The Hunt

Well, I think I can call the hunt a success. The Lurker hordes seem to have scrabbled back under the woodwork for now.

*puts shotgun away*

My work here is done.
What happened to all the Lurkers? They just gave in and ran away....

Lurkers (increpo in latin) are the opposite of most animals. They hibernate in the summer and lurk in the winter. They will be back come winter time.
i lurked for most of this year or every year since i joined really. just look at my join date and post count. its pathetic!
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i lurked for most of this year or every year since i joined really. just look at my join date and post count. its pathetic!

Were you bitten by a lurker? You may have caught the L-Virus. *Loads shotgun* It has to be done.
Were you bitten by a lurker? You may have caught the L-Virus. *Loads shotgun* It has to be done.

Im a high profile lurker, though the L virus appears to be dormant i fear it could awaken or mutate at any time. It might be for the best mole........i could stop posting and go back to lurking at any moment :s
Jonny is a daywalker!!

thats right! and you guys will still insist on me being the bad guy however....

The Lurkers are currently in Egypt (or some really sandy place) trying to awaken the ancient Lurker "(Unregistered User)". he is thought to be the oldest Lurker of his kind, with a profile that makes no sense:

* Last Activity: 12-31-1969 07:00 PM
* Join Date: 05-17-2004

Immune to both bans and infractions,
He was born a perfect Lurker, and just like the great white shark this guy has never had to evolve. He must be stopped before he starts holding babies hostage and hanging out with HHH
thats right! and you guys will still insist on me being the bad guy however....

The Lurkers are currently in Egypt (or some really sandy place) trying to awaken the ancient Lurker "(Unregistered User)". he is thought to be the oldest Lurker of his kind, with a profile that makes no sense:

* Last Activity: 12-31-1969 07:00 PM
* Join Date: 05-17-2004

Immune to both bans and infractions,
He was born a perfect Lurker, and just like the great white shark this guy has never had to evolve. He must be stopped before he starts holding babies hostage and hanging out with HHH


I see it as last activity 01-01-1970 12:00 AM
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