Secret Invasion discussion [Spoilers]

How would you rate Secret Invasion?

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Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

These posters make this look cooler than it should be. :(
Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

It will be a let down. At least there won't be a "Secret Invasion - Front Line". Those front line comics sucked a**!!!!! For that matter, almost all the tie-ins to these big events tend to be repetitous, pointless and crap.
Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

These posters make this look cooler than it should be. :(
I remember when it was mentioned, the hype about it was great. But then it just went off the map. Now it's just like..."Eh, we'll see how the story plays out."
Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

There will be a Secret Invasion: Runaways title. In fact, it'll be one of the few straight 'secret invasion' spin-offs.
I'm so very, very pleased. Finally, a Runaways series that might be on time. I just hope it has a decent creative team.
Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

There will be a Secret Invasion: Runaways title. In fact, it'll be one of the few straight 'secret invasion' spin-offs.
I'm so very, very pleased. Finally, a Runaways series that might be on time. I just hope it has a decent creative team.

It not that surprising since there is a skrull in their team.

I wonder if Xavin knew this was gonna happened.
Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

Who was the original artist for Runaways? I absolutely adored their work.

I hope to see Xavin die a horrible death. I hate him with a fiery passion.

Okay, this is what happens when they let Horn draw, this picture is horribly flat and apparently skrulls don't have thumbs.
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Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

Who was the original artist for Runaways? I absolutely adored their work.

I hope to see Xavin die a horrible death. I hate him with a fiery passion.

Adrian Alphona.

How I miss thee...
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Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

Who was the original artist for Runaways? I absolutely adored their work.

I hope to see Xavin die a horrible death. I hate him with a fiery passion.


But whyyyyy? :(

I sorta agree though.

I hope the Skrull girl in She-Hulk stays alive though..she's cool.
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Re: Secret Invasion discussion (possible Spoilers)

So, does anyone else get the feeling this is going to be like Civil War, where not much of anything really happens, and instead it's just a handful of set piece fights?

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