The All About Manga Thread

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McCheese's Weekly Jump Manga Review

Bleach - The story of the past continues. Aizen gloats for like 15 pages. Tosen chops the wee little lieutenant which triggers Shinji's transformation. Aizen gloats some more, but is interrupted by the arrival of Tessai and Kisuke.

3/5 Self-satisfied Megalomaniacs

Hiatus Report: This was all about revealing the secret past. Mayuri was creepy, Gin was creepier, people disappeared, Aizen made his move, and almost half the high seated officers in the Gotei 13 were turned into Vizards. We've seen all the Captains of this time besides squad 11's. It's most likely Ichigo's dad.

3.5/5 Is There Anyone Who Hasn't Been a Captains

Naruto - Naruto ate crow. It may or may not have given him new powers. Sasuke miraculously remembers that Itachi was crying the night he massacred the clan. I call bull****. For more on my outrage read my hiatus report.

2/5 Crybaby Murderers

Hiatus Report: They posthumously redeemed Itachi. Which sucked. He was an awesome villain and he's a lame hero. Sasuke got new eyes, Snake became Hawk, and Hawk is out to get Konoha.

1.5/5 Sasuke Is More Emo Than Ever Befores

One Piece - The slave show continues. A pirate kills himself rather than become a slave. Then the Mugiwara's fail to buy Caimie back. The Tenryuubito that Zoro nearly killed outbids them badly. Captain Kidd gets bored and attempts to leave. He is interrupted by Luffy, Zoro, and a flying fish rider crashing through the walls. Luffy makes a scene and goes to rescue Caimie. Hachi tries to stop him and gets shot for his trouble. He apologizes to Luffy and Nami while he bleeds out on the steps. Luffy hits the Tenryuubito. Hard. There will most certainly be consequences for this.

4.5/5 Apologetic Cephalopods

Hiatus Report: We met the rookie captains on the island, Caimie got kidnapped, Ace is going to be executed, everyone expects Whitebeard to respond to said execution rather poorly, the coating expert was revealed to be Gold Roger's first mate, and Luffy was explicitly warned that harming a Tenryuubito would result in an Admiral being sent to whoop his Monkey ***. There are a lot of plot lines converging right now and it's going to be ****ing awesome when it all goes down.

4.5/5 The Rookies Teaming Up Against The Marines Is Going To Rock Our Socks Offs
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I like chicken, I like liver, meow mix, meow mix please deliver some...

McCheese's Weekly Jump Manga Review

Mmm, satisfyin'.

Bleach - The story of the past continues. Aizen gloats for like 15 pages. Tosen chops the wee little lieutenant which triggers Shinji's transformation. Aizen gloats some more, but is interrupted by the arrival of Tessai and Kisuke.

3/5 Self-satisfied Megalomaniacs

Hiatus Report: This was all about revealing the secret past. Mayuri was creepy, Gin was creepier, people disappeared, Aizen made his move, and almost half the high seated officers in the Gotei 13 were turned into Vizards. We've seen all the Captains of this time besides squad 11's. It's most likely Ichigo's dad.

3.5/5 Is There Anyone Who Hasn't Been a Captains

One thing I've been impressed with is the pacing of Bleach. It was what? 15 chapters for the Grimmjow/Ichigo fight? The tight chapters do wonders.

Also, Ura-mother-****ing-hara is gonna fight (fingers crossed for bankai)!

Naruto - Naruto ate crow. It may or may not have given him new powers. Sasuke miraculously remembers that Itachi was crying the night he massacred the clan. I call bull****. For more on my outrage read my hiatus report.

2/5 Crybaby Murderers

Hiatus Report: They posthumously redeemed Itachi. Which sucked. He was an awesome villain and he's a lame hero. Sasuke got new eyes, Snake became Hawk, and Hawk is out to get Konoha.

1.5/5 Sasuke Is More Emo Than Ever Befores

I bet you get more out of Naruto if you read the last couple of chapters while listening to Evanescence. Wake me up indeed.

