I read Bakuman out of boredom. It is ****ing brilliant. It seems odd, but all these Fighting manga no longer interest me like they use to. I remember a time when Dragonball was the greatest thing ever. Now, its' just...meh. The same goes for several others. And I have no idea where to find more manga that aren't all about huge fights and can still interest me like Bakuman does.

Monster is another good one.
Over in Pluto, things have reached a turning point.

Who ever thought Astro Boy could be so scary?
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I started reading Gunsmith Cats, it's about two girls bounty hunting in Chicago. It's pretty entertaining so far, but I was confused at first because I didn't realize that it read from left to right.
Has anyone kept up with Gantz?

One Manga stopped posting it, but another site does.

Basically, Armageddon happens in three days, the Gantz team, after helping out another Japanese team, is teleported to Italy, where they find about six or seven teams getting massacred. The team jumps into the fray, and find out their weapons won't work against these guys, alot like the stone statues Kei faced earlier.

And also, some random investigative reporter found a factory where it had several of those Black Ball thingys in it. The all had the countdown up as well.
I recently started Soul Eater. It's pretty good and I'm fairly sure Dr. Franken Stein is Houde.

He cut open and experimented on his friend while he was sleeping for kicks and giggles and he tried to have his class dissect an endangered species because he thought it would be a shame if the species died out without him finding anything out about them.
I recently started Soul Eater. It's pretty good and I'm fairly sure Dr. Franken Stein is Houde.

He cut open and experimented on his friend while he was sleeping for kicks and giggles and he tried to have his class dissect an endangered species because he thought it would be a shame if the species died out without him finding anything out about them.

You should check the anime, it's really slick.
(Posting here in order to avoid spoilers)

I've read the first volume of Death Note and it's pretty awesome.

That Light is one scary ****ing kid.
(Posting here in order to avoid spoilers)

I've read the first volume of Death Note and it's pretty awesome.

That Light is one scary ****ing kid.

Yes he is. He's also a grade-A jackass, but you probably knew that already.

What scares me most about him is his casanova nature. Seriously, imagine him breeding. If the Soichiro gene is recessive then they are ******.
And over in Bleach, Ichigo gains more hidden power that he didn't know about until now by getting mortally wounded. Again. But this time he has a mullet.


And here I was hoping Orihime was going to get back up and tear Ulwhatshisname a new one. With her power, she could be one of the most powerful people in the Bleach universe. It's time she started using it.
It's Bleach.

Take one letter away and it become Blech.

Which is what it is.

What dissapoints me the most is Orihime. She's basically an anime Scarlet Witch with so many self-esteem problems she can't use her power effectively. Her whole character arc just felt like it was building to the point where she'd finally snap and start using her power seriously. But noooooo, Ichigo has to tap into his inner hollow again.

I honestly think that if she pulled a "No more arrancar" or something, the series could only benefit.