Secret Invasion discussion [Spoilers]

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Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

I just noticed Spider-Man's costume looks like it's made out of tiles.

i know.

man, spiedy must really be broke.
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Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

i know.

Is that an armor?
Nah, I doubt it. It's just the way it was drawn & colored that's making it look like tiles. I mean, it's not bad looking- just weird.

And also, the left bottom half doesn't look finished. Like no waist and down for Wolverine and no left arm/lower body for Spider-Man.
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Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

Nah, I doubt it. It's just the way it was drawn & colored that's making it look like tiles. I mean, it's not bad looking- just weird.

Speaking of...whats that on wolverines nose?
Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

Did they ever explain why a Skrull can be killed by a kick to the crotch and a samurai sword to the gut, just months after people were nonchalantly blowing them to pieces?
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Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

So, does anyone else get the feeling this is going to be like Civil War, where not much of anything really happens, and instead it's just a handful of set piece fights?

Yes. Ultimately I think it will be pretty cool but I'm expecting a lot of filler.
Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

Variant to #1 by Leinil Yu


So does anyone think there's a reason Lenil has these certain characters? (Half of which are dead) I think this will have a lot to do with the silver age and the Kree Skrull War, hence the costumes.
Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

Nah, I doubt it. It's just the way it was drawn & colored that's making it look like tiles. I mean, it's not bad looking- just weird.

And also, the left bottom half doesn't look finished. Like no waist and down for Wolverine and no left arm/lower body for Spider-Man.
It's just a cheap way of coloring, just filling in the squares for a lighting effect
So does anyone think there's a reason Lenil has these certain characters? (Half of which are dead) I think this will have a lot to do with the silver age and the Kree Skrull War, hence the costumes.
Well they were all anti-registration. Jean is the only odd ball with that... wait... she's alive again?!?!?!
Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

Some more Skrull posters:


Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

Here's some things about the whole "marvel_b0y" blogger.

ITEM! The marvel_b0y blogger, exposed to the world in last week's LITG, has caused quite a storm at Marvel. Some people claim he's a plant, but internal word at Marvel indicated quite the opposite. There was anger, a sense of betrayal and the beginnings of a witch hunt. Visuals he posted were taken on the day they were shot, some details he gave were exact, and certain Marvel employees were given a grilling.

His blog has been deleted, so read the google cache while you can.

Highlights include:


1) SECRET INVASION - Bendis is finally going to get reunited with his man-crush. Looks like a bunch of the 70's heroes were replaced by Skrulls which means gold-shirt, tiara-wearing Cage is back. Not-so-Sweet Christmas. 2 weeks until Brevoort's praising this on his blog.

2) One word: MODOG (aka Fraction's brilliant new idea for an Iron Man villain)

3) Spider-Man - Brevoort and Slott got into a huge argument today on the phone over who exactly is coming back in Slott's Brand New Day arc in June. Those last pages are being drawn and Marvel's been saying a "red-head" is coming back, but now Slott wants a certain "blonde" to return. No idea how it ended or what was decided, Brevoort went into a conference room after and came out red-faced from either fighting until he won or pissed that he lost. Or there were red-hot candies in there and he stress-ate them. Personally, I think MJ should be back but if anyone can make Gwen's return work, it's Slott


They had one of their "creative" meetings in the big conference room today so a big group of us went in and sat down. Then five minutes into the meeting, Bogart looks over at us and 'politely' asks most of us to leave. All they were doing was talking about what characters each office is using. What the hell could it hurt to let us listen in and hear what we had to say? What I might actually upset someone if I pointed out that WE ALREADY HAVE AN IRON MAN BOOK AND CALLING THIS ONE INVINCIBLE IRON MAN ISN'T AN HOMAGE IT'S LAZY AND UNORIGINAL!!!!

This place is so frustrating. People need to get their heads out of their asses and realize a good idea is a good idea regardless of who came up with it. There are so many great characters here that I could make into kick *** stories but they're all afraid that if someone else comes up with an idea, then they'll look bad. Get over yourself! You EDIT comic books, you don't even write them. You take what someone else writes and tell them to change a phrase so you feel like you created something. You DIDN'T. Congratulations you're a glorified spell check. And God forbid if someone who is creative comes up with an idea. That might actually make you feel as small and worthless as you really are. That or making six photocopies of the latest joke you just approved for printing.

Whatever, F it, I'm getting another green beer and then I'm going to read the new issue of Lone Wolf and Cub. Oh, my bad, I mean Cable.

It looks like the blog was self deleted. Just after another poster identified certain other Skrulls, who shoots who and what blows up...
Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

I saw the comment the guy who had read Secret Invasion #1 had posted before it was deleted. And it sounds ****ing lame.
Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

From Bendis's EW interview:

Which begs the question: Why don't superheroes ever really die?

We argue this all the time. This is an excellent Call of Duty argument.


So these Secret Invasion characters who perish — they'll die for good?

Well, that's another thing. They're not my characters [i.e. Marvel owns them]. I'm here for a while. I've got a nice contract. But eventually you've got to realize that anything can be undone.

Looks like they're finally admitting that they are weak.
Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

Yeah, it's a big sandbox with a lot of different writers in a universe that must be in function order ten years, twenty years, and thirty years down the line. And Spider-Man and Wolverine will still be there the same age.

It's part of comics.

They'll come back.
Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

How are they weak? it's fiction crazy stuff happens all the time.

Oh, Venom Melendez!

They're weak because they can't stick with a writing decision. But that's not too bad because some decent stories have come out of reversals of deaths (Bucky in the current Cap). What is weak is their attempt to convince comic fans that they do care about being ridiculous by making a ridiculous claim that "dead is dead" then turning right around and going back on it.

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