One Piece - The slave show continues. A pirate kills himself rather than become a slave. Then the Mugiwara's fail to buy Caimie back. The Tenryuubito that Zoro nearly killed outbids them badly. Captain Kidd gets bored and attempts to leave. He is interrupted by Luffy, Zoro, and a flying fish rider crashing through the walls. Luffy makes a scene and goes to rescue Caimie. Hachi tries to stop him and gets shot for his trouble. He apologizes to Luffy and Nami while he bleeds out on the steps. Luffy hits the Tenryuubito. Hard. There will most certainly be consequences for this.

4.5/5 Apologetic Cephalopods

Hiatus Report: We met the rookie captains on the island, Caimie got kidnapped, Ace is going to be executed, everyone expects Whitebeard to respond to said execution rather poorly, the coating expert was revealed to be Gold Roger's first mate, and Luffy was explicitly warned that harming a Tenryuubito would result in an Admiral being sent to whoop his Monkey ***. There are a lot of plot lines converging right now and it's going to be ****ing awesome when it all goes down.

4.5/5 The Rookies Teaming Up Against The Marines Is Going To Rock Our Socks Offs

Ahh, One Piece your consistently good plot lines, while sometimes formulaic, always keep my interest. My money's on Luffy's Grandpa being the admiral sent after him.
Luffy's Grandpa is only a vice Admiral.

But I didn't even envision the rookies teaming up against the marines, and now that I have.....I wet my pants in excitement.
I bet you get more out of Naruto if you read the last couple of chapters while listening to Evanescence. Wake me up indeed.
Oh god. I hadn't even thought of the fangirl response to this. Fanfics and lame AMVs will rule the day. Hurry, we must find shelter.
Ahh, One Piece your consistently good plot lines, while sometimes formulaic, always keep my interest. My money's on Luffy's Grandpa being the admiral sent after him.
One Piece is almost always excellent. If American comics could be this good for this long the industry would be much healthier right now.
But I didn't even envision the rookies teaming up against the marines, and now that I have.....I wet my pants in excitement.
I know, right!?
Luffy's going to kick whatever Admiral shows up's *** (Since it likely won't be Aokiji.)

And it's going to change everything.

Either that, or Whitebeard shows up and helps him.
Oh god. I hadn't even thought of the fangirl response to this. Fanfics and lame AMVs will rule the day. Hurry, we must find shelter.

I have a shelter that can withstand 30 pounds of eyeshadow, 20 bottles of black hair dye, and 50 razor blades. No more, no less.

One Piece is almost always excellent. If American comics could be this good for this long the industry would be much healthier right now.

I just got Fables vol. 10 today, I'm excited.
...and Kisame reappears helping out hawk and Madara...with no explanation and none of the Kisame/Suigetsu fight shown. LAME.
...and Kisame reappears helping out hawk and Madara...with no explanation and none of the Kisame/Suigetsu fight shown. LAME.

well, he's been working with Tobi, so it's really not that big of a stretch for him to reach out to hawksince technically they're all in the same organization now. And it has to be painfully obvious by now that Kisame is the 8 tails jinchuriki. It just seems like setup for HAWK to take him down.
...and Kisame reappears helping out hawk and Madara...with no explanation and none of the Kisame/Suigetsu fight shown. LAME.

well, he's been working with Tobi, so it's really not that big of a stretch for him to reach out to hawksince technically they're all in the same organization now. And it has to be painfully obvious by now that Kisame is the 8 tails jinchuriki. It just seems like setup for HAWK to take him down.

Yeah, their goals can be accomplished better if they work together, I guess.
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I'm going to take a stab at a Manga review.

Rosario Vampire
Read this on reccomendation from a friend. Basically, it's magical girlfriend combinded with the "vampires are people too" that I hate so much because I feel it's overdone.

