What is the worst thing you ever read in High School?

I had to laugh... my 17 year old cousin had to suffer through the worst senior lit class ever.

It was Contemporary Lit, a selection from her reading list for the last 6 months of school;

Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K Hamilton
Book of the Dead by Patricia Cornwell
Beyond a doubt, Their Eyes Were Watching God.

If you want complete, utter trash given book form, this is it. Plain and simply, it is all bad. There is not a good thing about it.

Yes, but it gave me my favorite random word to shout at random times that I've now used 100s of times since reading it in early '07: Teacake!
Its one of those classic american novels that ignores the fact that other than Whitman and Twain, great American writers didn't really pop up until the 20th Century.
Its one of those classic american novels that ignores the fact that other than Whitman and Twain, great American writers didn't really pop up until the 20th Century.

Truth. I feel like the American voice was forged in the crucible of the World Wars. That's the experience that defined us, and it's the experience that really turned America into an artistic force. We didn't manage to find secure footing as a literary sound nation until the rise of modernity. It was the reaction to war that really gave us our voice. It was Faulkner and Hemingway and Fitzgerald. It was the reaction of a generation who grew up in the shadow of localized war looking upon the threat of the shadow of global war, and that's the burden that's sat upon our shoulders ever since. How the hell do you respond to the atomic bomb? How the hell do you respond to a war of mechanized murder?
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Guilty Pleasures by Laurell K Hamilton
Book of the Dead by Patricia Cornwell


You're serious.......?

She actually read Patricia Cornwell and Laurell K. Hamilton in a modern Lit class?

Laurell ****ing K. ****ing Hamilton?


What's next? Poppy Z. Brite?
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You're serious.......?

She actually read Patricia Cornwell and Laurell K. Hamilton in a modern Lit class?

Laurell ****ing K. ****ing Hamilton?


What's next? Poppy Z. Brite?

HAHA!! My exact same reaction. She looked at me and was like "Who's Poppy Z Brite?" my response "Oh she's Laurell K Hamilton with a gender disorder."

Oh and to the reading selection. Her teacher was smart, she left the reading list to the students. They had to pick books written with the last 20 years, and those were books that were voted by the majority of the class.
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HAHA!! My exact same reaction. She looked at me and was like "Who's Poppy Z Brite?" my response "Oh she's Laurell K Hamilton with a gender disorder."

Hah. A friend of mine summarized Laurell K. Hamilton's writing style pretty perfectly.

She said, "Technically, Hamilton's a perfectly decent writer. She just likes to diddle herself while she's writing."
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Hah. A friend of mine summarized Laurell K. Hamilton's writing style pretty perfectly.

She said, "Technically, Hamilton's a perfectly decent writer. She just likes to diddle herself while she's writing."
It's so true.

+128 Ourchair Points.
HAHA!! My exact same reaction. She looked at me and was like "Who's Poppy Z Brite?" my response "Oh she's Laurell K Hamilton with a gender disorder."

How is that different from Laurell K Hamilton?

The worst things I ever read in high school were excerpts. If we had to read a book, I read it. Most of the time, the actual books we had to read weren't bad at all. Steinbeck. Chricton. Poe. Shakespeare. Hemingway. I had no problem.

Excerpts are worthless, though. I would rather read an entire book by a lousy author than half-a-chapter or a chapter from a great author. There's no point to only getting a fraction of a story.
The worst things I ever read in high school were excerpts. If we had to read a book, I read it. Most of the time, the actual books we had to read weren't bad at all. Steinbeck. Chricton. Poe. Shakespeare. Hemingway. I had no problem.

Excerpts are worthless, though. I would rather read an entire book by a lousy author than half-a-chapter or a chapter from a great author. There's no point to only getting a fraction of a story.

The point is shut your mouth and do as you're told!