Ultimate Houde
UC's Resident Genetic Recombinator
I like Until Death Do Us Part.
I'm bored, so it's now time for:
The World God Only Knows: A weird title with an interesting premise, demons have escaped from Hell and are now hiding in the hearts of girls. So one of Hell's janitors (Erushii) enlists the help of Katsuragi Keima who is nicknamed "The God of Capturing Women". In order to exorcise the demons, Keima must make the possessed girls fall in love with him (though they get mindwiped after the demons are gone), the problem is that Keima is a huge nerd who got his nickname from being a master of dating video games, and in fact hates real girls. However, if he doesn't do his job, both Keima and Erushii will be beheaded. Now I'm enjoying this series so far becasue Keima is an interesting protagonist not usually seen in manga, I personally like how his nerdiness ends up being pretty useful for getting girls. This series is still in it's early steps, but I could see it getting good later on (of course I can also see it sucking just as easily).
Hmmm, 2.9/5 because the art could be a little clearer.
I honestly haven't read a manga in a long time. I think the last one I read was Card Captors...? Anyone have any suggestions?
Well it really depends on your tastes, I personally like Kekkaishi, Eyesheild21, Tista, Vinland Saga, Fairy Tail, Double Arts, and N.O.B. (Naruto, One Piece, Bleach).
Interesting. Might check it out.Until Death Do Us Part: This one's about a "blind" guy with a sword cane who is hired as a bodyguard by a girl with precognitive powers. At the same time he works as part of an underground vigilante organization that uses high end technology to administer street justice. I call him "blind" because he actually has a radar sense ala Daredevil (this is due to the aforementioned technology). I thought this series was somewhat generic at the beginning, but now that a terrorist plot has been introduced it's gotten a lot more interesting. The art and the action are both really good, but the characterization is lacking. However, I'm willing to cut some slack since there's not that many chapters out yet.
For being a cross between The Professional, and Zatoichi with hints of 24 I rate this seris an optimistic 4/5.
:lol:**=May not be completely original.
Interesting. Might check it out.
This one sounds good. I might pick it up.
I honestly haven't read a manga in a long time. I think the last one I read was Card Captors...? Anyone have any suggestions?
I look forward to them (Especially since I'm behind again. . .).
I like Fullmetal Alchemist and Death Note.
I look forward to them (Especially since I'm behind again. . .).
I got so pissed about the Itachi reveal that I refused to do the reviews. Then I just forgot. I'll get back on the horse this week. I will also give a general review of the missed chapters as well.SRSLY.
The manga is completely different from the anime.In the end, FMA seemed so uneventful. Then again I only watched the anime. The first half was great and the second half felt like something was missing. Is the manga any different?
I got so pissed about the Itachi reveal that I refused to do the reviews. Then I just forgot. I'll get back on the horse this week. I will also give a general review of the missed chapters as well.
In the end, FMA seemed so uneventful. Then again I only watched the anime. The first half was great and the second half felt like something was missing. Is the manga any different?
The manga is completely different from the anime.
I got so pissed about the Itachi reveal that I refused to do the reviews. Then I just forgot. I'll get back on the horse this week. I will also give a general review of the missed chapters as well.
The manga is completely different from the anime.
Really? How does it differ? The only reason I ask is because I have read the first chapter and it seemed pretty spot on with the first couple episodes of the anime.
Well the differences start a little ways in. There's several new characters, the Homunculi are different, and the plot is something completely different. I think it's around chapter 20 or so where they start to really differ, but don't quote me on that.
Believe me, you wouldn't want to read any reviews I'd have given in the immediate aftermath of reading the Itachi reveal.Well, it was pretty retardadumb.
But, hello? You don't only review Naruto!
I like Fullmetal Alchemist and Death Note.