Plot: Regular everydude goes to a school for monsters through a mistake and ends up boyfriend to a vampire chick who keeps her undesirable vampire qualities in check with a rosary. Everydude keeps getting attacked by crazy students and faculty and vampire chick saves him by taking off the rosary.

It sucks for various reasons. New girls show up that don't really have much personality beyond wanting to get in his pants. The plots are predictable. And old villains show up as friends for no apparent reason.

The only thing I genuinely liked about it was that his realationship with a vampire has actual consequences--she love bites him one too many times and he winds up a ghoul.

It still sucks, though.
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I'm going to take a stab at a Manga review.

Rosario Vampire
Read this on reccomendation from a friend. Basically, it's magical girlfriend combinded with the "vampires are people too" that I hate so much because I feel it's overdone.

Plot: Regular everydude goes to a school for monsters through a mistake and ends up boyfriend to a vampire chick who keeps her undesirable vampire qualities in check with a rosary. Everydude keeps getting attacked by crazy students and faculty and vampire chick saves him by taking off the rosary.

It sucks for various reasons. New girls show up that don't really have much personality beyond wanting to get in his pants. The plots are predictable. And old villains show up as friends for no apparent reason.

The only thing I genuinely liked about it was that his realationship with a vampire has actual consequences--she love bites him one too many times and he winds up a ghoul.

It still sucks, though.

:D You did good for a first timer, you should also review something you like. Also, I mostly agree with you about Rosario Vampire.
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I'm going to take a stab at a Manga review.

Rosario Vampire
Read this on reccomendation from a friend. Basically, it's magical girlfriend combinded with the "vampires are people too" that I hate so much because I feel it's overdone.

Plot: Regular everydude goes to a school for monsters through a mistake and ends up boyfriend to a vampire chick who keeps her undesirable vampire qualities in check with a rosary. Everydude keeps getting attacked by crazy students and faculty and vampire chick saves him by taking off the rosary.

It sucks for various reasons. New girls show up that don't really have much personality beyond wanting to get in his pants. The plots are predictable. And old villains show up as friends for no apparent reason.

The only thing I genuinely liked about it was that his realationship with a vampire has actual consequences--she love bites him one too many times and he winds up a ghoul.

It still sucks, though.
Hornin' in on my territory, eh?

I oughta crush you under my boot heel like the NFL crushed the XFL, but I agree with the review so I'll let this outrage slide. For now...
:D You did good for a first timer, you should also review something you like. Also, I mostly agree with you about Rosario Vampire.

OK then!

Well then, to compensate, I'll review one of my first and favorite mangas, Pokemon Special.

...stop laughing.

Basically, it's a Pokemon manga, based very heavily on the games. The main characters are actually named for the versions, and there are even screenshots from the games used in Pokedex.

One thing that seperates it from other Pokemon related stuff is this: big honkin' violence. Pokemon can actually get killed, sometimes sliced in half. It's allowed for trainers to attack other trainers with their Pokemon for a quick win. That's hardcore.

For a manga based on a game series with little to no story, the storyline is surprisingly elaborate. Nifty little additions are made, like a second rival who takes the third starter, or having every other Gym Leader a member of Team Rocket, who are surprisingly threatening this time around. There are an insane number of Chekhov's Guns and Gunmans.

It still continues to this day, having done stories based on all the major game titles. It stopped being published in America after the Red/Blue/Yellow storyline. Due to its relative obscurity, there are little to no scanlation efforts, though you can still find them online.

As stated, this was one of my first mangas, and I'm quite fond of it.

Hornin' in on my territory, eh?

I oughta crush you under my boot heel like the NFL crushed the XFL, but I agree with the review so I'll let this outrage slide. For now...

I regret nothing!

Ultraman, Astro Boy, Marine Boy, Gigantor, Mothra

The japanese justice league?

I've read pluto, which i think is like an ultimised astro-boy, and that's really good. if morrison says these are the classic manga characters what are the defining runs? are they all good? or are some just good ideas?

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