This time they've gone too far. Planet-Man, get your gun.

I disagree with your decision to delete my post and the notion that it was rude. I'm not "lucky" you decided not to infract me because that would've absolutely been the most ridiculous and unfair infraction I've seen on the site to date and I would've objected to it in every way I could to everyone I could until it got fixed.

I agree with Planet-man. He made a good point. Even if he phrased things in an insulting or argumentative tone (which I don't really think he did), there's no reason why you couldn't have publicly or privately warned him to tone it down without censoring his thoughts and stopping a reasonable, potentially fruitful discussion.

I just don't understand why you would say that to Gothamite. You posted an opinion, he disagreed and countered with his own opinion, then added to the discussion by stating facts and examples of why he felt that way. You then just write him off by saying it's what you think, as if that means there's no further reason to discuss it. We all come to this forum to discuss things. Doing the opposite is complete counter-productive to the thriving of the site.

Definitely. You don't have to justify liking or not liking something, but you should have to justify a value judgment. There's a difference between "I hate this" and "I think this is bad." You don't have to justify hating something, although you really should explain why, since this is a discussion forum and the point is to have a meaningful, interesting discussion. But if you think something is good or bad, there are value judgments being made there that can be argued with logic and examples, and that's a good thing for a discussion forum.
Planet-Man makes a decent point here (I would only ask that he do his best to discuss it more rationally, and not with the accusing tone he exhibited above), but I think its best to move on and keep on subject in this thread.

Points have been made regarding Smallville, but if people want to keep discussing it, keep it in the context of The Graysons (Ourchair made a few good points about CW dialogue that I think is relevant to how they will approach this franchise, and honestly, that would be appropriate with the young teenage character of Dick Grayson). If you want to address the general quality of that series, go to the Smallville thread.

Any more discussions regarding the deleted post should be kept in the Site News section, I think there might be a previously existing thread to deal with such things.
Planet-Man makes a decent point here (I would only ask that he do his best to discuss it more rationally, and not with the accusing tone he exhibited above), but I think its best to move on and keep on subject in this thread.

Points have been made regarding Smallville, but if people want to keep discussing it, keep it in the context of The Graysons (Ourchair made a few good points about CW dialogue that I think is relevant to how they will approach this franchise, and honestly, that would be appropriate with the young teenage character of Dick Grayson). If you want to address the general quality of that series, go to the Smallville thread.

Any more discussions regarding the deleted post should be kept in the Site News section, I think there might be a previously existing thread to deal with such things.

Another thing that I hate about Smallville (Which I'm sure will be in the Graysons) is how they always force the other characters into the superhero story. It get so god damn ridiculous that I find myself not caring about the other characters at all.

Same thing with the MTV Spider-man series. Having their friend's and family in danger does not add drama when you do it EVERY WEEK.
I disagree with your decision to delete my post and the notion that it was rude. I'm not "lucky" you decided not to infract me because that would've absolutely been the most ridiculous and unfair infraction I've seen on the site to date and I would've objected to it in every way I could to everyone I could until it got fixed.

I just don't understand why you would say that to Gothamite. You posted an opinion, he disagreed and countered with his own opinion, then added to the discussion by stating facts and examples of why he felt that way. You then just write him off by saying it's what you think, as if that means there's no further reason to discuss it. We all come to this forum to discuss things. Doing the opposite is complete counter-productive to the thriving of the site.

I was going to say all of this (granted it would have been less eloquently put), but I didn't think it would be worth it.


The thing with the Graysons is that it has the advantage of being created after the revolution of "every sci-fi show is a continuous stream of chapter episodes" television, unlike Smallville which started before that with the at-the-time okay baddie-of-the-week format and then was made obsolete by stuff like LOST.

Basically, this could turn out okay if they make it an original show about a teenage acrobat who uses his athletic skills to be a vigilante, and the circus is a potentially great place to set this kind of thing, but they'll need really good stories, which is a hope at best, and an insight into how to somehow make the show work without reference to Batman and with no tragedy spurning him on. If ABC or HBO were doing the show I'd be far more optimistic, but with the CW and the demographic-cool warning-bell of "D.J." Grayson, it looks like it's going to be crap.
Basically, this could turn out okay if they make it an original show about a teenage acrobat who uses his athletic skills to be a vigilante, and the circus is a potentially great place to set this kind of thing, but they'll need really good stories, which is a hope at best, and an insight into how to somehow make the show work without reference to Batman and with no tragedy spurning him on. If ABC or HBO were doing the show I'd be far more optimistic, but with the CW and the demographic-cool warning-bell of "D.J." Grayson, it looks like it's going to be crap.

I disagree. I think it would only work if they made it actually about the Graysons--Dick's parents. Explain what made them targets for the mafia and how their struggle against crime (by physically punching out criminals and/or refusing to submit and inspiring others to do the same) shaped the personality of Dick Grayson. Show how their relationships to each other and their son develop as they face life's challenges.

Oh, but they're old. Teenagers don't care about old people with a stable marriage and a young son. It has to be about DJ and his romantic angst! :sick:
Oh, but they're old. Teenagers don't care about old people with a stable marriage and a young son. It has to be about DJ and his romantic angst! :sick:
I suspect that in some way, a reason behind My So-Called Life's cancellation had to do with the fact that half its running time was devoted to the parents own issues.
Thank god someone in CW had sound judgement.


I'm liking the emphasis on WB 'rethinking' its DC strategy. Could this mean no more TV shows, but way more movies? Given that there hasn't been a truly decent DC show since JLU and Smallville has sucked hard for the last few years, I can't say it wouldn't be a worthy sacrifice.
I'm still curious as to how this would've gone, if it had been like what I was saying back there. I dunno.... I just love the circus.

Your idea sort of makes sense, but I'd bet my life on it that it wasn't going to be anything like that. You have to look at these three factors:

1. It's about Robin. That means that no matter how much they deviate from the original mythos, they're going to shove in awkward references to Grayson's future as a 'superhero'. Your interpretation sort of leaves it open and therefore still exciting.

2. The demographic (like Smallville) would probably have been young women in between the ages of 18-24 who like to look at pretty men and enjoy mostly uncomplicated storytelling. I'm not being sexist or a generalist or anything. That's actually what The CW said about Smallville, last year. I can't imagine they'd be going for a completely different demographic with a show that's supposed to be Smallville's replacement.

3. If it was even remotely successful, they'd stretch it out way past its sell by date and we'd still have annoying stories in seven years time about DJ trying to find the latest mysterious boomerang-like device that holds the key to Grayson's destiny.